How often do you weight yourself, and why?



  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    Daily, in the morning. But weight fluctuations don't faze me. I just weigh myself daily out of habit, and to sometimes amuse myself with the wheels of biology, like how my weight goes up and down due to sodium levels and carbohydrate intake.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Every morning. It keeps me on track and the fluctuations don't bother me. Plus, if you only weigh once a week, or less frequently, you may catch yourself on the scale finding a tiny loss or a gain and wonder what went wrong.
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Usually around twice a month on Saturday mornings at 10:30am, after Zumba. I do NOT weight myself the week before or after my period. Water weight. Pick a day of the week and a specific time. Your weight fluctuates day to day, especially when it comes to water weight. Don't torture yourself by getting on the scale randomly. Good luck to you!
  • JLCrunch
    JLCrunch Posts: 46 Member
    edited October 2014
    I weigh myself daily when I wake-up, after using the restroom. If the scale went down I reflect on my weight loss accomplishments from the day prior. If it went up I review where I could have gone wrong. Is it bloat from that time of the month or did I eat a sodium rich meal late in the day? It helps keep me accountable and mindful of my own comings and goings without beating myself up for it.
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    Daily, after the shower before work. As others have said its not the number on a given day its the general trend. i tried weekly and that stressed me because sometimes it would be the high weght those days so it looked like i was lossing nothing then bam a big drop. But i can see how the fluctuations daily would stress others.
  • kidtachyon
    kidtachyon Posts: 32 Member
    Twice a day. I weigh myself first thing every morning and log my weight. It helps to keep me motivated and accountable, despite the invariable fluctuations.

    I also weigh myself right before bed, only because it's interesting to see how much weight I lose during the night based on my hydration level for that day.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Once a week- same day, same time. It is enough information for me.
    In the past, if I weighed more often I would get negatively obsessed over the number of the scale. Focusing so much on the number on the scale was an unhealthy mindset for me to be in.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Every other week, on payday, so that if the number doesn't make me happy then I still have the paycheck.
  • JLCrunch
    JLCrunch Posts: 46 Member
    kidtachyon wrote: »
    Twice a day. I weigh myself first thing every morning and log my weight. It helps to keep me motivated and accountable, despite the invariable fluctuations.

    I also weigh myself right before bed, only because it's interesting to see how much weight I lose during the night based on my hydration level for that day.

    I have to admit, I do this sometimes too out of impatience. lol slightly obsessive.

  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    edited October 2014
    Daily when I am trying to lose weight. Bathroom then weigh. I do it because of the fluctuations! Up 5lbs one day after a huge meal does not concern me as long as it goes down by that much in the next few days. Weighing daily allows me to see the fluctuations and have a better guess at what is truly happening as far as fat loss. I consider my calorie intake, sodium intake, and exercise when my weight goes up or down by a lot. I chart it all with an app and am happy as long as the trend is down.
  • sparkynazca
    sparkynazca Posts: 169 Member
    Every Wednesday. :) I used to weigh myself every day until I realized I could poop and lose six pounds. :open_mouth: I was making myself upset every time the scale went up.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I weigh everyday and log it into the happy scale app, but I only log on MFP once a week. Small fluctuations don't worry me and I see the downward trend on the happy scale app. I don't have any real motivation for doing it this way
  • Thanks, all, for your responses. (Surprised at how many daily weighers there are!) I'm a once-a-week kinda gal, myself, but even then, I find grand fluctuations. I couldn't do every day - it'd do my head in.

    Thanks again for your responses, everyone! Happy Health!
  • sshwetas
    sshwetas Posts: 8 Member
    Every week. I am trying to change it to every two weeks now. But it is so hard.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    1) I love data and seeing daily fluctuations doesn't bother me.
    2) Makes a great graph to show people when they freak out about a gain that happened overnight. :p
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Probably like once a month for me. I just don't think about it honestly. I don't care to see the scale numbers all the time. I preferror to see pics and have my clothes fit more loose.
  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    I am a daily weigher too. I find it better that way. I don't bother too much with minor fluctuations. But I want to see the trend of my weight loss . that said. To each his own. :)
  • BreatheFye
    BreatheFye Posts: 5 Member
    Once a week. It's easier, and I plan for it (Gym/Stop eating/drinking earlier in order to make sure I am able to empty my stomach/have not too much extra fluid at weigh in). I do it every Friday morning. And I like it this way b/c it's always reflective of my week. If I had a bad week, I'd expect to see little to no loss (or even a small gain), where as if I know I had a good week I'd expect to see ~2 pounds of weight loss, give or take half a pound.
    If I see any more than 2.5, I know I under ate and can plan for it. System just works for me.
  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Every other week, on payday, so that if the number doesn't make me happy then I still have the paycheck.

    That is a pretty awesome method. Lol.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Every morning after I go to the bathroom either naked or in pjs.

    Because it's like brushing my teeth - no emotion attached. If I stopped myself and did it on schedule I'd worry about it and put some meaning on it. Now it's like - wow, gained a pound yesterday. I bet I have to poop.

    I am always within 3 pounds, so it's just basic information. I notice when I drop pounds and am lower than my normal range and when that changes permanently. I've never had it go over for more than a day, but if it did more than a week or two, I'd see what I'd done to gain the weight and change my diet until I was back in range.