HELP! Need ideas for snack food.

Hello everyone
I am needing some help on ideas for afternoon snacks. I am starting today and will be going to the grocery store in a few to pick up the things I need for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack (basically what I need while at work). Anyway, a little information to help you all give me some ideas:

I eat breakfast around 10:00 am (eating any earlier than that makes me sick to my stomach), I usually eat around 500 calories (boiled egg, English muffin or begal, fruit)
I eat lunch around 1:00 pm and usually eat between 500-700 calories
I don't get to eat supper until between 7:30 and 8:30 pm because my husband doesn't get home from work until 7:30. I try to have supper done at 7:30 when he walks in the door but it doesn't always happen. Calories are usually around 1000 (my daily calories is 2200 to lose 1 pound a week which is my goal).

Anyway the time between lunch and supper is obviously really long and I am trying to figure out what I can have as a snack between lunch and supper to keep me from binging when I get home before supper. I am very well aware of this being my "trouble time". The time when I am hungry and am usually unprepared so I eat junk. I am planning on starting a goal of doing some type of work out between the time I get off work and the time I need to start preparing supper to try and divert my attention away from the t.v. and eating.

Any help would be great


  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    fruit, raw veggies, yogurt, cottage cheese. These are all the different things that I eat as an afternoon snack. I don't eat dinner as late as you, but I do each lunch right at noon so by 3-4pm I'm getting hungry again. For example, today I have soup for lunch and a half cup of applesauce (been craving it recently) and a banana for my afternoon snack. I normally try to find a complex carb (fruit/veggies) and something with protein (yogurt).
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    Walnuts, almonds, tuna pouches, salmon pouches, fruit, hot tea, boiled egg, any veggies sliced...ect... Good luck!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Apples, bananas, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, mini sweet peppers, string cheese, Laughing Cow cheese wedges, almonds, jerky.
  • clayswife13
    clayswife13 Posts: 73 Member
    :D thanks everyone! Got some nuts, fruits, veggies, yogurt, and cheese to last me this week
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I find I need a little fat and protein to keep me from going crazy. An apple just isn't enough. My go-tos are: trail mix, cottage cheese, protein bars, hummus, peanut butter.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    celery and peanut butter

  • OUCHilly1
    OUCHilly1 Posts: 44 Member
    Grapes... I actually buy a big bunch and put them in the freezer. I pop them in my mouth one at a time to enjoy the cool sweetness. One cup of green grapes contains 104 calories and 1.4 grams of fiber.
  • RibStabsHeart
    RibStabsHeart Posts: 71 Member
    One thing I would say is that you can easily shave off a couple hundred calories from dinner if you make a couple healthy substitutions (veggies instead of bread, less butter or cheese, you get the idea), which could allow you to enjoy whatever snacks that you WANT to have. That way you don't have to force yourself to eat things that you really don't like.

    One of the best, most proven ways to not snack during your "danger time" is to WORK OUT! It keeps you busy and away from the fridge, so consider changing up your schedule to work out during this time of day to help you on your goals.

    Other than that, get some fiberful/protein packed granola bars, edamame pods, veggies and hummus, or whatever kind of light chips you like and accurately measure out the serving size. 2200 cals seems a bit high for you to lose any weight a week, so don't be afraid to switch up your goals if it doesn't end up working out for you.
  • SMarieEM
    SMarieEM Posts: 21 Member
    Apples and peanut butter
    Popcorn (not movie theater butter)
    Naked Smoothie
    String cheese

    Arctic Zero Ice cream only has 150 calories in the entire thing, it doesn't taste as good as normal ice cream but...hey it is still ice cream.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Hummus and whatever veggies you like. 1/4 is like 150 calories and you can eat whatever veggies you like with it. I used to slice like 2-3 bell peppers (all different colors) to eat with 1/4 cup at work when I had a desk job, which definitely filled me up. I worked 10:30a-7:30p so I was eating dinner late just like you with lunch at 12:30 or 1:00 depending on the day. I was also fond of cheese (sticks, Laughing Cow, or Babybel) -- but if I had cheese then I'd also have wheat thins or something.