I'm worried, tired, emotionally drained and sick of this.



  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    This was me after a year of counting cals! I felt drained and could feel the disordered thinking grow, even though I knee it was wrong! My low weight was 141 (I'm 5'10") and I felt flabby! I was in a size5 pants and felt like I needed to lose more.

    March this year

    I stopped counting cals for 4 months and then began to count again with the goal of bulking. I feel healthier and stronger! I still want to lose some fat but I needed to stop dieting for sanity reasons. I now weigh 154.

    October 1st

    You look incredible. I would love to have your figure, you have such a beautiful shape. I'm straight up and down like a ruler, no curves at all. I think I might need a break from logging like you did. I haven't logged this weekend. It freaked me out a bit but I resisted the temptation :-/
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    wangshan wrote: »
    You do have a psychological issue. And its really really hard to find that right therapist , but you should try. Read all you can about body dysmorphic syndrome and associated disorders. Take a belly dancing class. Its a great celebration of the feminine form, and all body types are welcome. It may help to see others being very comfortable in their pretty large skins!

    I can't imagine ever having the confidence to do something like that! I don't dance with my belly covered up let alone out! Haha. Maybe one day.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have been through phases like this, though my focus has tended to be on my butt or my boobs (I am an anomoly in that I like them to be almost flat, lol). I think some of us, usually perfectionist types, react this way to stress...all our mental energy and focus end up on small details rather than the larger picture. I have OCD as well, which only adds to it. I try not to look in the mirror or focus on my body without clothing anymore as it would just lead to issues.

    I think you need to step out of this hyperfocus and see the bigger picture, which is really hard... I am battling that myself right now as I find myself focusing on small details of things and getting them perfect. In the end, you need to ask yourself how having a flat stomach is going to improve and enhance your life as compared to relaxing this obsession and getting on with enjoying time with your bf and making the most of your time.

    Easier said than done, but you have to force your mind to back off. Turn your full focus on things to achieve that are not body related. And hoping you can find a professional to talk to as well. There is material on self help for this sort of issue on the net as well, if you want to try that route first. I know how distressing this can be, having been there myself in the past (think hours in front of the mirror, crying and obsessing over my backside, totally sure I was a freak because of how it looked) and hope you can liberate yourself.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    I rarely post on these kinds of threads but I just wanted to say you are so beautiful and your stomach looks amazing...And I don't really hand out compliments on here too much. You have a problem though, I'm sorry :(
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    Graelwyn75 wrote: »
    I have been through phases like this, though my focus has tended to be on my butt or my boobs (I am an anomoly in that I like them to be almost flat, lol). I think some of us, usually perfectionist types, react this way to stress...all our mental energy and focus end up on small details rather than the larger picture. I have OCD as well, which only adds to it. I try not to look in the mirror or focus on my body without clothing anymore as it would just lead to issues.

    I think you need to step out of this hyperfocus and see the bigger picture, which is really hard... I am battling that myself right now as I find myself focusing on small details of things and getting them perfect. In the end, you need to ask yourself how having a flat stomach is going to improve and enhance your life as compared to relaxing this obsession and getting on with enjoying time with your bf and making the most of your time.

    Easier said than done, but you have to force your mind to back off. Turn your full focus on things to achieve that are not body related. And hoping you can find a professional to talk to as well. There is material on self help for this sort of issue on the net as well, if you want to try that route first. I know how distressing this can be, having been there myself in the past (think hours in front of the mirror, crying and obsessing over my backside, totally sure I was a freak because of how it looked) and hope you can liberate yourself.

    This is me! Whatever I do it has to be perfect - even when I was little if I got an answer wrong on a spelling test or something I'd be really upset, even if my mark was still higher than everyone else's :-/ I always put loads of pressure on myself and I have an anxious disposition anyway so I quite often feel stressed (which prob doesn't help the stomach thing either come to think of it)

    This week I'm going to try logging protein sources only. I'm not logging salad etc, I don't need to and I have to start realising that I don't need to analyse everything I eat.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    lightmouse wrote: »
    Graelwyn75 wrote: »
    I have been through phases like this, though my focus has tended to be on my butt or my boobs (I am an anomoly in that I like them to be almost flat, lol). I think some of us, usually perfectionist types, react this way to stress...all our mental energy and focus end up on small details rather than the larger picture. I have OCD as well, which only adds to it. I try not to look in the mirror or focus on my body without clothing anymore as it would just lead to issues.

    I think you need to step out of this hyperfocus and see the bigger picture, which is really hard... I am battling that myself right now as I find myself focusing on small details of things and getting them perfect. In the end, you need to ask yourself how having a flat stomach is going to improve and enhance your life as compared to relaxing this obsession and getting on with enjoying time with your bf and making the most of your time.

    Easier said than done, but you have to force your mind to back off. Turn your full focus on things to achieve that are not body related. And hoping you can find a professional to talk to as well. There is material on self help for this sort of issue on the net as well, if you want to try that route first. I know how distressing this can be, having been there myself in the past (think hours in front of the mirror, crying and obsessing over my backside, totally sure I was a freak because of how it looked) and hope you can liberate yourself.

    This is me! Whatever I do it has to be perfect - even when I was little if I got an answer wrong on a spelling test or something I'd be really upset, even if my mark was still higher than everyone else's :-/ I always put loads of pressure on myself and I have an anxious disposition anyway so I quite often feel stressed (which prob doesn't help the stomach thing either come to think of it)

    This is why, I suggested talking to someone. I know at times my advice isn't the most popular, and I can **** people off like no other, but truly what I say comes from a good place. I know exactly what you're talking about. I could've written those exact same sentences above. Whatever it is, it has to be perfect, and when you pick something out- you work on it, and focus on it to the point of absolute obsession. Am I in the ballpark, here?

    I can't tell you what to do, and I can't diagnose you, but I can tell you this, when you do talk to someone-- someone you like, someone you trust, you'd be surprised how much better you'll feel.

    We can all tell you there's nothing wrong with your body, and there's not. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with your body. You have a very fit, beautiful body. But until YOU realize this, and believe it for yourself, it's not going to amount to a hill of beans. I want to see you heal, and succeed. I know you can. I believe in you!

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    you look fantastic. i would love to have your body.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited November 2014
    i stopped logging and signed up for an impossible obstacle race. talk about a huge change and a huge surge of life-love.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    I haven't logged at all today. I like the idea of signing up for something and focussing on that instead. I do have a tendency to fixate and obsess over things so I probably need to find a healthier thing to obsess over while I'm learning to get it under control.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I am going to say something out of left field.... One thing that has helped my body image a great deal is...attending a family friendly clothing optional resort. Ok ok...no I am just a normal person, with 3 sons and a husband to boot, but it really saved me from alot of negativity. I have always been a large person...but I love to be in the sun, and attending a resort, (google AANR and see resorts in your area) was a live changing a ha moment for me and my family. It is something that isnt sexual, probably more sexual vibes in the air at a MALL than at a nudist resort... Anyway, its not about how you LOOK but how you FEEL in your own skin. I am still overweight, but I accept myself regardless. I am wanting to lose weight so I can move through this world easier. To be able to play a set of tennis, or an afternoon of swimming and not be tired. You are your worst critic, so chin up friend.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Take a couple of days off, get some rest, and come back refreshed. Life isn't all about looking in the mirror and obsession with narcissistic pursuits. I struggle with it, too.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I am going to say something out of left field.... One thing that has helped my body image a great deal is...attending a family friendly clothing optional resort. Ok ok...no I am just a normal person, with 3 sons and a husband to boot, but it really saved me from alot of negativity. I have always been a large person...but I love to be in the sun, and attending a resort, (google AANR and see resorts in your area) was a live changing a ha moment for me and my family. It is something that isnt sexual, probably more sexual vibes in the air at a MALL than at a nudist resort... Anyway, its not about how you LOOK but how you FEEL in your own skin. I am still overweight, but I accept myself regardless. I am wanting to lose weight so I can move through this world easier. To be able to play a set of tennis, or an afternoon of swimming and not be tired. You are your worst critic, so chin up friend.

    Along those same lines, and perhaps a bit cheaper and less time-consuming, is a strip bar. Seriously, ladies, you should go into one at least once. The range of body types on display which men are willing to throw dollars at just for a chance to converse topless is astonishing. No matter how you feel about stripping as a profession, whether you think it's liberating feminism or degrading sexism, it will certainly make you think about body types that others find attractive.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member

    Annr wrote: »
    I am going to say something out of left field.... One thing that has helped my body image a great deal is...attending a family friendly clothing optional resort. Ok ok...no I am just a normal person, with 3 sons and a husband to boot, but it really saved me from alot of negativity. I have always been a large person...but I love to be in the sun, and attending a resort, (google AANR and see resorts in your area) was a live changing a ha moment for me and my family. It is something that isnt sexual, probably more sexual vibes in the air at a MALL than at a nudist resort... Anyway, its not about how you LOOK but how you FEEL in your own skin. I am still overweight, but I accept myself regardless. I am wanting to lose weight so I can move through this world easier. To be able to play a set of tennis, or an afternoon of swimming and not be tired. You are your worst critic, so chin up friend.

    Along those same lines, and perhaps a bit cheaper and less time-consuming, is a strip bar. Seriously, ladies, you should go into one at least once. The range of body types on display which men are willing to throw dollars at just for a chance to converse topless is astonishing. No matter how you feel about stripping as a profession, whether you think it's liberating feminism or degrading sexism, it will certainly make you think about body types that others find attractive.

    Would you believe, I have actually been to one (we didn't realise what it was until we got in there, then decided to stay for a drink because it was freezing out!) true to form, all it did was make me think "no one here looks like me. They are all beautiful. No one has a flat chest and wobbly belly" seriously, my brain. It drives me crazy. To look at it logically, if my bf wanted a curvy woman with a traditional hourglass shape and amazing boobs he'd have gone out and found one. But the media indoctrinate you into thinking that is the only thing men want - and you're right, it isn't.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    Go to a medical spa. Try carboxy therapy on your stomach to flatten it out. Or liposonixs. It's not expensive and should give you the results you want.


    Of the smelly variety.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You have too many issues to deal with here. And as I read your responses to good suggestions, I see you are not open to doing anything about them. I'm sorry you are having a rough time, but you won't get anywhere with this approach.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I agree with most of the others--you have a problem, and it's not going to go away on it's own. You can not have a happy life obsessing about yourself and your body. Frankly, other people get tired of hearing about it and will avoid you. To every problem there is a solution, and I agree with counseling. Find someone you like and trust, search a little. Wishing you the best. Don't delay. :)
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    You have too many issues to deal with here. And as I read your responses to good suggestions, I see you are not open to doing anything about them. I'm sorry you are having a rough time, but you won't get anywhere with this approach.

    Harsh. I rang a doctor on Monday, as suggested by most on here, and made an appointment. Other suggestions involve getting half naked in front of others which, although valid, I am not ready for. My main reasons for posting this were 1) to get it off my chest and 2) to see if anyone identified with me and found that putting away the scale and not logging everything helped them.

    I don't tell anyone how I feel. I don't sit there moaning about my body in front of others, the only person who knows is my boyfriend because we live together and even then I don't think he realises the extent of it. I am not so self-absorbed that all I do is talk about myself all day. I wanted to talk to others who understand that you can feel like this without being a "vain" person.
  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    edited November 2014
    well if you ask me you look pretty darn fit.

    I don't know what to say but it seems you have a self confidence problem rather than a weight problem .. also there is an anatomical need for some fat tissue to exist on the belly which is higher on women than men. 6 packs on women are flat out (pun intended) unhealthy.

    maybe try relaxing a little... just exercise for fun and relaxation. dont worry about meals and stuff.. eat at maintenance level, dont cut. try and live a little. put less time and effort on bettering your body and spend that on family and friends. its what got me through all kinds of messy times.. you can stress your body all year long but the mind is not always so resilient.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm sorry, you lost me after 19:56 5K!!!! :o (*) Toned stomach or not that is amazing! Color me impressed. I know it bothers you but wow....I wish you could see how in shape you are. From your pic you look awesome too. We are our own worst critics. Ease up on yourself, you don't have to be perfect. A treat here and there isn't going to hurt, enjoy your cake.