Looking for Encouraging Friends!

Hey everyone! :3

I've been sluggish with keeping up with my food diary, and I've just started regularly exercising again, (save for the past two weeks, unfortunately -- I have the flu!) Anywho, I've lost nearly fifty pounds so far in my weight loss stretch, and I've managed to maintain my current weight for a year without much trouble, but I'd like to lose twenty more pounds.

So, I'm looking for some friends who are active on MFP and offer encouragement and support. Of course, I want to be encouraging and supportive of you too, and I figure it's much easier if we do it together. ^ o ^

To share a little bit on me, I'm turning twenty-three this week, I've recently graduated from university with a bachelor's in English and I love writing poetry. I worked as an actor in a haunted attraction this past month, I have an intense interest in makeup artistry and am considering entering a program for it, and in my free time, I like playing video games and drawing & painting.


  • FlatWet
    FlatWet Posts: 109 Member
    Cool! I am also 22, almost 23 and a recent university grad. Also looking to lose 15-20.
    Would love some more encouragement / friends who are looking for the same.

    Send me an add! I would love to develop a broader community!
  • lpendleton58
    lpendleton58 Posts: 285 Member
    You and anyone else are more than welcomed to send me an add request. Hopefully, we can motivate each other.

    I try to log in my food diary at least during the weekdays but my log is open to the public
  • projektai
    projektai Posts: 107 Member
    FlatWet wrote: »
    Cool! I am also 22, almost 23 and a recent university grad. Also looking to lose 15-20.
    Would love some more encouragement / friends who are looking for the same.

    Send me an add! I would love to develop a broader community!

    Ahh, thank you! It's so neat to run into someone with similar goals! <3
    I've sent you an add!
  • I'm getting back into the healthier lifestyle (or at least trying to) after letting myself go for a year :/ feel free to add me as well, I have a feeling I'll need the support lol and I'll give just as much back :)
  • I'm kind of new to this... I can't even figure out how to add friends.. But I want some! I want to be healthy!! Add me!
  • Encouragement is my middle name! Feel free to add me!
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hey! Also almost 22. Feel free to add me. :)

    ETA: I am an English Education major, so we also almost have that in common!
  • cournae
    cournae Posts: 30 Member
    I am also looking for some motivators/buddies! I have been going up and down back and forth the past few years and am finally ready to say enough. I am 24 and looking to lose about 15-20 lbs. I am on a 9-day healthy streak so far (netting 1200 - 1400 kcal per day and burning off about 350-400 kcals in exercise 5 days a week)

    I work at a desk job so it hasn't been easy but I am feeling more motivated then ever, just needing someone who is the same boat so that we can keep each other on track! :)
  • shamensyth
    shamensyth Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. I'm also 23. I'm starting up again after gaining back all my weight. This time I plan to keep it off, though. Feel free to add me, or anyone else, for encouragement or support! I'm active.