Losing Motivation

Hey guys,
so i have been working out just about everyday except for maybe 2 days out of the week to rest . . . but im taking fat burners and i havent seen any weight loss . . i know its only been 2 weeks but i thought i would have seen some drop in the scale by now because i do feel that my pants do fit better but iv noticed im upset about this cuz i am an emotional eater and i totaly started carbo loading . . . please help . . i have no motivation that and my treadmill i cant use right now not untill the belt gets tightened or replaced cuz i keep tripping . . . i know i can do the work out videos but im just not motivated to do them . . please help!!! usualy i eat right i stay under my cal intake and i drink plenty of water . . . i need some support and motivation to keep me going


  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Are you a college student??? Join my summer support group and lose for your Alma Mater!

    My page is named College students who can't wait for the summer!!!

    Keep your chin up! The weight will come off :-)
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    Stop weighing yourself. Just keep eating your calories and exercising. Give yourself days off. Get a full 7-8 hours of sleep. Make sure you aren't eating lots of salty, sugary, processed food. The scale can lie and make us feel bad even though we're having so much success: eating right, exercising, reducing stress. Find other measures of success.
  • MommaBelvin
    MommaBelvin Posts: 130 Member
    no im not a college student . . . im a recently unemployed 21 year old lol i dont do much so working out right now is a great thing for me to do when im bored wich is exactly when i do it hahah . . . and i dont have many friends were i live so its hard for me to have a work out buddy to help motivate me . . .
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Realize that you are worthy and deserve to be healthy. Don't look at this as being deprived or "having" to work out. Try to see that you are doing things that are good for you because you love yourself. Don't give up after only 2 weeks. You can do this. Feel free to add me if you need support.
  • stitcherbeth
    remember that the scale isn't always your friend. Your pants fit better and that is progress.
  • Ncookr
    Ncookr Posts: 11
    Muscle weighs more than fat! thats why the scale isnt moving keep working hard and soon the scale will follow but if your clothes are fitting better that should be good motivation to get out there and keep moving your body! it doesnt have to be on a treadmill there are abunch of things you can do.
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    You can still join if you want! Our summer is about 3 months long. Set a goal for those 3 months and we'll keep you motivated :-D it's always easier with friends by your side and there are no other friends in the world like MFP friends!
  • MommaBelvin
    MommaBelvin Posts: 130 Member
    absolament Congratz on your weight loss im trying to lose 100 pounds . . right now i weigh about 260 im 5'9 and pretty proportionate so i dont look as heavy as i am. . . iv lost 40 pounds before but this time around it just seems so much harder to lose the weight
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Hang in there. it may help to remember a few things:

    1. this is a journey to health, not just weight loss, so watching what you eat and exercise is definitely helping, regardless of the scale.
    2. this is going to take some time, so don't obsess if the numbers don't happen over night.
    3. Sometime getting started is the hardest thing, so if you just get yourself on the treadmill, you will be surprised at how much you do.
    4. Look at every opportunity as a chance to make the right choice, regardless of the last choice you made.
    5. Time is a luxury most of us don't have, so use the time you have to your advantage, because when that great job comes along, your time will be limited too.
    6. We are all rooting for you!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • MommaBelvin
    MommaBelvin Posts: 130 Member
    ColeyBear08 - id love to learn and here more about your summer program you are doing cuz last time i lost weight it took me 3 months to lose 40 pounds and i looked amazing but still had pounds to go. :)

    janalayn - thank you for allowing me to add you as a friend on here cuz i also dont have anyone as a friend on here so maybe also haveing the support form people on here who have been doing this for a while could help.

    if anyone else would like to add me to their friends it would be a very big help :)
    just hearing all of your feed back is already making me want to go work out . . . i want to continue P90X when iv lost my first 20 but im nervous too because after doing it before my knees every now and then give out on me and im only 21 :S not good . . .
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    I'll create a facebook page if you have one so that it's easier to find all the members!
  • MommaBelvin
    MommaBelvin Posts: 130 Member
    ColeyBear08 - that would be great i do have a facebook :) just let me know where i can find you :)
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm a little more than 2 weeks in with no added exercise other than my normal daily routines of life.
    I have find just limiting my cals as directed and watching Sodium and drinking enough water I have lost well.

    Make sure your portions are correct and keep going. Check your sodium intake too.
    don't give up!
  • MommaBelvin
    MommaBelvin Posts: 130 Member
    i actually just went on facebook and found that there is a myfinesspal page :) im going to check it out but i am still very interested in your program coleybear08 . . . . i also make these vision borads i put pictures on a board so that i see it every day and it helps motivate me . . it had girls working out and little saying to keep me going . . maybe thats something you guys could look into as well . . i just either print things out or cuz things out of magazines :)
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Great idea! Thanks and I hope to hear from you throughout the summer :-)