Synthroid and night sweats?

Does anyone else take Synthroid and have horrible night sweats? My night sweats didn't start until I started taking this medication, and so I'm assuming its the cause. It's really irritating having to get up in the middle of the night to change clothes and sheets.


  • bologna111
    bologna111 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes I take synthroid and suffer from night sweats. This is the first time I am hearing the two may me related. My night sweats started after I had my daughter 4 years ago. I always assumed it was hormone related. I have been on synthroid for 13 years at different doses. I have an appointment with my endo next week. I'll bring it up and see what he says.
  • radcas11
    radcas11 Posts: 76 Member
    Well I work with someone, and she has the same problem so I started researching it, and it's a side effect of Synthroid. I've discovered that it's hit and miss with people. I was just wondering if there was a way of coping with it?!?! It makes me crazy!
  • bologna111
    bologna111 Posts: 57 Member
    Me too! I try to keep my bedroom on the cold side, but it's still not enough. If my endo has any advise I'll let you know! Please let me know if you find any tips also.
  • radcas11
    radcas11 Posts: 76 Member
    I sure will! Thank you!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    When my dosage gets upped, I have them sometimes. After a couple weeks, they stop. It has woken me up a few times, all wet and icky.

    Small price to pay, as far as I'm concerned. I'm the hugest fan of Synthroid and love what it has done for me. :)
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't take Synthroid (reacts to my body weird?) but I take Armour Thyroid and every time I get a new dosage I have night sweats for a few weeks or so. I think it's my body adjusting to it.

    I agree, it's a small price to pay.....just gross :)
  • radcas11
    radcas11 Posts: 76 Member
    My doctor upped my dosage a few weeks ago, and they have just gotten worse. I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it!
  • Huh. I've been on Synthroid a few years and haven't had this issue. But I will certainly know what to suspect if I do start to have night sweats, thanks to this thread. I'd be interested to know what your endo says.