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Birth control and losing weight?!

This post is for the LADIES. I was steadily losing weight up until about 6 months ago when i started training for my half marathon. My weight actually went up a bit during this time ( I think its because I started eating gluten when really I should not have) I had been following a gf diet for 10 months before that and consistently lost weight. Anyways. I went gf again and lost 5 lbs but leveled out and have been plateaued for 6 months. I've basically been maintaining despite changing exercise routines, shifting calorie counts. Nothing is budging. My periods have changed and I've gotten a lot more weird acne and mood changes, so my doc wants to put me on birth control because of my shifting hormones. I believe my excessive exercising, stress, and weight loss threw my hormones out of whack. However.. I AM sooooooo freaked out because one- i hate birth control. The first time I took it it made me gain 20 lbs in one month ( back when I was unhealthy though) and made me crazy and the second time i took it I got pregnant. I am really scared I am going to gain weight and all my hard work will be for nothing... SOOOOO How many of you have still had no problem losing weight despite taking birth control? I think 60% of women in the US do take birth control so it cant be that uncommon right? I was prescribed Lo Lestrin fe so its a low dose hormone but still it contains estrogen and thats what scares me.. Please tell me some of you girls are still healthy weights being on estrogen birth control?!?


  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Estrogen isn't the issue, it's progestin like in DEPO. I was on yaz for years and had no issues. I've switched to depo now and hate it with a passion. Made me gain major weight.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I lost all my weight while on the pill. Still on it, been maintaning about 4 months now.
  • weird lol yaz was the first one i took that made me gain 20 lbs in one month... who knows.. i guess the hormones affect everyone differently.. i am still scared though ahhhh
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    I took Loestrin FE for about two years and had no trouble losing weight while on it. I think it's been discontinued, though, as my doctor switched me to Minastrin FE.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I still lost weight while on depo. Granted, I was only on it until I had my IUD done so just a couple of months. I have the Mirena IUD now and am having no problems losing. Years ago I was on various BC pills, but I wasn't actively trying to lose weight so I can't really help you there.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I gained on the Mirena. So everyone's different as the other poster said.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    While I'm not a healthy weight at the moment, I had mirena put in and haven't had any problems losing weight.


    Yellow line is the day it was put in.
    Blue line marks the start of a new workout.
    Diamonds are actual scale readings.
    Red line is the overall trend of my weight.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I had successful weight loss on both the pill and an IUD.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I was put on Lo Loestrin about a month into my weight loss. I hit 56 pounds down this am. It didn't slow me down at all.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Is it a Gynecologist or a general practice doctor who wants to put you on birth control? My suggestion is get a referral to an Endocrinologists (which is a doctor who specializes in over or under production of hormones as well as other hormonal imbalances. At a minimum you should have a hormone panel done just to find out where your levels are before starting to mess with them. Years ago I ended up in medication induced menopause because a doctor thought putting me on hormones was a good idea (I was only 27 at the time and it took years for me to get back to "normal")
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I was successful losing weight on the pill. I lost 30lb.
    My loss has stopped since I came off it.
  • Is it a Gynecologist or a general practice doctor who wants to put you on birth control? My suggestion is get a referral to an Endocrinologists (which is a doctor who specializes in over or under production of hormones as well as other hormonal imbalances. At a minimum you should have a hormone panel done just to find out where your levels are before starting to mess with them. Years ago I ended up in medication induced menopause because a doctor thought putting me on hormones was a good idea (I was only 27 at the time and it took years for me to get back to "normal")

    It was a gyno although he did not take a blood test to test my hormone levels.. he simply went by what my symptoms were and he did an ultrasound to check if nothing was wrong in those parts.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    dont do the depo shot my friend gained like 20-30 pounds i turned it down for that reason.

    i have secondary amenorrhea since i was 14. if i dont take birth control i dont get my period. i struggle because i hate taking the pill i always forget to take it and lets face it having your period sucks.

    so i go on and off with it, the longest ill go without my period is 6 months then ill go on the pill for a couple months, then stop. its unhealthy but god when you never had a period growing up its like you won the lottery why mess with it. but i recently learned it affects your bones not having it.

    i didnt know, no doctor every told me why its important to have your period. i think im going on 3 months now without it now :(
  • 4bettermenow
    4bettermenow Posts: 166 Member
    My personal experience is that I only lose weight while on the pill. But this is due to the fact that I was recently diagnosed PCOS and the bc pill is helping to steady my hormones. For five years I steadily gained no matter what I tried. Started the pill two months ago and I have lost every single week. Everyone's body will react differently.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    My personal experience is that I only lose weight while on the pill. But this is due to the fact that I was recently diagnosed PCOS and the bc pill is helping to steady my hormones. For five years I steadily gained no matter what I tried. Started the pill two months ago and I have lost every single week. Everyone's body will react differently.

    you lose weight on the pill? i was wondering if not having my period and being off the pill would slow my metabolism or speed it up. very interesting i figured the opposite would be true.

    i wonder.
  • 4bettermenow
    4bettermenow Posts: 166 Member
    I do. Mind you, I did not want to be on the pill, but to be honest, its been life saving for me. But, I did have all my hormones tested.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    My daughter is on the depo shot and she is losing weight. I have been on the pill, depo and now for about 5 years I've had the Nexplanon implant in my arm. I'm losing weight. Eating too much makes you gain weight.
  • mrihel6615
    mrihel6615 Posts: 37 Member
    I guess I'm going against the norm here,
    but I went on the pill at 16.
    I weighed maybe 97 pounds then,
    and I slowly gained weight until I graduated (2012) and I was 112.
    Then I switched birth control pills and by April of 2013 I was 134.
    I then gained more weight and ended at 142 pounds.
    I struggled to lose weight for about 2 months and didn't budge, felt sick, and tired all the time so I decided to go off the pill.
    My periods are just now regulating and from August until now I'm down to 127.
    It's only 15 pounds, but the more my body normalizes the more I lose and the better I feel.
    birth control has been a horrible experience for me.
    I do know that not all the weight gain was birth control, I have horrible eating habits and always have.
    but it has made it easier to lose since being off.
    Everyone is different!
  • :/ I was on the pill for 8 months, took orthotri-cyclen. No weight loss no weight gain. But before i was on it my cycles would be all kinds of crazy rnging anywhere from 35 days to 165 days inbetween periods. Now that i'm back off it, its back to sporadic cycles again. I've been monitoring and super decreased my calorie intake. Working out on weekends (due to work schedule) During the week however lots of walking and up and down a 4 story parking garage, i take the stairs. :/ Only a few pounds down...
  • Arkwoman1990
    Arkwoman1990 Posts: 7 Member
    @misskittyninja, even the people who ate healthy and exercised still gained weight while on BC so your GP was wrong. Birth control can make you gain weight no matter what. Some people are just lucky though. I weighed 134 all my high school yrs, ate what i wanted and didn't gain a pound after i graduated i got on the Depo and gained like 20 lbs