
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    afternoon kiddo's~
    I am pooped. was up early and went to 8 am mass,was said in memory of my Godson Brendon, sad to say I was raised catholic but havent gone to church in awhile, and as my grandfather used to say they are always changing things...wow has it changed since I was going regularly...
    from there Doris and I, met Eileen and Angelo, Doris's daughter and SIL ,they are Brendons parents ,we went to breakfast, I had some rye toast and a small bowl of fruit and a cup of tea..
    what has done me in is the dam- candy,why I didnt want it in the house, and has totally done me in...
    well anyway from there went grocery shopping, I HATE shopping on the weekend unless it is really really early. but it wasnt and the stores are crazy. so didnt get home until 12:15 pm, and got the stuff in the house and threw chili in the crock pot for DH,then went over to see DFIL , got a call from my SIL , that DFIL was being inapproriate with another resident :s , lordy he can be so bad... came home and put a pork roast in the oven and make apple crisp.. got all the stuff in the freezers, I was good shopping though, bought myself all sorts of vegetables,salad, fat free greek yogurt and apples.. this is what I will be eating, thank goodness Halloweeen is over...
    just sitting down now since around 6:30 this morning and only 5000 steps.. geesh...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hello,feeling lousy,back to dr.Still coughing and wheezing
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning here, jumped on the scales to find NO weight gain after Sunday's bacon and egg brunch and roast dinner. First time that has happened in ages, I usually GAIN. Kept food calories at 1866, below the 1900 the dietitian allowed and did 12594 steps.
    Also called into see a friend, she and a friend were in a horse race with a difference, and both girls were bucked off, poor things. She said they had to drive through snow to get to Deloraine and up at 4.30am eating toast and egg at 5am.
    It was cold and very windy here but glad I walked the 1 hour. Doctor will be happy with me.

    Had Jeannette's vegetable egg white frittata for breakfast. Going grocery shopping so need to sort out the list of what I really NEED, so no idea what is for lunch or dinner. Cannot fill in meals just yet.
    Starting Jeannette's 6 week challenge and it is her Sexy Abs DVD this morning, 1 hour walk this afternoon. More steps with shopping I guess.

    We only have good chocolate on Saturday and Sunday and I log it all, need to be honest. I am printing out my daily meals and exercise for the dietitian on Wednesday. I am glad I switched to Harris Benedict for BMR of 1571instead of Katch McArdle of 1892. What a difference, I was overeating for too long. Thanks Chemist and Dietitian.

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Evening Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.

    I took this picture today when the eagle landed in my neighbor’s tree. I also had the pleasure of watching him/her fly away as I was chatting with my neighbor. A sight to behold. He/she was snacking on squirrel.

    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.
    2014 word:contentment



  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Margaret - Beautiful! I miss Winona and the Eagles. And it is banded. Thanks for sharing.

    Terri (now in) in Milwaukee
  • traveler61
    traveler61 Posts: 8 Member
    Good evening all,

    Love the eagle picture, wish I had them near me. Taking a break before I make dinner. Do you all read every post? I skimmed through most of them but there are very few days I have time to read that much in one sitting. I guess I'm saying, don't be upset if I miss something.

    Have done lousy on the diet today. Probably won't walk, still have more work to catch up for tomorrow. Did a few yoga poses but honestly that was for the sciatica.

    Is there any way to have the newest posts be first?

    Hope everyone has a great nite and a great day tomorrow!

    Barb, Diabetic problems run in my family. My sister-in-law had her foot amputated a couple of months ago because of it. I am not always as active as I would like to be but I have the fitbit and it usually helps to motivate me. I try real hard to get more steps every week and if not, every month than I did the previous week or month. Some days I do lousy. I either sit here at home and work or drive an hour each way and stand in front of a computer. But the days I do more, I feel like I accomplished something even if it is only 2 steps more than the day before. You might want to try Leslie Sansone walking dvd's. You can do them in front of your tv and stop when you need to. I use to go to an arthritis water class for my back and there were a few women that recommended them to me. I bought one and did like it. Good luck
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good eve. Was here in Oct,now we're in Nov.Got a lot of cleaning,sorting & tossing done this past wk.Seems like doing one thing usually leads to another.Still have a good size closet to go thru.Like to keep slacks together & tops lined up according to color.When in a rush,they go in any which way.Also have a purse to get rid of.New,but made the mistake of buying it on line.Like soft leather & this one is not soft at all.Both Dds use small purses,so no interest in this one. Took everything out of the small freezer & fridge freezer. that needed doing!

    Going to pick up 20 pds of Gr beef ,so needed room for it.DH grabbed a fruitcake from the freezer.Made 3 last Fall.He loves having desserts from the oven.He is very tall & wt has never been a problem.Last mo all his blood work came back perfect.

    Was 27 at 6am this morn. Saw ice on the porch from light rain yest.No beggars here,so the candy is in DH's "goody" stash!

    Still not sure why posts are cut off........but no sense in trying to ans diff posters

    Have a good wk,Pat
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good grief! What a day! The kids just left, the dogs got in a big fight ( Molly attacked Spot for no apparent reason), and I'm beat! My son came over with a pumpkin cheesecake for hubby's birthday. I had already made his angelfood, but I guess we will save that for tomorrow. While the kids were here the dogs got loose and I bruised my heel chasing after Bruno. It hurts! Spot ran right to me, so I didn't have to chase him at all. He was more than happy to come inside.

    I made Ambrosia Chicken for dinner and it was very good. It's boneless breasts cut into strips, dipped in a mix of plain yogurt, orange marmalade, and almond extract, then in a mix of Panko crumbs and coconut, then baked. It has a dipping sauce with the same yogurt mixture plus pineapple. I didn't try the dipping sauce, but the chicken was good.

    Now it's time to limp into the laundry room and finish the last two loads of laundry, then clean the kitchen.

    Good night everyone.

  • sjb5577
    sjb5577 Posts: 29 Member
    Starting up tomorrow. Does anyone know of a brand of a decent step-counter. Looking to get one soon.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hi all: Sang and rang bells for two services this morning. Went out to see my horse then back to church for turkey dinner. Over on my calories today but for a good cause. the money from turkey dinner goes to youth for their mission trip next summer and I kept my portions fairly small.

    Margaret - beautiful picture.

    Heather - Sorry you are feeling out of sorts. I always look forward to your posts.

    Kim - My parents used to go to Apple Hill years and years ago when they lived in Davis.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • sjb5577
    sjb5577 Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2014
    Forgot to mention...new to this group. From Minnesota. Looking forward to starting fresh tomorrow

  • MarleyJoe63
    MarleyJoe63 Posts: 9
    edited November 2014
    Hello ladies ~

    I am new here (10/18) and after reading through all the post so far this month, I would love to join your group. Everyone seems so supportive and motivational.

    My goals for Nov are as follows:
    Increasing exercise to twice weekly
    Log in each day
    Create Christmas mailing list
    Eat at least 2 vegetables a day

    Have a great day everyone :smile:
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Traveler61: Thanks for the tip about the walking the pounds away DVD. I think I'm going to try it! I'd like to get something to track my steps. A friend, also, suggested the FitBit, but I thought it was too fancy for what I needed. I think I'll start with a less expensive pedometer (if I can find one), but I think the idea of the DVD will help!
    Thank you!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Alright – Logged my day, with the bad stuff too; and have not had dinner yet… and just heard my roomie is bring me pizza... yumm but grr the calories... 1 piece and salad..
    Owning it will help tomorrow be a better day…

    Anamika – welcome, missed you - I love hearing from everyone living in different places; makes my world broader.

    Lesley – glad you are happy! And 11+K steps by 4pm is great :smiley:

    Cynthia – loved the apple thing! I might try that!

    Jlisah – welcome; any chance you could walk at lunch? I walk in the morning sometimes it is dark, but I have a very alert dog with me…other wise I am not sure how safe I would feel. :wink:

    Viv – in the states we have a canned beverage called Ensure it is sort of a liquid meal replacement filled with nutrients… I wonder if that would help.

    Barb – welcome, we are a very supportive group - I find if I fall off I try to have it be for just one meal..then it doesn’t get the better of me.. :grinning:

    Joyce – hoping that Charlie can see that anyone of any color can be a great person…

    Terri – 20lbs by June 1st? That is a pretty long time…. You can do that.

    Margaret – beautiful!!!

    Traveler – Some days I read every post other days I skim… I do best if I check twice a day then it isn’t so much at once…

    Sjb5577 – I got a fitbit and love it. I had trouble with pedometers staying on my waist, so this which is on my wrist works perfect for me.

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour on the recumbant bike today. mostly it was a preporgram that used different resistances. Tomorrow's plan is to do the last segment of the butt lift DVD, hold my plank and then take the extremepump class.

    Made some cornmeal muffins. I've asked Ken & Lynette if they'd like to come for dinner next Saturday. These muffins are made with kefir. So I'll see if they're sweet enough. Personally, I think they have good flavor. Guess I can make more for Thanksgiving and take some to Rummikub next week (I'll freeze them).

    This afternoon there is this artist show that we should go to. Not that we're terribly interested, but one lady who is going to be there usualy goes shooting with Vince and she wants us to come.

    Trish - welcome! You are so right in logging EVERYTHING, no matter how bad it is. Eventually, you'll get to where it's really not that bad. We all start somewhere and coming here is the best place for you to start. Nope, Australia is out of sync, not only with the time but also with the weather. But I find it so interesting to read all about life over there. We have a few people here from Australia, so you're not the only Aussie. Great goals!

    Kim - at Apple Hill did they have apples that you could buy?

    Anamika - good to see you again. Hope to see you more often

    Cynthia - how long do I thaw the bananas? A lot depends on the size of the banana, if there is one on top of the other, how much room do they have to thaw (how much of their exterior is exposed to the air). Basically, I do it until they are "mushy". Sometimes, I admit, I will thaw them in the microwave.

    I just made another batch of those cornbread muffins. To me, they have quite good taste

    Penny - I love spaghetti squash. To me, the worst part of it is having to cut it open! A nice thing is that you can buy a few and they will keep for a long time. Yes, it IS filling, and for only a few calories (works for me)

    DeeDee - Vince started to take pics, but then it started raining and he didn't want the camera to get all wet. He said that he would like to take some more, but we'll have to wait until it gets darker out. Don't worry, they'll come. Just maybe a bit late this year (thank you Mother Nature). I'm sorry your dinner didn't work out

    jlisah - welcome! Sorry to say, your doc is wrong! The weight WILL come off, but it just takes hard work, consistency, and it doesn't happen as quickly as when we were in our 20's. But it DOES come off.

    Viv - so sorry to hear about dh. Sending good vibes to you

    myrtfgo - welcome! Honesty in logging food is so important, great goals

    barb - welcome! You can bet that everyone on here knows exactly where you're coming from. We all started there at one time.

    Jan - LOL putting your yoga instructor on retainer. Hey, that's not a bad idea!

    Joyce - you have such a wonderful way of looking at your daughter's situation. That would be me. I have a friend who is transgender. We met a while ago when he was in Virginia. I asked Vince if he wanted to come with me and he said "no, that's just not right". Personally, he's a wonderful man, married to a wonderful (trans) woman. I'm proud to call them my friends. They are so warm, open, and loving.

    Sylvia - yea, Spot must have had a really bad experience with the bath. We're convinced that one way that Lexi was tortured was that she was constantly given baths and held under the water. When we got her, she was all bandaged up from the dislocated hip. When the vet finally took the bandage off, there was all this sticky stuff on her fur. We thought for sure we'd have to give her a bath. But she groomed herself so well that in the (I think it's been about) six years we've had her, we've never once given her a bath. She got all that sticky stuff off her. She's so meticulous. Hopefully, Spot will be the same way. I'm going to try to post a pic of her when we got her just to see what happens. Happy birthday to your hubby

    Heather - hope you feel better fast

    Jane - sending you virtual chicken soup

    Margaret - beautiful picture!

    Pat - 20 lbs of ground beef! Lady, what are you planning to do with it all????

    This afternoon went to this artist show. Really, I wasn't all that interested but one of the ladies who shoots with Vince from the Newcomers said "you WILL be there" to Vince. Another Newcomer was showing his artwork. He's a real good artist. There were others showing their work, too. Didn't buy anything.

    Before we went there, stopped at WalMart. Returned this cream cheese I got, they only had the fat free and I really wanted the 1/3 less fat. Got some pudding and flour that was on sale at WalGreen. Then we got some Christmas inflatables (like we need more). Vince saw these Yoda and Darth Vader ones so he HAD to get them. There was this Santa spaceship one that's 12' (yes, feet) tall and since we have a Santa spaceman, we thought that might be good. Then bought gas, went to the Artist show, came home and made dinner, went on the computer some and then did more of the plastic canvas. I'm getting a bit bored with it, just want to finish it up. Roasted a butternut squash. I saw this recipe for butternut squash fries, but I think its not as much work to just roast the squash

    Tomorrow we have senior bowling and then I have mahjongg at night.

    Terri - good luck to you, and don't push yourself so hard that you hurt yourself and are down for the count

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    sjb5577 wrote: »
    Starting up tomorrow. Does anyone know of a brand of a decent step-counter. Looking to get one soon.

    I got my Omron step counter from Amazon and I love it....I can carry it in my pocket..it is an HJ-7201TC...it resets automatically at midnight and remembers data for a week.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone
    Thanks for the warm welcome :smiley: Went well yesterday food wise although my steps were abit short being Sunday. I was out at 5.30am walking this morning with "Jess" the border collie. I also had a lunchtime walk but have to say the lunchtime walk was a real "head" battle as I had urgent stuff people were waiting for. However sanity prevailed and I walked for 30 minutes, so I am going okay with my mini goals.

    It is a nice 22 degree Celsius here today - lovely weather to get outside.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good late evening. Our get to know you with Michelle's boyfriend went well. I must say he is the blackest man I have ever seen! And he wore all black clothes. So after they left I texted Michelle to see what he thought of us. He said that he could really tell that I am Michelle's Mom because of our similar sense of humor and how we got along. And he is just like Charlie in that they can both come up with real quick one liners. So they went on and on coming up with one liners. I can tell he came from a very proper African American family, highly polished manners, He referred to us as Maam and Sir the entire time. Charlie did end up offering for them to go out to supper with us but they had other things to do. I had a special practice at church for our ladies trio so Charlie went to sit and wait for me there. It was the first time in a good many years that he had been in a church. He agreed it looked like a good ol' traditional Southern Baptist church, just like I was wanting. He did attend with me a long time ago and got into several arguements with people and quit. He thinks people are supposed to be perfect if they go to church. If they aren't then they are hypocrits and he does not like hypocrits at all so why should he be a part of a church that has them. He sang in the choir with me and has a wonderful voice but he likes to be the star of the song and that doesn't fit well in a church choir.

    I love the eagle Margaret. It looks like it came from an Audobon Society magazine!!!

    My Halloween candy is gone, gone, gone. And yes, I confess a lot of it went in me. But I did put it all in the diary. Now I just have to get through Christmas.

    I can't remember who was talking bout holiday food and how they were going to handle it, Maybe Heather??? We use fancy paper plates, I know Mom, I am so sorry. So they aren't big. I don't go back for seconds. Any kind of food I can get any day of the week I don't eat. That's like rolls, mashed potatoes and unfortunately green beans. I take small helpings of the others. I take slivers of the pies. I'm not really that fond of pumpkin pie so I take pecan and apple with a tiny bit of lite cool whip on it. I make a corn casserole and that is one of my favorite things so that is hard to control my portion. I try to enjoy the people and especially all the kids and not eat.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    It's been a productive weekend and enjoyable also. Saturday was Costco day and I knew it would be a big bill as I haven't been in a while. They always have good deals that you think you can't pass up.
    Had to clean out the fridge before I could put things away. Yuck! One of the jobs I hate the most.
    Gordon Lightfoot concert with DH. I would recognize that voice any where.
    Today it was a movie and dinner out with friends. I can't resist popcorn and pop while watching a movie. DH suggested will power and I wanted to poke him in the eye. I so obviously don't have any.
    Tomorrow DH has to call the specialist. He has had two colonoscopies since his bout with diverticulitis that turned him greyish green and had him admitted to the hospital. Several months apart and they still couldn't get through. Calgary for him.
    Terri- Good luck on your work contest.
    Joyce- Glad you have your lap top back.
    Sylvia - liked the imagery of your progress with Model My Diet
    Katla - I hate the time change. I live in a province that does it . I don't understand what good it does and takes me so long to adjust.
    Margaret - Great shot of the eagle.
    Yannijannie - Glad you were able to go to yoga. Back pain is so hard to deal with. Do you find that tai chi helps? Hop you feel better.

    November Goals
    1. Drink enough water each day
    2. Make a menu plan for each week.
    3. Do something active at least 3x week
    4. Write every day
    5. Connect with people.

    -Sharon from snowy Alberta
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    morning ladies~
    up early and having my tea.. it was windy as all get out yesterday and still quite windy today,I am just glad I am not up Maine, they got clobbered with snow..
    I tell you I will NOT miss it when we go to Florida..
    I am so tired of the political ads , I am not really interested, and the 2 dopes we have running for govenor are going to take Ct down even worse than it is...49% of people asked in Ct want to move out of the state, the only states more expensive are,California and Hawaii... sad very sad..
    work at 10:30 this morning,and will get the DH dinner and lunch together before I go...