In need of low carb help.....



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited October 2014
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    Is it low carb or no carb? And why is he saying to eat that way? Personally I'd see a real doctor because this advice sounds like garbage.

    the OP said 72 g of carbs. That isn't even that low. Why is advice to do 72 g of carbs garbage?

    Its like eating an apple and a small potato...72 grams gone. I have seen the " real doctors" ... tired of their "I don't know..try this...take this med see if it helps" had enough...and its a low carb diet.

    BUT then... wouldnt that be all she could eat that day? not being a smartmouth, just - if 72 grams is an apple and a small potato, what else would she eat that day?

    ETA nevermind! I see what you're saying! went right over my head for a sec
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    I once never imagined that I would suggest fried pork skins, but they are a great way to get that carb fix when you need a crunchy, salty treat. They are a great substitute for potato chips

    Lol...never thought of hose...things like that were not on my " healthy " diet .
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I will try the pork skins...I am not eating enough calories at the calories will help.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I will try the pork skins...I am not eating enough calories at the calories will help.
    I will try the pork skins...I am not eating enough calories at the calories will help.

    frito lay makes some, they are 240 cals for the bag -3 servings in a bag at 80 cals each, 15 g of fat...ZERO carbs...and they are actually tasty!
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Wish there was a like button on some of your suggestions...I truly appreciate you all taking the time from your day to offer help. I have been on MVP for 3 yrs..I think this is only the 2nd time I have posted a question. Thank you all for offering suggestions . Much appreciated!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    There isn't enough info here about your specific medical issues, but my guess is this holistic doctor is trying to reduce inflammation in your body, trying to make your body utilized fats better because low and lower carb diets are generally higher in fat, or thinks you have a yeast overgrowth in your intestinal tract, and is trying you on a "yeast elimination diet".

    Having your GB out can cause diarrhea for years and years. Normally someone with a GB out would be advised to lower fat intake and increase bulky fibers.

    I think an elimination diet sounds better in this case, but since you are set on this 18 week trial, stop eating so much meat. Low carb diets aren't high protein. They are moderate protein and higher in fats.

    And I don't understand how anyone can eat a zero carb breakfast because even eggs have carbs, in small amounts yes, but they do. So does cheese. So does some breakfast sausage have carbs due to added sugars and starches. And yes, lots of those types of products also contain wheat and wheat gluten.

    If you are tired of eggs, stop eating them. You do not have to eat eggs for BF every single day. Eat what you cooked for dinner. Roasted chicken thigh, low carb/low starch veggies, butter. Depending on the veggie, that dinner could be close to zero carbs, just like eggs and cheese for breakfast.

    I understand how frustrating it can be to have a medical problem that is un-diagnosed for a long time. I have one, and it took years and many specialists and tests and all that jazz to properly diagnose. Thankfully, it finally was. And though it's incurable and scientists aren't even sure what causes it, the symptoms are more manageable because knowledge is power. So, I understand why you are seeking the help you are from alternative medicine avenues.

    I am going to assume you have not been on long term antibiotics and have had a stool sample checked by a lab for c. difficile infection. I am going to assume you are on a really, really high powered pro-biotic that contains many different strains of acidophilus and bifidobacterium daily. I am going to assume you have been tested by an immunologist for food allergies and lactose intolerance, and know your allergies and/or intolerances. I'm going to assume you eat enough and get gentle exercise (walking, yoga, pilates, tai chi, etc.), and don't have too much stress outside of your health issues. I am also going to assume you are seeking out a mental health professional that is very experienced with chronic health conditions because that can be a huge relief and a good support system when family and friends no longer are able to support because they just don't "get it". Also, if you don't already, please learn how to meditate.

    One other thing to mentioned meds. Many prescription drugs have gastro side effects. If you can talk to your doctors and get off of any of them, I would do so, to see if that helps. Or switch from brand to generic and vice versa because inert ingredients can also be problematic. Many tablets are full of starches.

    This is all just food for thought here and based on my own personal experiences with chronic health issues.

  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    if you increase your fat intake - so will the calories rise. get used to cooking with coconut oil, olive oil, butter. And, you can eat veggies -

    - A website that will give you the amounts and net carbs so you can meal plan accordingly.
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm not doing Atkins, but here is a list from his phase 1 plan for low carbs. Avocados are on the list as well as tons of fruits, veggies, meats and fish.
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm having a fairly low carb lunch today. 1/2 diced apple, 2 oz canned tuna, 2 stalks celery, a few mixed greens and 1/2 Tbsp mayo. This comes to 171 calories and 14 carbs. If you don't want to use the apple, which has 11 carbs in half an apple you can substitute something else.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Thank you...I have had all checked...been on meds and antibiotics... off all now...they didn't work..even one antibiotic cost 598.86 for 7 days that insurance didn't cover. I felt like they tried to get me better..just couldn't figure it out..that's why I am trying this. He is trying to get my body to heal itself. I have limited fats for so long..not sure exactly how to add them now that some things I eat are limited. I beat butter..cook with coconut and olive oil. But will look into that. I am just eating more meat than normal for me...but really just serving sizes at each meal . 3-4 oz. Just really not sure how to eat low carb cause I have never done it. That's why I asked.. and have some great sites to look at thanks tobevrperyone who shared.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Is it low carb or no carb? And why is he saying to eat that way? Personally I'd see a real doctor because this advice sounds like garbage.

    I have had my fill of regular doctor...just says "live" with it ( diarrhea). This doctor is trying to help my body heal itself. It us an 18 week program....willing to try it to see if I get help. I just need help with what to eat. Breakfast is the only no carb meal.

    Your current has you on the right track if stopping diarrhea from defining your live is an objective. After 3 months of low carb (about 20 grams a day) and high fat (coconut oil is my main fat source) diarrhea does not set my schedule any longer.

    A few on here have no idea about what you are doing and are so in love with carbs and fearful of fats they can not be helped to understand how nutritional ketosis can be a life saver in a health sense. Those you will just have to ignore.

    Use Google to find good research articles and just keep reading. It sounds like your current doctor is on track to find you a permanent solution to diarrhea so keep at it.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    Is it low carb or no carb? And why is he saying to eat that way? Personally I'd see a real doctor because this advice sounds like garbage.

    the OP said 72 g of carbs. That isn't even that low. Why is advice to do 72 g of carbs garbage?

    Its like eating an apple and a small potato...72 grams gone. I have seen the " real doctors" ... tired of their "I don't know..try this...take this med see if it helps" had enough...and its a low carb diet.

    Dave the OP has unaddressed health issues by other doctors. He should follow to the letter this new doctor's advice. Actually if no 'hidden' carbs are around nutritional ketosis can be achieved when carbs are limited to 100 so 72 grams can work fine.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    edited November 2014
  • babysethx
    babysethx Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Hun I haven't read all comments but I have Crohn's disease myself and I promise you what I eat makes little difference to my disease. I do avoid eggs and coffee even though I like them Bc they always bring pain. Have you been tested for crohns? If you have had diarrhea for weeks u prob lost weight. I'd get checked for it.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Chicken, lean turkey fish tuna shrimp no carbs. Almost everything has some carbs-even vegetables. 72 is pretty low carb intake..even for me to get to super low body fat levels my lowest carb intake would be 100 grams. Veggies are great for low carb, broccoli, beans, peppers, spaghetti squash, carrots, celery, cucmbers, sweet potatoes. Could be a variety of issues gluten, IBS. Elimination diets are helpful for some. Also read into low fodmap diets having to do with chronic digestive issues.
  • FatJockSing
    FatJockSing Posts: 164 Member
    BAcon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon . . . ..
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    BAcon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon . . . ..

    The answer to all life's problems.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Because of all the helpful information in reply to my meals now have more variety....and are more nutrient rich...I feel more balanced with good food..still low carb. Thank you all for trying to help and offering suggestions. Really appreciated!