So Hungry



  • karenconey98
    wkwebby wrote: »
    Snacks could also be nuts or celery (fats, or fiber there). I was going to suggest eggs, but realized you're a pescatarian. Is there any vegan cheese snacks that you can nibble on?

    Also, just a thought, but try fruits with lower amounts of sugar in them for snacks. This would be bananas (lots of cals though), apples, blueberries (or any other more sour fruits). These will not spike your blood sugar as much. I also have the problem of being hungrier during the day if I start off the day with a high carb breakfast (but I'm prediabetic so my blood sugar can be more sensitive).

    I can have eggs; I usually have one a day :) Thanks, I'm gonna try another breakfast tomorrow :)
  • karenconey98
    NK1112 wrote: »
    Took a fast look at just 3 or 4 days and noticed a couple of things ...
    Your breakfast is too light. Get rid of the cereal and cold 'milk', try to get about 1/3 of your calories at breakfast ... but not very high on carbs, maybe 45 grams

    You are using up a lot of food value with that popcorn ... you'd do better to bulk up lunch with a bit more food ... like that snack apple or banana, or some milk along with the plate of food.

    You eat some nuts every day ... that's good, but remember that about 1/4 cup or 1 handful is all you need in a day. I find walnuts fill me up better than almonds. But almond buter and some celery or sweet bell peppers is good too.

    If you have a big salad at lunch, you can use 2 cups of salad greens, a couple or thre raw mushrooms sliced up, some sliced radish, a few cherry tomatoes, a tablespoon of olives, some canneda and rinsed beans (black are great but garbanzo are also tasty), maybe some thinly sliced cerely, onion, some sliced cucumber ... and top it with that tuna or an egg ... and 1 tablespoon oli and 1 tablesppon vinegar drizzled over ... and if you figured out the calories in that and can still have some more food ... add a bit of whole wheat pita, maybe some milk ... and see how that feels.

    Good luck.

    Thank you for the advice! I'll be sure to take it into account. I hope that now tomorrow will be a better day :)

  • karenconey98
    I just calculated that my BMR is 1270 :)
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    I always feel more satiated when I have a high calorie Breakfast, lighter (but not too light) lunch, and a moderate dinner with room for snacks at night. That's just what works for me.

    There's a lot of good advice before me (nk1112 especially) I won't bother repeating.

    Best of luck. :)
  • karenconey98
    I always feel more satiated when I have a high calorie Breakfast, lighter (but not too light) lunch, and a moderate dinner with room for snacks at night. That's just what works for me.

    There's a lot of good advice before me (nk1112 especially) I won't bother repeating.

    Best of luck. :)

    Thank you :) I'm feeling extremely disheartened and close to bingeing, so these posts are helping a lot.
  • missyme10
    missyme10 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, you are very similar to myself in your diet, although my calories are less each day and although I am not vegetarian/pescatarian, I rarely eat meat - so I have to get my protein from food stuffs other than meat and meat products.

    Have you considered Quorn products?
    I make Quorn and veg curry, Vegetarian chilli with Quorn mince and courgettes.
    I also eat a lot of vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts.

    I find without the Quorn products and lots of vegetables I get very hungry.
    You're welcome to look through my diary for ideas.
  • karenconey98
    missyme10 wrote: »
    Hi, you are very similar to myself in your diet, although my calories are less each day and although I am not vegetarian/pescatarian, I rarely eat meat - so I have to get my protein from food stuffs other than meat and meat products.

    Have you considered Quorn products?
    I make Quorn and veg curry, Vegetarian chilli with Quorn mince and courgettes.
    I also eat a lot of vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts.

    I find without the Quorn products and lots of vegetables I get very hungry.
    You're welcome to look through my diary for ideas.

    Thank you! Quorn is a good idea, I'll have to buy some :)
  • missyme10
    missyme10 Posts: 38 Member
    missyme10 wrote: »
    Hi, you are very similar to myself in your diet, although my calories are less each day and although I am not vegetarian/pescatarian, I rarely eat meat - so I have to get my protein from food stuffs other than meat and meat products.

    Have you considered Quorn products?
    I make Quorn and veg curry, Vegetarian chilli with Quorn mince and courgettes.
    I also eat a lot of vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts.

    I find without the Quorn products and lots of vegetables I get very hungry.
    You're welcome to look through my diary for ideas.

    Thank you! Quorn is a good idea, I'll have to buy some :)

    There are lots of other brands as well on the market, own supermarket brands are often cheaper and just as good.
    Go have a good root around your freezer section in your local supermarket. Lots of grills and bakes to choose from, team them up with a big pile of vegetables and you'll find yourself fuller for longer.

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    wkwebby wrote: »
    Water is a good trick, but definitely balancing the protein with the carbs in each meal. Perhaps you have a tendency to have a lower blood sugar after breakfast (very few proteins, but high carbs) and dinner (again same issue). How did you feel an hour after lunch? If you were still hungry, then perhaps the water is the issue. Your brain gives those hunger signals if your blood sugar dips too low and without the protein to balance out your spikes and troughs, and when it needs water. Try the water first, then try rounding out each of your meals somehow.

    An hour after lunch hungry; all I have is fruit. It's just hard to have protein in school as most foods have to be cooked.
    If you're eating very high carb, low protein and fat meals then I don't wonder you're always hungry. If I eat nothing but carbs for a meal I'm starving within an hour or so. I'm about 5'3" and eat around 1200-1400 calories per day. I'm rarely stomach-growling hungry even at mealtimes.

    Definitely try to up the protein factor. There are many foods that are high in protein which don't require cooking but might require refrigeration. Tuna is a great option, for example. I'll have a 7 ounce tin of tuna (5.6 ounces or so of actual tuna once the water is drained) with mayonnaise and diced cucumber for lunch a couple of times each week. You could add other veggies to it, if you'd prefer. Just plain tuna and mayo on a bed of lettuce with some sliced tomatoes and a little salad dressing is also good. Hard boiled eggs can be added to salads. I love egg salad scooped with celery stalks or egg salad on lettuce. There are lots of beans which are relatively high in protein; they're cheap, too, if you buy them dried and plump them up yourself.

    One more thing you might try is to eat smaller meals spread throughout the day. The "meals" can just be snacks (an ounce of almonds, a string cheese, a hard boiled egg, an apple, etc.) but it'll help stave off that hungry feeling until your next meal.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I feel like I've eaten too much today, yet I'm still so hungry, which is always the case during the week as I'm in school. Is there any way I can either decrease my appetite, or find foods that will satisfy me without going over my goals? My food diary is open for anyone who can give me advice.

    I know if I eat just an apple by itself I get really hangry a few hours later. Try to pair it with peanut butter or another kind of nut butter to get a little bit of protein with it.
  • Chloe9218160
    Chloe9218160 Posts: 61 Member
    edited November 2014
    Your diet choices look very healthy(and delish!), but it looks like you are eating a lot of simple sugars in your fruits, which cause a spike in blood sugar and cause you to feel even hungrier later. Like a few others have said, more proteins in place of fruits would help you to feel fuller. I've noticed two things that help me feel full for not very many calories:
    1.Eggy toast, which is basically two poached eggs eaten on a piece of toast, the yolk-y toast is eaten after the eggs, I usually like to have this with sriracha, for me this is 185 calories
    2.Have you ever just sat down and drunk a whole pot of tea? I accidentally did this once when I was still hungry after dinner and I was so full I thought I would burst!

    Good luck maintaining! :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    For me, the earlier in the day I tend to eat, the hungrier I am. Since I usually wake at 3-4 a.m., then gym at 5, I hold off eating until 9-10 and I don't feel hungry the rest of the time. I HAVE tried eating earlier and the result was I wanted to eat constantly. Weird, but it works for me.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    edited November 2014
    I feel mainly hungry during school and before and after dinner. The problem is that eating any more food always exceeds one of my goals, and I feel that they're a little too generous in the first place. It doesn't make sense that eating so that I'm not hungry is overeating, but seeing the amount of calories that everyone else eats my height causes me to second guess myself.

    You have to play around with your macros and meal times until you find a combination that suits you. You are set at 45/20/35 CPF, try 35/30/35. Try spreading out your meals throughout the day - instead of three large meals, maybe have six small ones, so that by the time you get hungry, it's already time for the next meal.

    Try lowering your consumption of simple carbs, and eat more of complex carbs. From Harvard Health Publications - "When you eat a food with a high rating on the glycemic index, enzymes in your digestive system attack its carbohydrates and furiously snip off simple sugars such as glucose. These quickly slip into the bloodstream. As blood sugar levels shoot up, cells in the pancreas churn out extra insulin. This hormone helps cells sponge up glucose. A surge of insulin also signals the body to store extra glucose as fat. Too much insulin may eventually drive blood sugar below the level your body needs to keep things running smoothly. This triggers responses that get your blood sugar levels back into the normal range. Hunger pangs are one of these."

    Fiber makes you feel full too, so I suggest you increase your fiber if you aren't having much (fair warning - it might cause bloating for the first couple of days, so don't freak out, it'll go away as soon as it came).

    ETA - As far as low calorie snacks are concerned, when I'm out of calories for the day but I'm still hungry, I binge on lettuce. It's not terribly nutritious except for a lot of vitamin A and a bit of some other micronutrients, but 100 grams of lettuce is only 15 calories.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good fats & protein should satisfy you for longer.

    Try and eat lots of veggies, salads etc - Not a lot of calories. I like fruit & nuts for snacks.

    Also make sure to drink plenty of water - You could be dehydrated and not ACTUALLY hungry??