Working out, eating right, gaining!!

I am becoming very discouraged.

I lost 40 lbs a couple years ago by portion control and doing zumba about 6 days a week. After that weight was gone, I have been stuck for 2 years at the same weight.

I run/walk/run bleachers 4 days a week and track calories with MFP. I have 1800 calories per day and no more than 100 carbs per day.

I have gained 1 lb every Tuesday for the past 3 weeks. I also measure myself and this morning put on an inch around my waist! I need some advice and help!

I also have PCOS so its harder for me to lose weight and easier to gain but I think I'm doing what it takes to lose...?


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited November 2014
    What is your height, current weight, and goal weight?

    Do you use a food scale? Log everything, every day? Your diary is closed.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I hate to say it, but, are you weighing your food? It's pretty easy to eat more than you think you are eating.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ask the doctor about the PCOS and how to lose your weight. Whatever he says is what you ought to do. He/she knows more than I do.

    If it were me, I'd drop the calories. To lose weight, you have to eat less and/or move more. You're moving a lot, so I'd eat less. I wouldn't eat fewer carbs, though. I'd increase it to 150. But that's me.
  • squatsandsuch
    I don't measure, no. I used to measure everything so I kind of memorized how much of stuff I can have but I can start measuring again. I'll start that today.

    I weigh 235.7, I'm 5'6" and want to weight about 200 at this point. I do log everything. I only have 3 meals a day and try to drink plenty of water. I eat a lot of protein and not much carbs.

    As far as losing weight with PCOS, I need a low carb diet. Kind of like a diabetic.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I don't measure, no. I used to measure everything so I kind of memorized how much of stuff I can have but I can start measuring again. I'll start that today.

    I weigh 235.7, I'm 5'6" and want to weight about 200 at this point. I do log everything. I only have 3 meals a day and try to drink plenty of water. I eat a lot of protein and not much carbs.

    As far as losing weight with PCOS, I need a low carb diet. Kind of like a diabetic.

    Not weighing is your're eating too many calories

    Possibly also over estimating your workouts too

    Good idea to start weighing your food's about calorie defecit (carbs not as important but if that's what you want to do)
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Step one: Are you really eating 1800 calories? Do you weigh and log everything that goes in your mouth?
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Also, set your diary to public so we can try to help more.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't measure, no. I used to measure everything so I kind of memorized how much of stuff I can have but I can start measuring again. I'll start that today.

    I weigh 235.7, I'm 5'6" and want to weight about 200 at this point. I do log everything. I only have 3 meals a day and try to drink plenty of water. I eat a lot of protein and not much carbs.

    As far as losing weight with PCOS, I need a low carb diet. Kind of like a diabetic.
    If you don't want to weigh and measure, you don't have to do that to lose weight. Just keep dropping your calories until you start losing. You may think you're eating 900 calories a day and be actually eating 1350, but it doesn't matter, as long as you're losing.

    Weighing and measuring is fantastic for people who want to do it, but it isn't necessary to lose weight. In the end, no matter how precise and diligent you are with the weighing, it's all estimates, anyway.

    I hate to think of people giving up because they don't want to weigh and measure. So if you aren't into that, just eat less. :)

  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    In addition to weighing your food, maybe you need to add weight training to the mix? Sounds like you've been doing the cardio 4 days, and zumba, which are all more cardio related. If you can add a day of weight training, and eventually increasing to a couple of times per week, of weight training. Switching up your workout regimen may help.
  • squatsandsuch
    I don't do zumba, anymore. Just walk/run. I found on a website that I need 1800, acutally 1880. MFP says I need 1600. So, I will just change it to 1500?

    I would think I eat 1800. I try not to snack and I don't put anything in my mouth that doesnt get logged.
  • squatsandsuch
    I'm not going to give up. Trust me. This has been a 4 year battle/journey.

    How am I over estimating my workouts? I guess I'm misunderstand this?
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    You need to weigh all solids & measure all liquids. Or else, you're really just estimating. Some people can get by with estimating, but it doesn't seem like you're one of them.

    1800 for someone with PCOS is pretty high. I'm guessing that you need to eat fewer than that. I would start with what MFP is giving you and focus on your accuracy. If you're still gaining after a month, you may need to go lower.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'm not going to give up. Trust me. This has been a 4 year battle/journey.

    How am I over estimating my workouts? I guess I'm misunderstand this?

    If you're relying on MFP's estimates for your calorie burns or a gym machine readout, those have a tendency to overestimate how much you burn doing certain activities. A lot of people will recommend eating back only 50-75% of those extra earned calories just to be on the safe side.

    Likewise, there are a lot of incorrect food entries in the database. And if you're eyeballing any portion sizes, what you think is the correct serving size can creep up unintentionally. Because of this, logging everything you eat doesn't ensure accuracy if you're not double-checking your portion sizes and double-checking the entry you're using against the nutrition label of the actual food.

    Unfortunately, it's really common for us to burn less than we expect and eat more than we realize.
  • squatsandsuch
    Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I always go by the nutrition on the actual food I'm eating and compare it to MFP before I save it and as far as working out goes...I use "fitapp" app that counts my calories on my cell while I walk/run and key that in. I don't use what MFP says.
  • squatsandsuch
    Do you all eat your calories earned from working out?
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    It's generally recommended to only eat back some of your exercise calories - since MFP and most fitness apps/devices (unless you're wearing a HRM) will overestimate the calories you burn. Seems like most folks go with a 50-75% rule, but you can tweak that to see what works best for you.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Do you all eat your calories earned from working out?

    I usually don't eat back my calories.. unless I am STARVING - then I won't allow myself to eat back more than 1/2 of them. Only because in case there is a discrepancy I am pretty sure I am not over eating.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'd also suggest some resistance/weight training. It carries large benefits in that you'll retain more lean muscle mass which will help to maintain your metabolism as you lose weight.

    In addition to less calories, you should consider cutting your carbs proportionally. I know for a lot of people 100 grams a day seems really low but with PCOS you might benefit from a little less than that, with most of those carbs coming from vegetables.
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    If Zumba worked for you in the past, why not do it now?
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    What I usually do is overestimate my caloric intake and underestimate my calorie burn from exercise and then try to meet my caloric intake goal for the day. You can also adjust your goal weight loss per week until you start losing weight again. Most likely, you are either underestimating your caloric intake or your overestimating your calorie burn from exercise. Exercises like Zumba on MFP give you a certain standard calorie burn per minute of exercise but this calculated standard is not the same for everyone. What you put into it is what you get out of it. Generally, if I exercise, I push myself and come out soaked in sweat but you can also use the conversation tactic. If you find it difficult to talk while exercising you may be pushing yourself too hard, not feeling winded at all during your cardio routine and you may not be pushing hard enough. You have to self evaluate and determine what the problem is. I always recommend a strength training program along with cardio to add more lean muscle which adds to overall caloric burn, even at rest.