Does it Reaaaallly matter??

Yes, eating well does matter, this I know, but does it really matter if you have your steel oats Before or After a workout? If you have an egg before you do what you do, is it really going to derail anything? I've seen all these articles and pintrest things about what to eat and what to avoid pre and post workout, and Im wondering if I dont follow those, will I sabatoge all my hard work? (As I eat my oats I forgot about before working out...I'm on a break. I"m hungry. Dont Judge LOL)


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Naw, meal timing doesn't mean anything according to current science, with the exception of people who are working at min/maxing the margins when they're already at an elite level of performance/fitness.

    Just like... try to eat the stuff while you're awake. ;)
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I think 90% of the timing crap means nothing. If you are really pushing the weight training, well then yea you need your protein. Other than that the protein after a workout seems all hype to me.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited November 2014
    Yes, eating well does matter, this I know, but does it really matter if you have your steel oats Before or After a workout? If you have an egg before you do what you do, is it really going to derail anything? I've seen all these articles and pintrest things about what to eat and what to avoid pre and post workout, and Im wondering if I dont follow those, will I sabatoge all my hard work? (As I eat my oats I forgot about before working out...I'm on a break. I"m hungry. Dont Judge LOL)

    I'm assuming you're looking to lose weight so...

    No, it wont so long as it doesn't impact overall dietary adherence (meaning you're still in a caloric deficit). Stop reading pintrest for nutritional advice though, it's plagued with a bunch of garbage.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Focus on the fundamentals - aka tracking and approximating your calorie (and perhaps macro) goals. If you've got that down pat and see a need to tweak things further then you can experiment with other recommendations and see how they affect you.
  • mamashrub110
    mamashrub110 Posts: 18
    edited November 2014
    dbmata wrote: »
    Naw, meal timing doesn't mean anything according to current science, with the exception of people who are working at min/maxing the margins when they're already at an elite level of performance/fitness.

    Just like... try to eat the stuff while you're awake. ;)
    Awesome, Thanks!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Naw, meal timing doesn't mean anything according to current science, with the exception of people who are working at min/maxing the margins when they're already at an elite level of performance/fitness.

    Just like... try to eat the stuff while you're awake. ;)

    you're so wrong. You won't get any muscles if you don't have protein with in 30 min of your workout- all that hard work- gone to waste.
  • I get hungrier if I don't exercise. So eating after exercise will "assure" me I need food and not water or coffee.
  • Yes, Pintest can be flaky, but those fitness girls are pretty awesome for motivation :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Yes, eating well does matter, this I know, but does it really matter if you have your steel oats Before or After a workout? If you have an egg before you do what you do, is it really going to derail anything? I've seen all these articles and pintrest things about what to eat and what to avoid pre and post workout, and Im wondering if I dont follow those, will I sabatoge all my hard work? (As I eat my oats I forgot about before working out...I'm on a break. I"m hungry. Dont Judge LOL)

    No, it wont so long as it doesn't impact overall dietary adherence (meaning you're still in a caloric deficit). Stop reading pintrest for nutritional advice though, it's plagued with a bunch of garbage.

    Just an interesting thing I read recently about pinterest.

    80% of the users are women.
    20% of the women who use the internet in the US are on Pinterest.
    Gen Z and Gen Y users account for 54% of Pinterest users.

    Based on some of Pinterest's numbers.
  • Urgh Pintrest..... I don't think it matters all that much. Depending on your goals. If you just want to lose weight then tone up and get healthier, it's probably no biggy... if you're an athlete and trying to get ready for some kind of comp... maybe it does.

    Though people will say it makes a massive difference and others will say PSSH.. at the end of the day do what you want.

    My goal is to lose some weight, inches and just feel good about my self. I'm not trying to get their body, but My own body, just toned and kick *kitten*.
  • dbmata wrote: »
    Yes, eating well does matter, this I know, but does it really matter if you have your steel oats Before or After a workout? If you have an egg before you do what you do, is it really going to derail anything? I've seen all these articles and pintrest things about what to eat and what to avoid pre and post workout, and Im wondering if I dont follow those, will I sabatoge all my hard work? (As I eat my oats I forgot about before working out...I'm on a break. I"m hungry. Dont Judge LOL)

    No, it wont so long as it doesn't impact overall dietary adherence (meaning you're still in a caloric deficit). Stop reading pintrest for nutritional advice though, it's plagued with a bunch of garbage.

    Just an interesting thing I read recently about pinterest.

    80% of the users are women.
    20% of the women who use the internet in the US are on Pinterest.
    Gen Z and Gen Y users account for 54% of Pinterest users.

    Based on some of Pinterest's numbers.

    Makes sense since I fit into the later part of Gen X.. I make a point not to get to sucked in to Pintrest, but its a great time killer, lemme tell ya

  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    Do some actually use Pintrest for anything but pictures for fitness?

    I use it to find knitting patterns, but for fitness I just look at the pretty pictures.

    Also, I used to follow "eat this at this time". Meh, like others have said, in top physical condition, sure it can make a difference. But for the run of the mill work out to get fit person, not sure it would make a difference.

    I can't stand to workout right after eating anything and don't typically eat afterwards for a few hours. But I know people who have to eat a little something directly before and after.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Yes, eating well does matter, this I know, but does it really matter if you have your steel oats Before or After a workout? If you have an egg before you do what you do, is it really going to derail anything? I've seen all these articles and pintrest things about what to eat and what to avoid pre and post workout, and Im wondering if I dont follow those, will I sabatoge all my hard work? (As I eat my oats I forgot about before working out...I'm on a break. I"m hungry. Dont Judge LOL)

    For the vast majority, it doesn't mean much of anything. Eat when you want :)

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    The only "rule" I stick to - Don't eat 3 hours before bed!
    I'm down 35+ since June1.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    cblue315 wrote: »
    The only "rule" I stick to - Don't eat 3 hours before bed!
    I'm down 35+ since June1.

    While there's minimal science to actually back up this claim, I actually kinda follow it as well. I started IF a while back and I found the best results by not eating immediately when I woke up, and not eating before bed. But meh, different stroked for different folks :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Myrmilt wrote: »
    Do some actually use Pintrest for anything but pictures for fitness?

    I use it to find knitting patterns, but for fitness I just look at the pretty pictures.

    Also, I used to follow "eat this at this time". Meh, like others have said, in top physical condition, sure it can make a difference. But for the run of the mill work out to get fit person, not sure it would make a difference.

    I can't stand to workout right after eating anything and don't typically eat afterwards for a few hours. But I know people who have to eat a little something directly before and after.

    I use it as a collage for costume inspiration- I create a separate board for themes and tag ideas to it- colors, themes- designs I like.

    I have a "fitness" board. It has like 3 pictures on it I think- pinterest is useless for fitness.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    "different stroked for different folks"

    Yep. I get home late and eat late and thus eat within 3 hours before bed most days (I get up around 5 am, so try to go to bed by 11), and have had no problems losing.
  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Myrmilt wrote: »
    Do some actually use Pintrest for anything but pictures for fitness?

    I use it to find knitting patterns, but for fitness I just look at the pretty pictures.

    Also, I used to follow "eat this at this time". Meh, like others have said, in top physical condition, sure it can make a difference. But for the run of the mill work out to get fit person, not sure it would make a difference.

    I can't stand to workout right after eating anything and don't typically eat afterwards for a few hours. But I know people who have to eat a little something directly before and after.

    I use it as a collage for costume inspiration- I create a separate board for themes and tag ideas to it- colors, themes- designs I like.

    I have a "fitness" board. It has like 3 pictures on it I think- pinterest is useless for fitness.

    I don't even have a fitness board - I never really thought about it I guess. If I feel like I need to look at the pretty people to remind me what I am trying to accomplish I just go search.

    I tried a recipe board once, yeah, if things on the interwebs could gather dust, that would be it.

    I also forget that I even have a pintrest account.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Naw, meal timing doesn't mean anything according to current science, with the exception of people who are working at min/maxing the margins when they're already at an elite level of performance/fitness.

    Just like... try to eat the stuff while you're awake. ;)

    you're so wrong. You won't get any muscles if you don't have protein with in 30 min of your workout- all that hard work- gone to waste.

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Naw, meal timing doesn't mean anything according to current science, with the exception of people who are working at min/maxing the margins when they're already at an elite level of performance/fitness.

    Just like... try to eat the stuff while you're awake. ;)

    you're so wrong. You won't get any muscles if you don't have protein with in 30 min of your workout- all that hard work- gone to waste.

    TFW your sarcasm detector is broken