Spinning HELP

Been awhile since I've been active on this site. When I was- I lost 50lbs. Then the winter and summer came and went and I gained 25lbs back. I drink beer and eat.... but I usually run 6-10 miles a week or spin daily. That all stopped in Late August, a fall out with a friend/spin instructor led me to running only. Now- I'm bored and I'm lucky if I run 4 miles a week. Anyone know if any really good extreme type spin boutiques in North NJ- I'm in Hudson county.

I'm looking to get my mojo back. Please help!


  • warriorguy
    A start is just that....a new one. And it leads to where you want to go. Just one step at a time...one day at a time....and cut out the beer...o "the power of a positive no." Or, work it into your calorie budget. Do 30 min. of running......30 min of weight exercises....3 days a week I do so I won't burn out. I've lost 20+lbs and have a goal of 40+ more to lose. I have ups and downs but don't worry about that. I just get back on track and steadily am going down. O, btw, I'm 82. :O)
  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the motivation!!!!!
  • meloneill34
    meloneill34 Posts: 3 Member
    Hiya not sleeping well tonight and have decided to re-joking too. I,ve also had a break. Need to buy some digital scales today. I'm 20 weeks pregnant and feel terrible, bmi 33. My partner isn't attracted to me and I genuinely feel very low. But I have researched and because of my high bmi it is ok to lose a little safely in pregnancy...somehow my sleepless night filled with worry has spurred me to find some motivation.
    Good look with your journey and here's taking one day at a time... I have approx 140 days left before my baby arrives.
  • meloneill34
    meloneill34 Posts: 3 Member
    Re-join not re-joking
  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    Sounds like you have more issues then your weight... Pregnant women are beautiful and your partner should see you as beautiful since your carrying their baby. I wouldn't worry so much- your pregnant. Don't let someones attitude bring you down. Good Luck in your journey. And congrats!! Your should be happy and healthy and looking forward to your new baby!
  • meloneill34
    meloneill34 Posts: 3 Member
    Bless I am looking forward to the baby... But my bro is getting me down, all the red tape these has meant that I've read the riot act despite my second being born totally natural with a sniff of gas and air and one push. I'm standing by my ground and will fight for my home birth. Definitely finding some motivation from that too. I'm a uk size 16 and this is still fitting me now but would like to be at a healthier more attractive place when this little one arrives.