Weight creeping back...

First day starting back on plan to lose the 15 pounds i have regained. Lost 40 pounds several years ago and have successfully kept them off until recently. I went gluten free, and generally eat very healthy--lots of protein and veggies. But recently, sugar cravings are really taking over. There is a monster living in me screaming "feed me sugar!" I also have never developed a good exercise routine, which I hope to do one day at a time. I've recently joined a gym, which is a big step for me. I'm committed to loving my self, being patient, and connecting with others in this journey.


  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    If you've already gone the gluten free route and it worked out for you, maybe you're craving sugar because your glucose is still too high from too much protein/carbs. Maybe you should research Keto. It's not for everyone, but it's cut back by 95% my sugar and carb cravings, which would trigger more unhealthy choices FOR ME. BUT, it's not for everyone and shouldn't be done without extensive research. There are some good books on Amazon if you have a kindle or ipad. The first one I read that completely changed my mind was "Keto Adapted" it just explained SO much. Also, Keto Clarity. I'll leave now before the haters descend. Good luck with your journey!
  • chowe2life
    Crisb2 Thank you. I will check it out. I think my hormones are whacking out, and that is part of the challenge. Sugar, is of course addictive, so a little hooks me back into the craving cycle. Thanks for the response. (We can just let the haters, hate on themselves, since that is really what they are reflecting.)
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    edited October 2014
    Welcome, I'm Steve. Just sent you a friend request. I have lost 116 pounds since January.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Good for you for identifying the problem right away and working to fix it. Feel free to friend me.

    I also find that I have addictive responses to sugar. It's hard for me to eat just a little. You might consider going ultra-low-carb for a week to see if you can kill the sugar beast. Alternatively, you could set a calorie goal and stick strictly to your budget for a week to see how you feel. Having a strict budget might let you have a little treat daily (as I do, every evening) while still keeping overall calories in check.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I used to have real bad sugar cravings, more i had more i craved, and didnt matter which kind of sugar it was, natural or refined.

    But when faced with choice go blind or give it up, knew I had to do it.

    The 1st 2 months coming off sugar completely, OMG, was wayyy bad, so now I am very strict with myself, am ok at home, but when out with friends it can be tough.

    I keep my meals to around 100 to 150 net carbs, and between 7 to 10 natural/refined sugars, and so far after 3 years the sugar cravings are no more.

    Huggz, I really feel for ya OP...