Help - I've been logging now for about 10 days and finding it very difficult to stick to calories



  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    You can eat a ton of celery for very little cals. More veggies in your diet can help to keep you full. On another note, the first couple weeks of getting accustomed to eating less cals are tough. Your body will adjust though, and it will get easier.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Another vote for raising your calories and making sure to have protein and fat to balance your carbs when you eat.
  • bloodlett
    bloodlett Posts: 33 Member
    take any and all the vegies you like chop them up add cheese olives again anything you like add some olive oil and red wine vinegar if you feel hungry eat a bowl of this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it and it fills you up I go to the farmers market get all my vegies mix a huge batch and fill single serving tupperware when i get the urge to snack this is what i eat
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    Agreed with everyone who said you're not getting enough fat. For breakfast, try an egg and avocado on whole-wheat toast.

    Also: I don't think we hear it enough, but IT'S OK TO BE HUNGRY. For most of us, we are SO dehydrated that what we think are hunger cues, are actually thirst cues. Next time you feel peckish, drink a big glass of water and see how you feel 20 minutes later. You likely won't be hungry anymore.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    bloodlett wrote: »
    take any and all the vegies you like chop them up add cheese olives again anything you like add some olive oil and red wine vinegar if you feel hungry eat a bowl of this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it and it fills you up I go to the farmers market get all my vegies mix a huge batch and fill single serving tupperware when i get the urge to snack this is what i eat


    There is no such food
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    I've only been at it for a month and while I haven't lost much, I have learned a whole lot. I weigh and log every single thing that has calories over about 10. I don't bother with celery, tomatoes, lettuce and that sort of thing. Somewhere someone posted a thread asking people what small things they do to cut calories and there were some great ideas and good info.

    I plan for the times during the day when I will likely be hungrier or be around a lot of food. If I'm going to be at a party in the evening, I will exercise during the day and have a very low cal breakfast and lunch. I'm on 1350 a day and I really like to cook, so it can be hard. I try to keep my breakfast under 200 calories and my lunch under 300. This allows me to still have a nice dinner and snack or bit of dessert. Breakfast is normally a piece of toast or steel-cut oats and coffee. Lunch is often a sandwich with 1/2 oz sliced cheese, one or two slices of thin deli-sliced meat and sliced tomato and lettuce on it, and coffee or tea.

    I also make a huge pot of vegetable soup that is about 167 calories per 2 cup serving. I can fill up easily on it without blowing the calorie limit. Weighing and calculating everything has the added benefit of making me intentionally choose not to use mayo when mustard would be fine. Mayo is calorie rich and mustard is almost calorie free. I switched to skim milk for my lattes. I spread as small of an amount of butter as I can on things. Instead of a tablespoon I might barely use a teaspoon. It is the small things that add up.
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    celestlyn wrote: »
    I've only been at it for a month and while I haven't lost much, I have learned a whole lot. I weigh and log every single thing that has calories over about 10. I don't bother with celery, tomatoes, lettuce and that sort of thing.

    This is a bad idea. You can still eat 2,000 calories of celery, you know.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    loratliff wrote: »
    celestlyn wrote: »
    I've only been at it for a month and while I haven't lost much, I have learned a whole lot. I weigh and log every single thing that has calories over about 10. I don't bother with celery, tomatoes, lettuce and that sort of thing.

    This is a bad idea. You can still eat 2,000 calories of celery, you know.

    I don't think so. That's like 330 eight-inch celery stalks.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    MFP gives you extra calories if you exercise, so you can eat a little more.

    What you listed, though, seems like it would certainly fit into 1350 calories!

    If you get hungry, eat more fresh produce. It's fairly to very low-cal and filling. If you tried to eat 1350 calories of only healthy food, you'd probably have a hard time getting to the goal because you'd be too stuffed. :)
  • bloodlett
    bloodlett Posts: 33 Member
    bloodlett wrote: »
    take any and all the vegies you like chop them up add cheese olives again anything you like add some olive oil and red wine vinegar if you feel hungry eat a bowl of this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it and it fills you up I go to the farmers market get all my vegies mix a huge batch and fill single serving tupperware when i get the urge to snack this is what i eat

    this is so not right...downright silliness

    explain yourself why do you think eating raw vegie salad as a snack silliness
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    bloodlett wrote: »
    bloodlett wrote: »
    take any and all the vegies you like chop them up add cheese olives again anything you like add some olive oil and red wine vinegar if you feel hungry eat a bowl of this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it and it fills you up I go to the farmers market get all my vegies mix a huge batch and fill single serving tupperware when i get the urge to snack this is what i eat

    this is so not right...downright silliness

    explain yourself why do you think eating raw vegie salad as a snack silliness

    I think he/she is balking at this part:
    "this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it"

    Nothing takes more calorie to digest than is it, and a salad with cheese, olives and oil definitely doesn't. Though it's a great snack, you're right!
  • steph40967
    steph40967 Posts: 14 Member
    Go for more filling foods with slower releasing energy to stabilise blood sugar, you won't have sweet cravings that way. Porridge and eggs are great, fibrous veg, lean proteins with every meal like chicken and turkey. Adding healthy fats like olive oil and avocado will slow the digestion keeping you fuller for longer. Keep raw veg with you to snack on and sugar free gum when those snacks are circulating! Drink plenty :)
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    If you're going to lose weight, you have to expect to be hungry. The trick is finding ways to ignore it. One of the big problems with weight loss is that people become "experts" on food. They spend their time figuring out what food has how many calories, etc. When you spend your time thinking about food, you're naturally going to want to eat more. Focus on something beneficial, like exercise or some hobby. When it is time to eat, think about food, but the rest of the time do something else.
  • bloodlett
    bloodlett Posts: 33 Member
    bloodlett wrote: »
    bloodlett wrote: »
    take any and all the vegies you like chop them up add cheese olives again anything you like add some olive oil and red wine vinegar if you feel hungry eat a bowl of this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it and it fills you up I go to the farmers market get all my vegies mix a huge batch and fill single serving tupperware when i get the urge to snack this is what i eat

    this is so not right...downright silliness

    explain yourself why do you think eating raw vegie salad as a snack silliness

    I think he/she is balking at this part:
    "this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it"

    Nothing takes more calorie to digest than is it, and a salad with cheese, olives and oil definitely doesn't. Though it's a great snack, you're right!

    you might want to google "foods that burn more calories digesting than they contain" there are a lot of studies about negative calorie foods am i saying you could over eat a vegie salad and loose weight NO but a salad containing broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, celery, onion, carrot, zucchini, yellow squash, green peppers, mushrooms, red cabbage and tomatoes with olive oil and red wine vinegar contains so little calories that eating it will cancel out the calories although I add cheese and green olives because I eat this for lunch and need the protein and fat bottom line if you want to snack this is healthier then most anything else enjoy
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Don't believe everything you read on the internet. There really aren't any 'negative calorie foods' and any salad with oil isn't going to be close to cancelling itself out.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    edited November 2014
    bloodlett wrote: »
    bloodlett wrote: »
    bloodlett wrote: »
    take any and all the vegies you like chop them up add cheese olives again anything you like add some olive oil and red wine vinegar if you feel hungry eat a bowl of this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it and it fills you up I go to the farmers market get all my vegies mix a huge batch and fill single serving tupperware when i get the urge to snack this is what i eat

    this is so not right...downright silliness

    explain yourself why do you think eating raw vegie salad as a snack silliness

    I think he/she is balking at this part:
    "this takes more calories to digest then the vegie salad has in it"

    Nothing takes more calorie to digest than is it, and a salad with cheese, olives and oil definitely doesn't. Though it's a great snack, you're right!

    you might want to google "foods that burn more calories digesting than they contain" there are a lot of studies about negative calorie foods am i saying you could over eat a vegie salad and loose weight NO but a salad containing broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, celery, onion, carrot, zucchini, yellow squash, green peppers, mushrooms, red cabbage and tomatoes with olive oil and red wine vinegar contains so little calories that eating it will cancel out the calories although I add cheese and green olives because I eat this for lunch and need the protein and fat bottom line if you want to snack this is healthier then most anything else enjoy

    Uh, no.

  • bloodlett
    bloodlett Posts: 33 Member
    we can debate this for the rest of our lives the original post was "Help - I've been logging now for about 10 days and finding it very difficult to stick to calories" I offered a way this poster could snack and stay within there calories you all offered negative comments about one detail of my post this site and these post are about support if you cant stay on topic and offer support then dont post
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    MFP recommends 1,250 for me. I typically exercise my way up to 1,450 every day, and try to stay under that goal (but sometimes don't). Thus far, I've been losing weight slowly on this plan, so I'm happy with it!

    As for tips, I like broccoli and brussel sprouts (it's OK if you hate them; find the veggie that you like!). I have found that eating a bowl of broccoli or brussel sprouts with a pat of butter and a little grated Parmesan cheese fills me up and keeps me from eating too much of whatever else is on the dinner menu. If I'm eating out, I get vegetables for sides instead of carbs, leave something on the plate, eat a small appetizer for a meal when necessary, and aim for salads when possible. I ask for what I want, but I don't fuss about getting special food when eating out, as I don't want to be that person... ;)

    At lunch, I switched from a lot of soup (boring!) to eating more tuna and chicken salads. When I eat protein/fat for lunch, I eat fewer bad snacks, and I leave at least 750 cals. for dinner, which is plenty. When I feel really hungry between meals, I eat a tsp. of quality peanut butter. I also bought a food scale and DO NOT EAT PASTA without weighing it. I have realized that eating a small quantity of whole grain pasta plus a sauce with meat is very satisfying and totally fits into my calorie budget.

    Other than that, I'm not dieting; I'm changing my life. So, I eat high quality yummy foods, with an emphasis on good proteins and fats, so that I don't feel cheated or unsatisfied. For example, I make room for a Little Bacon Cheeseburger at Five Guys when I'm in the mood. As long as there are no sides, I can totally fit it in!!

    Cheers, and good luck on your journey to a healthier you! :D
