Working out, eating right, gaining!!



  • Im not doing zumba anymore cause my body got used to it. I try to burn about 500 calories per workout (according to app on cell). I just changed my goals and they say to have 1290 calories per day if I'm burning 2000 calories per week with workouts and want to lose 2 lbs per week. I can handle that. I need to cut my caloric intake anyways.

    I have considered weights. I can get my bf in on that with me! That would be a good idea.

    I am a picky eater. I dont like many fruits or veggies. I LOVE protein. Meats! Which might be a problem. And I agree with less than 100 carbs with having PCOS.
  • I also dont want to eat my earned calories.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    I must echo the weigh and measure, the naked eye isn't a scale and looks can be deceiving we all have that friend who is always on a diet and gets bigger and she swears she don't eat much!!!!

    Im not being mean or cruel but that's the only advice I can give because to say youre doing it all right and not losing well your not, if you were weighing and measuring food and liquids and then not losing id be saying go see a medical professional.

    The times ive gained on this journey are times ive got lazy measuring and weighing. Well done on the loss so far I really hope the scale moves soon as its soul destroying working hard and it doesn't.
  • Thanks :) I didn't say that I have been weighing and measuring food. I said I am going to start today.
  • tattooed_mom
    tattooed_mom Posts: 10 Member
    I am becoming very discouraged.

    I lost 40 lbs a couple years ago by portion control and doing zumba about 6 days a week. After that weight was gone, I have been stuck for 2 years at the same weight.

    I run/walk/run bleachers 4 days a week and track calories with MFP. I have 1800 calories per day and no more than 100 carbs per day.

    I have gained 1 lb every Tuesday for the past 3 weeks. I also measure myself and this morning put on an inch around my waist! I need some advice and help!

    I also have PCOS so its harder for me to lose weight and easier to gain but I think I'm doing what it takes to lose...?

    I have PCOS too and was able to control it pretty well until about 6-8 months ago. It was like 35 pounds just appeared in a 2 week time frame. Nothing is working. I see a nutritionist and a personal trainer and the scale has steadily increased. I weigh and measure everything. Gave up sugar and processed carbs. I went to my endocrinologist and she is going to put me back on metformin because I stopped taking in about 3 months ago. But she said my blood work is fine and I need to "try harder". I could just cry.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    I would recommend a PCOS group for this post. Sadly, it's hard to find it now, since they made the changes and you can't search for groups. I wouldn't go by what MFP says. With PCOS, your body just works differently. I wish you luck. You're on the right track with the lower carbs.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You need a caloric deficit, which means the weighing of measuring of your food.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited November 2014
    Do you all eat your calories earned from working out?

    On extremely rare occasions, yes. Usually, no. I might eat a little extra, but I really have to stick to my goal number AND exercise if I want to lose.

    Most people eat half back. It's a great place to start.
  • I have to exercise to lose. If I don't workout...I never lose anything.
    I also lowered my calories on MFP. I hope this helps!
    Thanks for everyones help.
  • I have been working out the past days and I want on the scale tonight after I worked out and eat. I have gained 5 pounds since that. I don't get it and I have been drinking more water and eating right. The only thing else is that I have eight days away from my period. Should I be losing weight and not gaining.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I have been working out the past days and I want on the scale tonight after I worked out and eat. I have gained 5 pounds since that. I don't get it and I have been drinking more water and eating right. The only thing else is that I have eight days away from my period. Should I be losing weight and not gaining.

    Why would you go on the scale right after working out and eating? That makes no sense.
  • I always put on about 5-7 lbs before I start. I always get discouraged during that time of the month but I try not to let it bother me cause I know it'll go away. Just make sure to always drink plenty of water.
  • I also started measuring my foods today! I can have 1270 calories per day according to MFP. So far, so good.
  • Sld1108
    Sld1108 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi :) I'm new here but your post related to what I've been through. Trying to figure it out myself. Along with PCOS have you had hormones and thyroid tested? I'm highly estrogen dominant Nd also have hashimotos. The doctor won't prescribe meds because I'm too young but they are two factors that cause significant weight gain and/or will not let the body lose weight. Usually they are combined with PCOS. At least for me it Is. I haven't found out how to lose the weight yet except for hormone treatment and they refuse to treat me for thyroid at my age although it runs through my entire moms family for the past four generations. Id check the other levels to see if you need it. Best of luck to you :)
  • Thanks. I am going to be going to the doc in January and hopefully they can help me!