are you guys really happy with the healthier life style? or how do you keep up?



  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member

    But do I like it? I like the results. I like feeling healthier. I like that I don't get the carb crashes after every meal where I just want to take a nap (ftr: I am not a low carber, I just choose complex carbs that don't have that spike and crash effect). I like that I can feel full and satisfied without having to snack constantly. And your tastes will change over time so that you actually DO prefer the healthier stuff. I tried a few sips of soda a few weeks ago and couldn't drink anymore. It just tasted nasty to me… like chemicals or something. And will power is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. For instance, today I was able to pass up free cupcakes (that looked amazing, btw) and ice cream. Neither one caused me a great deal of stress or disappointment or feelings of deprivation.

    I like that. It comes pretty close to the way I look at things.

    I hit my goal weight a few months ago after losing 40 pounds. I thought about losing more, then I thought about bulking. I was going back and forth then finally decided to just maintain where I was at. Yesterday I reset my goal to lose another 10 lbs, or whatever it takes to get rid of the last bit of excess fat. When I get to the point that I can see my abs, I'll reverse direction and start bulking. In short, I don't think I'll ever go into maintenance mode. Improving is a lot more fun and challenging.

    When I first started trying to lose weight and paid more attention to the nutritional value of what I was putting in my mouth, I struggled to learn to like fruits and veggies and to give up things that were doing me no good like soda or sugar with my coffee. I've since adapted. I now like fruits and veggies. I've also changed the way I look at food. Before I used to try to decide what I had a taste for, and eat whatever I found appealing. Now I look at caloric and macro values and plan my meals accordingly. Weekdays are easy since I tend to eat pretty much the same thing every day. I normally wing it on the weekends and usually have a much tougher time keeping calories under control and rarely hit my macro goals. But on a weekly basis it all works out.

    To answer the original question, yes, I'm happy. Keeping an eye on what I'm eating is a small price to pay for the rewards I've been getting.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Yes, I'm happy. But I'm also not depriving myself of anything completely. I also have days when I cut loose.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I really, really, really like fast food. This is difficult for me.

    I don't dislike living a healthy lifestyle, but I crave red meat all. The. Time. I hardly ever cooked. I would just grab a nice big piece of meat on a bun. I get at least 100 grams of protein a day, but it isn't what I really want.

    I love Bacon, sausage, and burgers.
    I like all types of pasta. A plate full of it.
    I like pizza!!!!

    This is very difficult for me, but I'm hoping I'm strong enough to sustain and to keep making these necessary changes to improve my health and to reach my goals.
  • ttcbelieve
    ttcbelieve Posts: 181 Member
    I DO NOT LIKE THE HEALTHIER LIFE STYLE . I love the results of the healthier lifestyle.
    Because I love the results of the healthier lifestyle more than I dislike the healthier lifestyle.. I choose to keep up and I do keep up. I fall off the wagon sometimes but I get back up.
    If I had the option, then yes….I would rather have 10 cookies and 6 scoops of ice cream that only 2. There is no pleasure or joy in having to moderate. I want the option to eat the whole cake and not just a slice. Because I like the results, I only eat a slice…every now and then I eat the whole cake 
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    ttcbelieve wrote: »
    I DO NOT LIKE THE HEALTHIER LIFE STYLE . I love the results of the healthier lifestyle.
    Because I love the results of the healthier lifestyle more than I dislike the healthier lifestyle.. I choose to keep up and I do keep up. I fall off the wagon sometimes but I get back up.
    If I had the option, then yes….I would rather have 10 cookies and 6 scoops of ice cream that only 2. There is no pleasure or joy in having to moderate. I want the option to eat the whole cake and not just a slice. Because I like the results, I only eat a slice…every now and then I eat the whole cake 

    Hehe this!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i really love all the rituals. i feel like every day has so many moments when i get to actually appreciate those moments, now that i am living with more awareness. I find it to be very rewarding in a way that really really really appeals to my love of traditions, rituals and progress. AND KITS. anything that comes in a kit, i am all about it :P
  • EnviDreams
    EnviDreams Posts: 12 Member
    I am happy with the results of my healthy & fit lifestyle but no I am not happy. I miss the days of being able to eat bread, pasta, rice & all the deserts & alcohol I wanted!
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    Hunger is such a fascinating thing. I used to get that hormonal hunger - where I just -had- to eat, and there was no resisting it. Then I got sick, and needed antibiotics and it just... went away. Now I have days where I just don't bother eating breakfast or lunch - I have a cup of tea and go back to work. My husband and I joke that my life is ruled by a billion single-celled organisms, and after the flagyl and cipro elections (and possibly the kimchi coup), the new ruling class is in favor of weight loss.

    I struggled for awhile when I started losing weight because the junk food called to me, and then didn't satisfy. I ruthlessly replaced my old junk food with things that did satisfy. If I'm not happy with a single serving - I'm unlikely to buy it again, because no amount will really make me happy.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    It will change with time! When you ween yourself off the sugar and carbs, your body stops craving them! It becomes less of a challenge to eat healthy, it becomes natural.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    I don't really miss breathing hard at the top of the stairs and not having much energy
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Working out is a blessing to me. True I may not always feel like it, but it's something that my body loves and it benefits me greatly. I eat within my macros and the type of meals I eat are still fun and enjoyable so there's not alot of craving for the "bad things". And heck, when I feel like partaking in some fun and comfort foods that aren't exactly nutrient dense or the best option, I do so. Its not an every day or even an every week thing. The trick here is to create a healtheir version of a lifestyle you can stick to for life. That way, the desire to "cheat", "wild out" or "binge" isn't hanging over you. Enjoy what you eat, enjoy how you workout, enjoy your healthier lifestyle.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    edited November 2014
    jbach2 wrote: »
    I don't really miss breathing hard at the top of the stairs and not having much energy

    This! And I don't miss the horror of getting ready for a night out and desperately trying to find something in the wardrobe that fits, having to pretend I really didn't want to wear jeans and that its not because I can't get them to do up!

  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member
    I try to see maintenance as a range not a specific number. Like most have said - every day is a challenge and you need to keep learning all the time. I originally thought I would never eat junk/fast food again. I like pizza and the odd piece of junk food, so I include it occasionally. I find it easier to stay on track if I eat sensibly but within daily limits. The odd lapse is not going result me in me re-gaining the 70lbs that I have lost. I like exercise and try to do something every day - maybe kettle bells, a long walk, gym workout, gardening or power walk. just helps if you can add 200 cals to eat back later ;-)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    Well, NO!!, I WANT WHISKEY, WINE and CHOCOLATE all the time.
  • richardositosanchez
    I'm happy with my healthier lifestyle because I see the results of my hard work, I feel better, look better, etc. There's no greater feeling than the natural rush you get when you finish a good work out, when you try on clothes and they fit, when people are complimenting how great you look, when you have natural energy to go out and do active things instead of feeling blah....
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Well, no, I don't enjoy working out and measuring portions and eating healthy and everything, let's be honest. And the guy who took pictures of stuff he eats.... that's how I *used* to eat, and it made me fat! Breaded fried filets, my God, what I wouldn't give to be able to get away with that. Breaded things are no. more than one portion/filet of anything at all is no. more than one slice of cheese is no. It's actually pretty grim if I think about it, which I try not to do. But I'm female, short, middle aged, and hypothyroid so I have two options. 1. suck it up and live with the food restriction and the workouts, but be pretty and have good bloodwork and be able to get nice clothes or 2. Eat what I want but keep forever expanding, let my blood sugar go crazy, and have nothing cute to wear. I decided Option 1 was better especially since I won't become diabetic that way. It's like going to work, doing taxes, and all the rest of that BS; you just suck it up because doing otherwise ends up being a LOT worse! lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Yeah...eating healthfully doesn't have to be doesn't have to be tasteless and blah...too many people have a very narrow view of what actually constitutes "healthy" foods and thus they corner themselves into that little box that only allows for dry salads and celery sticks..complete nonsense.

    Also, working out and kicking *kitten* is fun...who doesn't like kicking *kitten*?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    and I think I would sell what's left of my soul for a satisfying portion size of pasta, but... well, that way lies fat. so it's off the table. I don't buy it. it doesn't exist. If there's an up side other than not being fat, I save a LOT of money on groceries.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    You may find you're happier once your life is no longer controlled by food. But as you say, you have a lot of changes to make. Don't make them all at once. Small steps, small changes. You need to find a balance you can live with long-term.

    Include some treats. Work on portion control. Work on adding in healthy foods you like (find some fruits and vegetables you like, or ways to add them to your diet to increase nutrition and control hunger). You don't need to eat kale or lima beans. Find exercise you like, and do a little more of it.

    You can do this.
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    The bad thing for me was I used to eat any thing I wanted with very little to no water, or healthy foods. That was in my youth now with the change of life I can't eat what ever I want and look "cute" anymore. I used to exercise in my 20' and 30's from March until it got cold here in October etc. but now at almost 50 I have to exercise all year. I've grown to enjoy exercise but eating healthy I'm forcing myself to do it. Eating carrots and cottage cheese from breakfast is not my idea of food that I want but now I do it. I'm a very pretty lady and truthfully I want to stay that way as long as I can. I want to wear sexy clothes and look good for my age. So yes I used to eat a whole container of ice cream at a time but now I don't bring it into the house. Only certain items I'd binge on , on a very limited basis. I used to buy ice cream only three times a year. I just had celery, ice water and cottage cheese for lunch with one apple but I wear a size 8 right now and proud of it. I'm on here to get back to a size 6 or 4. You have to do it for yourself though.. I want to look good only for me.