Looking for a bit of motivation!

kamack1215 Posts: 109 Member
edited November 2014 in Motivation and Support
I joined MFP a week ago however I have been watching my diet and exercising for the last two months regularly. I cut out fast food and eating out at restaurants and drinking alcohol but I actually gained about 8 pounds during these two months.

Any advice on foods I should be eating to help keep me full until my next meal? I find myself snacking a lot between meals and never realized how much the snacks added up over the course of the day until I stated logging my calories here.

I am looking for some motivation and some advice to keep me going and not give up this time!
I am currently 202 and would love to get back down to my high school weight of 150 by this time next year; or the start of 2016. I am taking it one step at a time.


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    youve been looking all over for ways to cut things out that will help you with your goals, maybe it's time to see what you can add to your lifestyle as well!

    cant make it all about negative actions, gotta replace it with good things!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    First, congrats on taking the first steps to getting healthy. It certainly can be difficult but it feels amazing once you've hit goals. So, first, set some for yourself that don't involve your weight... like clothing size change, new pair of running shoes if you walk/run a certain distance, maybe sign up for a fitness event, etc.

    Okay, now on to some food stuff....I find that if I eat a high protein breakfast I am good for at least three hours before snack time. I love making smoothies in the vitamix and any type of egg creation on the stove for breakfast. On the mornings that I am running late I get a subway breakfast sandwich...plenty of those under 500 calories.

    For snacks, which I eat several times a day, I try to eat peanut butter, almonds, hummus, celery, soups, anything I can make ahead of time and portion out so I don't mindlessly eat a bag of chips at my desk without realizing how many I've eaten.
    Once I started eating right (about 1200-1500 cal) and exercising I am feeling better than I have in years. If i miss a work out I actually "miss" it .
    Best of luck and friend me if you want some added support.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Don't cut out things you enjoy just enjoy them in moderation. Track everything you eat or drink. Drink plenty of water.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You have made some good changes it seems, but you are putting on weight becayse you are consuming more than you are burning.

    Start logging your food and using MFP to help you decide what your maintenance calories are and how much of a deficit you need to create based on how much you wish to lose.

    Learning and getting your plan reviewed by MFP friends will help get you on the right track then its all about accurately logging your food by weighing if needed and consistently hitting targets to maintain the deficit. You are more likely to reach target if your plan is sustainable and realistic as well as you being consistent by following it.

    Logging your food is fundamental to MFP as it not only helps you keep to your deficit but also helps you understand how much you eat and how much your body needs to maintain.

    The stickys on each section are excellent, so you cna only benefit from increasing your knowledge about how it all works. Good luck.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    It sounds like you've made some really major changes, and congratulations on having the willpower and the desire to do that! The thing is, it may not be sustainable, or even necessary, to go that far.

    The only thing you need in order to lose weight is a calorie deficit. Period. There is no food you can eat or not eat that will make it happen. You only need to burn more calories than you consume.

    Now, some people find it easier to maintain a calorie deficit if they cut out certain foods, or plan them carefully. Me, I no longer order pizza if I'm alone. I'll end up eating the whole thing over the course of a day. I now order a smaller size, only when my boyfriend is around to share.

    Some people find that cutting carbs, or fast food, or alcohol, or some other specific food or group helps them to stay within their goal. But keep in mind that unless you make peace with food and develop a good relationship with it, then if you eventually add that food back in, you have the potential to go right back where you started. So many of us eat whatever we want, and learn to moderate it. Like my pizzas.

    The other thing is exercise. Heavy lifting for women offers HUGE benefits. You won't get bulky, as you don't produce the testosterone necessary to do so. You can view some amazing before and after photos right here in the forum. And keep in mind that those ladies took months and years to get where they are. Sometimes ladies have maintained the exact same weight, but completely transformed their figures.

    And lastly, don't just go by the scale. It can fool you with it's water retention and hormone fluctuations. Get a tape measure and use it. Also, have photos taken in the same or similar clothes from the front, back and sides, about every 4 weeks. You'll be amazed how much your body can change without a single pound lost.
  • kamack1215
    kamack1215 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks everyone on the replies! I am going to take all of your comments in consideration. I was having a tough day but seeing that people are out there to lend a hand really changes things!