heart rate during weight lifting

Kinda sketched out when lifting weights. It's scared me into not lifting as heavy anymore.

When I do cardio my heart rate is around 150bpm the whole time.

After 10 reps on the chest press my heart rate goes to 165-175 bpm
after 10 reps on squats it;s 180 bpm

even during rest my heart rate never goes below 120bpm.
my friends heart rate was only 110bpm after a set. i dont know if his heart is normal or if his heart rate monitor is broken.

Like it's only 15-20 secs seconds long should my heart rate go that high?

what do you guys think?


  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 272 Member
    Go see a doctor.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Are you breathing correctly during your sets?
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I sounds normal to me. During squats, your using more muscle, so your body needs to compensate more than when doing chest presses.

    Also, your heart rate can be wildly different than other people, even if you're at the same level of fitness and doing the exact same exercise as other people. I remember going for a group run, once upon a time, and my HR peaked at 206 bpm while sprinting up hill. No one believed me because when your HR goes that high, you should technically be dying. lol. I felt fine (though I totally hit the wall 5 minutes later).

    Strength training an anaerobic activity. Your heart rate will skyrocket while doing lifts because you're putting out crazy amounts of effort in a very short period of time, and you're pushing yourself to and beyond your limits. If anything, I'd be saying that your 180bpm is "normal" and your buddy's 110 bpm is weird. Is he pushing himself as hard as you? There is a strong possibility that 110 bpm is really high for him. What's his resting heart rate? What's your resting heart rate? Mine is currently 72bpm, which is fairly ordinary, but there are some people who have a resting heart rate of 40bpm.

    If you're concerned, go see a doctor. Perhaps your buddy should too. *shrugs*
  • jorbjorb
    I sounds normal to me. During squats, your using more muscle, so your body needs to compensate more than when doing chest presses.

    Also, your heart rate can be wildly different than other people, even if you're at the same level of fitness and doing the exact same exercise as other people. I remember going for a group run, once upon a time, and my HR peaked at 206 bpm while sprinting up hill. No one believed me because when your HR goes that high, you should technically be dying. lol. I felt fine (though I totally hit the wall 5 minutes later).

    Strength training an anaerobic activity. Your heart rate will skyrocket while doing lifts because you're putting out crazy amounts of effort in a very short period of time, and you're pushing yourself to and beyond your limits. If anything, I'd be saying that your 180bpm is "normal" and your buddy's 110 bpm is weird. Is he pushing himself as hard as you? There is a strong possibility that 110 bpm is really high for him. What's his resting heart rate? What's your resting heart rate? Mine is currently 72bpm, which is fairly ordinary, but there are some people who have a resting heart rate of 40bpm.

    If you're concerned, go see a doctor. Perhaps your buddy should too. *shrugs*

    my resting heart rate is like 55-63

    i've had ecgs that all came out normal but my doctor never gave me an echocardiogram or stress test even though i've asked for one.

    canadian health care...

  • jorbjorb
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    Are you breathing correctly during your sets?

    yup breathing is correct
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    jorbjorb wrote: »
    Kinda sketched out when lifting weights. It's scared me into not lifting as heavy anymore.

    When I do cardio my heart rate is around 150bpm the whole time.

    After 10 reps on the chest press my heart rate goes to 165-175 bpm
    after 10 reps on squats it;s 180 bpm

    even during rest my heart rate never goes below 120bpm.
    my friends heart rate was only 110bpm after a set. i dont know if his heart is normal or if his heart rate monitor is broken.

    Like it's only 15-20 secs seconds long should my heart rate go that high?

    what do you guys think?
    My resting heart rate is around 60 bpm, and I am age 50,
    I do a few hours of cardio most days and strength train every other day, so I am fit, but still, 120 bpm is insanely high - even for guys who do nothing.
    Get that checked ASAP!!!

  • jorbjorb
    50sFit wrote: »
    jorbjorb wrote: »
    Kinda sketched out when lifting weights. It's scared me into not lifting as heavy anymore.

    When I do cardio my heart rate is around 150bpm the whole time.

    After 10 reps on the chest press my heart rate goes to 165-175 bpm
    after 10 reps on squats it;s 180 bpm

    even during rest my heart rate never goes below 120bpm.
    my friends heart rate was only 110bpm after a set. i dont know if his heart is normal or if his heart rate monitor is broken.

    Like it's only 15-20 secs seconds long should my heart rate go that high?

    what do you guys think?
    My resting heart rate is around 60 bpm, and I am age 50,
    I do a few hours of cardio most days and strength train every other day, so I am fit, but still, 120 bpm is insanely high - even for guys who do nothing.
    Get that checked ASAP!!!

    ya my resting is 60bpm
    but the 120bpm is when im resting between sets. and i cant get it to go below that even after a 2 minute rest
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    That all sounds pretty normal to me....
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    My resting heart rate is between 48-52 and heavy lifting will always spikes my heart rate. Especially during compound lifts like bench press, squats, and dead lift's.

    I do not worry about it. I am 45 and my doctor says I am healthy.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    what exactly does "sketched out" mean?

    What was your routine for that day, and during what lift(s) did it happen?

    I regularly see "stars" when squatting, but that's mostly a breathing issue for me, I think.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Just seen that you are only 25. Unless you have a family medical history of heart related issues, I really do not think you have anything to worry about. Also, if your doctor thought you needed more tests he would do them. As far as he/she is concerned you are not giving them any symptoms to warrant any more tests.

    Don't know how the Canadian health system works, I am sure though if some people get there way we will have it here in the US, but maybe you can get a second opinion if you are really worried.
  • jorbjorb
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    what exactly does "sketched out" mean?

    What was your routine for that day, and during what lift(s) did it happen?

    I regularly see "stars" when squatting, but that's mostly a breathing issue for me, I think.
    I guess i get kinda anxious. Like hearing my heart pound in my head and feeling a lot of adrenaline.

    I keep thinking that my heart shouldn't be that high after only a set of weight lifting.

    And seeing my friends 110bpm made me feel uneasy.

    just wanted to see other weight lifters on here think.

    i do feel dizzy and light headed after squats especially though.

    been hearing a lot of stories of athletes with HCM dropping dead and its all kinda getting to my head i guess haha
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My HR is always pretty up there when I'm doing heavy compounds or Oly-lifts...I think it's pretty normal...you're putting your body through some strenuous *kitten*, albeit briefly. It is also likely that your anxiety is causing your HR not to come down as fast...but really, after 2 minutes rest, I don't see 120 BPM being outrageous either.
  • jorbjorb
    alright thanks guys. i'll keep weight lifting for the next 2 weeks before my cardiologist appointment. Looks like they're gonna try something else to ease my mind.
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Have you actually been diagnosed with HCM? It's very rare, but if you have it, it's very dangerous. If your cardiologist says you have it, DO NOT LIFT HEAVY!!!!! Follow the exercise program she gives you.

    But if you're healthy, 180 bpm isn't crazy high. Cardiac response to heavy weight lifting is complex, and high heart rates are not uncommon.

    It's also normal to need longer rests between sets. If 2 minutes isn't enough recovery time, rest longer. When I was lifting my heaviest, I rested 4 minutes between sets.
  • shaun603
    I don't think your numbers are crazy to be honest. Im 6'6" 245lbs. My resting heart rate is around 65. My heart rate will spike to 170's doing doing a set of 5 rep dead lifts at 405. Bench press set of 5 at 285 will put my heart rate at about 145. I wait for my heart rate to drop below 100 between sets. Just giving you a perspective. If I were to do say a set of 5 dead lifts at 225 I'm sure my heart rate spike would be much much less.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited November 2014
    jorbjorb wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    what exactly does "sketched out" mean?

    What was your routine for that day, and during what lift(s) did it happen?

    I regularly see "stars" when squatting, but that's mostly a breathing issue for me, I think.
    I guess i get kinda anxious. Like hearing my heart pound in my head and feeling a lot of adrenaline.

    I keep thinking that my heart shouldn't be that high after only a set of weight lifting.

    And seeing my friends 110bpm made me feel uneasy.

    just wanted to see other weight lifters on here think.

    i do feel dizzy and light headed after squats especially though.

    been hearing a lot of stories of athletes with HCM dropping dead and its all kinda getting to my head i guess haha

    Your friend is either very unusual or his HRM is faulty. Or he's just not even trying on his weight lifting attempts. 110bpm is low, my HR is higher when I go on walks. 180 isn't even that high, I regularly have seen 190-200. Heart rate will definitely skyrocket during lifting. My heart rate will also remain elevated to a degree between sets. Even resting 5+ minutes between sets it rarely gets under 100.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    That all sounds pretty normal to me....

    Same, that's an ok rhr too.
  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    How does your heart rate do during other exercise, such as aerobic type (biking, running, etc?). Certainly if you are having symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting you could warrant further testing, but just the heart rate being high is pretty normal. I would just let it get back to below 100 before proceeding to the next set. You might be slightly dehydrated, so you might try increasing your fluid intake prior to/during exercising, and perhaps a small snack an hour before could help.
  • jorbjorb
    thanks a lot guys. i definitely won't be that freaked out this evening. my aerobic heart rate is usually 135-170bpm