I'm new

:happy: Hi everyone, I'm new here. I have diabetes and I hope to lose weight. Nice to have a support group.


  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome. Feel free to add me.
  • joiesimmons
    This seems easy enough if you follow your guide, but if you're a Type 1 it's harder because you might have to eat carbs and calories to bring your sugar up every once in a while.

    But losing is losing, it's not a competition.
  • cdavies71
    I'm new also. I have Graves Disease and right now am waiting for blood work results since I have gained 37 lbs in the past year. Needless to say I'm trying to lose weight also. Quit smoking 125 days ago. :smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome!This is an awesome site.meet friends,get motivated and loos weight,can` t beat it
    good luck
  • BrendaMabry
    BrendaMabry Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am new to this also. I have gained so much weight that I need to do something. Now sure what can motivate me, but hopefully something will soon. I will post a picture with my name soon.