Insanity workout experiences?

Haters4less Posts: 24
edited November 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone else going to start insanity soon or has anyone had an experience with insanity? I recently got the DVD's from my friends and i decided that I would do the fit test tomorrow then start the 90 day workout(not the meal plan).
Is their anything that I should do before I start, when im done, and what would be best to do after my workouts during the 90 days?
Has anyone seen results from this program? (not with just weight but inches lost as well)


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    I didn't follow through with the whole program, I think I got to day 30 or something and then I got a bit bored.

    It's a good program, I found it quite hard because I wasn't as fit. I did see cardiovascular improvements within the first couple of weeks though.

    There are a lot of plyometrics in Insanity but I have no idea if you'd be ok with them. It's always good to look at the moves and clean up on your form just incase!

  • MissJessicaxx
    MissJessicaxx Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2014
    I personally really enjoy it. I like that there's a handful of different videos that switches up the type or order of exercises. It is very high impact and intensity, so if you have back/knee problems it may be difficult.

    I also have not made it all the way through - At my highest weight I was 162, and just by counting calories and following the insanity calendar, within the first 30 days of insanity I lost 10 pounds. I stopped after a month and week due to life getting a little hectic, but I always enjoy starting it over. (I also have had little to no improvements with the fit test, but I could tell my body was changing so I wasn't discouraged.)
  • HaleyBrom
    HaleyBrom Posts: 21 Member
    I have just started in on Wednesday, so tomorrow is my rest day :sweat_smile:

    The fit test I took I was actually disappointed in my fitness lol, the first workout I was nearly dead just from the warm up! But go at your own pace and do what you can. I don't try and keep up with them at all.... You must have to be supper fit! Lol.

    Today was a little easier, although my wrists are weak so I have had to modify some moved- like the push ups- I can do about 3 proper ones but then the pain in my wrists starts and I have to do girly ones, but at the end of the day I lol at it that I am still working out and maybe in a few more days I will be able to do a few more, I am also doing some wrist strength exercises :)

    You will feel like you are dying when your doing it, the sweat that pours off you (or me is amazing) but once you have finished, and had a shower you feel like you really have achieved something.

    I hope I can carry it on as I am only on day 4 of proper workouts, but if I find the next set of workouts hard I might do week 1 again until I can build up my insurance.

    Hope this helps and feel free to add me as a friend so we can go through this together :)
  • TracyCa64
    TracyCa64 Posts: 1 Member
    I Love Insanity!!! I just finished my first 30 days of Insanity today. The first 2 weeks was the hardest for me. You do feel like you are dying at first. It gets easier so stick with it. Just listen to your body and stay at your own pace if you can't keep up. There are still some exercises I can't do all the way through but I know that what I am doing is working. I am a little nervous for the Max workouts in the 2nd half of the program but excited at the same time. ha!
  • arijo7
    arijo7 Posts: 35 Member
    Over the summer, I was able to complete 6 out of the 9 weeks of the Insanity program. I had to stop because I ended up with shin splints and hurt both of my knees. But, I personally really enjoyed it while it lasted. I felt so much stronger and my flexibility increased a lot. Good Luck :)
  • ice_fire_89
    I did all but the last day of Insanity this summer (car accident the day before my final workout!!!!).

    It was very difficult, but worth it. I lost 14 pounds and I noticed my legs didn't jiggle during the workouts anymore. I never took any measurements. It allowed me to eat lots of food (even 4600 cals on the 4th of July) -- I never really felt "restricted" -- I fed my body if it was still hungry. I would recommend making sure you eat enough during the program (whatever that means for you individually), because it will beat you up.

    Speaking of that, I started getting shin splints about three weeks in. I iced my shins everyday and added some shin-strengthening exercises daily. My right knee hurt sometimes as well, but regular icing and keeping my form in check took care of that.

    Insanity NEVER got easier for me. It kicked my butt every workout. I know my endurance improved because other activities I enjoy became easier. I did P90X Plyometrics one day just because....and it was easy! That was a big shock. I used to think that was a hard workout.

    I did weight training three days a week also. I substituted the recovery day with leg day at the gym.

    Good luck with your fitness :-).
  • RunnerStephe
    It's a 60 day program.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    I love it! I've done the class at the YMCA. I haven't done the dvds but have done magazine workouts that look like insanity.
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    Love Insanity. If you've never done it before the first month starts off hard but gets easier. Second month is just hard the entire time. But talk about a great workout!
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    want to try it
  • raniad96
    raniad96 Posts: 6 Member
    I only ever got as far as week 2 of month 2, which is 2 weeks from the finish. I liked it a lot and I thought it was worth it. Unfortunately I've never been able to finish because it simply took too much time (an hour exercising, about 30 minutes afterwards of catching my breath, another 30 minutes of showering/making and drinking a protein shake) etc. How fit you are at the beginning has nothing to do with how hard it is. It's going to be difficult anyway. It's true that month 2 is where all the weight loss comes. For the first month, I usually just gain a bunch of weight from the muscle gain/swelling from being sore all of the time. When I actually made it to month 2, I lost about 7 lbs in two weeks, even though I wasn't even near overweight and normally can't lose weight that fast. I usually only do it a few weeks at a time now now to keep in shape if I ever notice any muscle atrophy.

    My main tips would be to:
    1. Eat REAL food. I thought I just needed a sufficient amount of calories to make it through the workout, but that simply wasn't true. If I ate cake and cereal all day, the workout would be devastating and I wouldn't get much done. Eat lean meats, veggies, complex carbs, peanut butter, fruits, etc. It really helps.
    2. Sleep a lot. I found that sleeping 9 hours a night while on the program was ideal for me. I was a teen at the time though so you may not need so much. Sleeping did more for speeding up muscle recovery than adequate nutrition ever did.
    3. Wear shoes that fit well and exercise on a yoga mat or carpet. I sometimes get a pain reminiscent of shin splints while on the program. Also blisters. You'll just experience all kinds of pain. Don't let that discourage you though! I was constantly showing off my abs to all of my friends after the second week lmao
    4. A lot of people say to just press play every day, even if you don't want to workout. I think that's terrible advice. Honestly, the program simply does not allow your muscles enough time to recover adequately. This fact is agreed upon by all health practitioners that reviewed the program. If you went a little too ham the day before and have trouble simply walking and sitting (happened to me a lot), don't do anything that day. Rest. Trying to do so would not only further tax your body, but would result in improper form which could result in even more damage. You don't HAVE to do it in 60 days. Just finish it.
