High Interval Training?yay or nay?

Hi all!
I wanted to know if anyone has lost weight doing high interval training?
I really want to start exercising and want to know wbat type of exercise would be best for losing fat!


  • splashtree2
    aniqa109 wrote: »
    Hi all!
    I wanted to know if anyone has lost weight doing high interval training?
    I really want to start exercising and want to know wbat type of exercise would be best for losing fat!

    Yes you lose weight faster and you raise strenght also, is excellent!!

  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    Yes yes yes. HIIT is very successful
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks!!will need to start soon!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    You'll only lose weight with HIIT, or any other exercise you can imagine, if you are maintaining a long term calorie deficit.

    Regardless of the exercise program, too many calories is too many calories.
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    E(HIIT, LISS, 5x5) + D(FORK PUT DOWNS) = success.

    you need both parts of the left-hand side of the equation.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
  • wideturn
    wideturn Posts: 108 Member
    I just did insanity which is max interval training and LOVED it! Gonna definitely keep it up. Personally I think it makes things constantly interesting because you're not doing the same thing the whole time. I lost about the same weight I have been, but noticed a lot more definition.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Yes, HIIT is the way to go!
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    Love HIIT but like others have said, you have to stay in a calorie deficit to lose.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You can lose weight doing HIIT, steady state cardio, weight lifting, IF or any/all of the above as long as you're consuming fewer calories than you expend. Caloric deficit for weight loss, exercise for fitness.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    aniqa109 wrote: »
    Hi all!
    I wanted to know if anyone has lost weight doing high interval training?
    I really want to start exercising and want to know wbat type of exercise would be best for losing fat!

    HIIT is a great way to lose weight...but so is just doing cardio...or just doing strength training....or doing a combination. You will need a calorie deficit to lose regardless of what you pick. I like HIIT though because it usually incorporates weights as well...not true strength training, but usually cardio-esque moves with weights added.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Hey anyone have any idea of calories burnt doing Hiit? As ive done 25 mins today and mfp is giving me over 280 calories burnt which seems a lot!!!
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I've noticed the best physical results when I have a calorie deficit and am doing HiiT routinely. I also mix it up with some cardio days (for health) and weight training (which is usually done using some high intensity interval anyways)

    The workouts are short (which I felt guilty about at first), but now I just go hard!
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I wouldn't look at HIIT, or any exercise for that matter, as a means of losing weight. As jackson said above, your nutrition will determine your outcome for weight-loss or weight gain; you can not exercise your way out of a bad diet. Think of exercise as a means of attenuating fat loss.

    With that being said HIIT is a great form of cardio and I personally find it more challenging than anything else. Plus, if you play any kind of sports like soccer, softball, etc, then you'll get more carryover from doing sprints or other forms of intervals than you will jogging at-nauseum.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Would you say i would need to eat very healthy to lose weight? My diet is i eat what i want if ot fits in my calorie limit? I probably could eat more healthy but i dont think im too unhealthy!
    My problem is sticking to diet N exercise! I lose motivation and give up..ive just recently started logging again and trying to incorporate some exercise!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You do not have to eat healthy 100% of the time to lose weight. Weight loss comes down to calories in vs. calories out. How you feel, though, can definitely be affected by what you eat. I try to eat mostly what is considered healthy foods (veggies, fruits, lean meat, etc.) but I also eat snacks as long as they are within my calorie limit and I have ice cream, etc. throughout the week.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    I have found that healthy foods like raw vegetables and fruit have the benefit of not only being good for you but they also keep you satiated without packing a ton of calories.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks for the responses all! Definitely cleared up a lot of things for me! Now just wish me luck.on my journey lol!!!
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Doing flexible dieting and following something like IIFYM is fine, but if you're just eating junk it should be hard to hit all 3 macros and get adequate fiber. Ideally, focus on low glycemic carbs, vegetables, and lean protein most of the time, but don't stress about doing it 100% of the time because it's just not realistic.