Adding my own recipe

I tried to add my recipe for a Chicken Burrito in my food log and could not get type it in. Any suggestions. Also, I have many items listed in my food list that are the same. How can I delete the duplicates. ex. I have Almonds listed about 6 times. Would like to only have one. Thanks for your help. I'm not very computer literate.


  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    Hi there, I asked the same q a few weeks ago, and the consensus seems to be that the recipe section just doesn't work. Last time I tried it there was no change. It still can't add the items. That's too bad, cuz it would be really useful.

    Same think with deleting duplicates. It seems we can only delete from the "frequent" tab (there's a delete button at the bottom), but not from the general list. Which is also pretty ridiculous.

    You can check under "help" (at the upper right with settings), but I just did, and I just found a bunch of frustrated people asking the same question :s

  • Lettee4
    Lettee4 Posts: 81 Member
    i have so many recipes that ive deleted and later tried to re-enter and call the same thing but i cant. sooo annoying.
  • What is the easiest way to add my own meals that I make at home. This is where I struggle with my fitness pal. I've used it before, and quit because it was to hard to add my own meals I cooked. It was easy to add meals picked up, but that wasn't always the healthy choice of meals for me. Giving this another try. I really need to lose this weight .
  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    edited December 2014
    Actually I think I've had an easier time losing weight using MFP than some people, and frankly I attribute it to cooking from scratch at home and knowing exactly what I'm really eating.

    I don't really use the recipe adder. It's a bit time-consuming, figuring portions is kind of guesswork, and I don't really use recipes anyway (I wing it in the kitchen), so I only actually use it to save some recipes from online that look neat so I can get ideas for later. (I did use it over the holidays to log holiday foods, but otherwise, I don't use it much. I can see how it would be useful, though, if you do exact recipes every day.)

    What I do is just add meals to the daily diary, ingredient by ingredient. The first time I use an ingredient, it might take a little time to find it, but I tend to use the same foods a lot, and then it's saved to the "frequent" list. The frequent list seems unwieldy at first, because the default is order of frequency, but I switched it to be alphabetical, so that I can actually find the darned things easily again.

    Restaurant meals are kind of random -- who the heck knows how much oil they use or what they really put in things? So I'm never confident about those at all. (I hardly ever eat processed or chain food, so those calorie counts, though probably accurate enough, aren't relevant for me.)

    Incidentally, I don't live in the US or a "developed country," so I'm looking for ingredients that are sometimes very unusual and aren't even listed on MFP, and then I have to do research to find the calorie count, etc! So if I can do it, believe me, you definitely can!!! It's not actually hard at all once you get a few regular ingredients added and get into the swing of things.