Anyone have Hashimotos?

joslin2005 Posts: 138
edited October 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
About a month or two ago, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos. My doc told me it is why it didn't matter what I did, I was unable to lose weight. Based off my blood work, she put me on natural hormone replacement therapy, Naturethroid, along with Iodine supplement (contains Iodine, Iodide, zinc, potassium, and selenium), vitamin B12, A, D, K, and something called DIM. I am also taking a Probiotic and ground flaxseed (when I remember to add it to my food). So my question is has anyone had success losing weight with Hashimotos??? I have also read contradictory information regarding Iodine supplement and Hashimotos. I seem to feel fine taking it but would like to know other's thoughts on it.

I had also tried introducing vinyasa yoga back into my routine after being diagnosed but started feeling really exhausted. For the majority of the time, I eat healthy and cook about 90-95% of my meals. I try to eat non processed foods, non gmo, organic when possible (I can't afford it all the time), and make alot of things from scratch. Now, I do have a sweet tea habit that I am slowly cutting down the sugar content. It a slow process but it is progress.

I research everything. I keep reading about the Paleo diet but I have to admit, I am not convinced that the Paleo diet is the answer, don't believe it is the diet of caveman (found evidence that backs that up) or do I feel like it is a healthy diet. I am sure there will be many that feel the Paleo diet is great, strongly disagree with my comments, and that's fine but please don't try to convince me that I should do the Paleo diet. I have tried diets that were basically the same just had a different name and I felt worse. I also didn't lose anything with them. With that being said, if you have Hashimotos and have used the Paleo diet, I would still like to hear your stories. I would really appreciate it if there is no pushing for the Paleo diet. I hope my comments don't offend anyone because that is not my intention.

I've tried losing weight many different ways before being diagnosed and nothing worked. I just recently had a follow up to check my blood work and everything is beginning to line out. The doc did tell me it would take 6months-1 year to get everything straightened out. I also can tell a major difference in the way I feel. But after trying to lose weight SOOO hard for SOOO long, I just can not seem to find any motivation to try again. I guess I am just looking for some others who have been successful with Hashimotos and share some hope.

Anyways, thanks in advance for your comments!


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hello there. We have a group on here for both Hyper and Hypo thyroid. I hope you can find it in the revised group listing. Many of us share your weight problems and other issues too. You could try the website, Stop the thyroid Madness. It is USA based but contains so much information on thyroid issues which is invaluable to everyone. I have looked at the US, Australian and UK sites which are also interesting, good reading.

    Thinking about iodine with Hashi. As you say it can be controversial. I see you are taking mineral supplements which contain selenium this acts to balance the iodine among other actions. You also seem to have been put onto a comprehensive vitamin program too, in all with the nature thyroid you could be onto a winner here. Your physician seems to be covering the bases. You will be tested after about 6 to 8 weeks to see how you are responding and this regime the naturethyroid could well be increased at this stage though it could well take a while for you to reap all the benefits. For some the dose will be increased several times before theyre on a regular dose which will continue to be reviewed at less frequent intervals.

    Weight loss can be problematical. Consistent and accurate weighing and logging of all foods and liquids is essential. Many have reported when their thyroid is closer to being where you need it to be, its a very personal thing, then it becomes easier. (One's metabolism slows causing the gain and other problems as it increases, working better it gets easier) The hope for most of us is that we will be treated to our symptoms not just to the numbers in the "normal range".

    All the best as you work towards a more healthy future.
  • Thank you! I think I found the group you were talking about. I will also check out the site. :smile: I just had my blood work done and they said everything looked good. The prescription has been upped once but they said they were going to wait (can't remember how long) before upping it again. Thanks again for sharing!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I had a thyroid issue. Now I have no thyroid! But, still issues...and more issues, lol.

    Mine has been treated in a more standard way, but I've been losing weight. It's slow going! I have to eat less than most people my size. I have to exercise or I just couldn't lose. But I DO lose weight.

    Just posting that to give a little hope to all the hypothyroid folks. :)
  • Captaincove
    Captaincove Posts: 26 Member
    Excellent book on Paleo - The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease, Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne, PhD,
  • mrsnelson16
    mrsnelson16 Posts: 19 Member
    I also, no longer have an active thyroid. I've been cutting back on the amount that I eat over the last couple of months and I slowly have gain a pound or two gradually week to week. I started following the Paleo diet three weeks ago and I have finally began to turn things around and lose some weight. Right now, I'm down 8.5 pounds and I really don't miss the dairy or sweets. I found a lot of healthy alternatives like coconut milk. Check out pinterest, they have tons of recipes that are easy to make and and still delicious. Good luck!!!
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    If your wondering I found a message board about fish oil and hisho…i want to say that you should read this article if you can also if you can take fish oil, get the non capsulated in a bottle- its not cheap but try it for a month which 30 a bottle will last with 2 TBS a day with orange juice to chase down the oily fish taste…reason being for non capsulated vs. capsule.
    because the capsules are cheap and not fresh and have mixes of low grade fish and the bottle has fresher oil and more potent of those omega's. idk if you can have iodine ..if you want to cut out salt to replace that iodine with fish it will give great energy is what people were saying on the message board but idk if you want that..also a good read about
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I have Hashimoto's and have been able to lose weight without trouble. I'm down 30 lbs simply because I eat less/have a calorie deficit. I know many people with thyroid issues seem to have trouble losing weight, but for me, as long as I'm taking my thyroid medication (synthetic in my case), I'm as normal as the next person. When I was first diagnosed, like you I could feel the difference in a month or so, but it did take longer to fully restore my metabolism. So take good care of yourself and be patient; I'm sure you can succeed.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I have a completely dead thyroid and now take levothyroxine daily and get my levels checked every year. As long as I can keep my levels right I can lose weight, but it's slow, but not terribly slow. I think my maintenance calories will be lower overall, because my weight gain started after my diagnosis years ago. But weight loss is not impossible with this disease. And it does take a while for everything to get to the right level but you will find it.
  • callmeampersand
    callmeampersand Posts: 29 Member
    I was just diagnosed yesterday with Hashimotos so the advice in this thread has been very helpful. As of July the only symptom I had was an enlarged thyroid with nodules and elevated antibodies. I finally had my endocrinologist appt yesterday and found out that I also have developed pretty much every symptom :/ waiting on results from blood work now.

    A few people have recommended going Gluten Free to help with it, does anyone know anything regarding that?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited December 2014
    According to the NIH (and my endocrinologist), there's no such thing as a thyroid diet. Eat whatever you like.

    MFP has a hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism group:

    Thyroid meds (in my case, Synthroid & Cytomel) reduce the fatigue, so I can be more active. But I lost just like everybody else: by eating fewer calories than I burn.

    Edited to add that I have Hasimoto's, and I lost all the weight before my levels ever entered the "normal" range. My hunger cues are messed up, so I honestly thought I was gaining for no good reason. Learning to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly changed my life.