Which DVD set to start with?

Currently I am not doing any type of exercise but I think I finally got my diet under control. Now I would like to start some type of exercise DVD set like Turbo Fire or P90X because it really seems like a lot of people get good results from them.

I am 46 year old female that would really wouldn't mind a little muscle definition to be able to show once I get all this extra weight off (about 40 pounds).

All opinions are greatly appreciated.


  • karenkasbi
    karenkasbi Posts: 216 Member
    I started Focus T25 three weeks ago and can't tell you how much I love it. It's 25 minutes, intense, a lot of jumping and lunges but I sweat so much in those 30 minutes, it's great. I'm waiting to measure my body fat percentage in 1 week to know if Im making progress but this intense exercise gives me such a high it's excellent. totally recommended.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Audi68 wrote: »
    Currently I am not doing any type of exercise but I think I finally got my diet under control. Now I would like to start some type of exercise DVD set like Turbo Fire or P90X because it really seems like a lot of people get good results from them.

    I am 46 year old female that would really wouldn't mind a little muscle definition to be able to show once I get all this extra weight off (about 40 pounds).

    All opinions are greatly appreciated.

    There are so many different programs that it's hard to really suggest one without knowing more about you if you're willing to share--what are your goals? What kinds of workouts do you enjoy or is there anything you really dislike? TurboFire and P90X are both great programs but they're very different. :)

  • jah1360
    jah1360 Posts: 98 Member
    I got -Start! Walking At Home with Leslie Sansone: Beginner/Intermediate - 1 & 2 Mile Walk Leslie Sansone. you can choose between the 1 mile or the 2 mile or do both, I think it great. She also has other walking at home video but i have not tried them yet.
  • Letsdothis1984
    Letsdothis1984 Posts: 329 Member
    I would recommend ChaLEAN extreme. I have been doing it for 6 days now and love it. It focuses on weight training but on the off days has some great cardio videos. I have done Jillian michaels, 21 day fix etc and think this one is the best so far. I'm going to try p90x after this one (and I build some muscle and endurance haha)
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I really don't mind sharing more information.

    I would like to get into the 140 to 150 range. I am 5' 7" tall and right now I weigh 180 down from 198. I was down to 173 until we went on a 2 week cruise (whoops). I have never really a been a big fan of any type of cardio exercise but I do like the feeling you get after a really good work out. It has been about 6 years since I really had any type of exercise routine. Also, being 46 years old my metabolism has slowed way down.

    I had some decent muscles in my younger years from mostly farm work and other physical work related activities. Unfortunately, now I spend 8 to 12 hours on my butt at a desk. I would like to be able to build some of that muscle back. Because of work, my time is very limited.

    My main goal is to be able to enjoy vacations in the summer with my husband. We have a motor home and motorcycle that we like to pack up and go and if we see some thing interesting I want to be fit enough to walk or climb to it and not be out of shape and unable to enjoy it.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    karenkasbi wrote: »
    I started Focus T25 three weeks ago and can't tell you how much I love it. It's 25 minutes, intense, a lot of jumping and lunges but I sweat so much in those 30 minutes, it's great. I'm waiting to measure my body fat percentage in 1 week to know if Im making progress but this intense exercise gives me such a high it's excellent. totally recommended.

    I've had T25 for ages but never tried or even looked at it. After reading your post, i skimmed through the cardio one. Think i've found my next dvd lol.
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    I will second Chalean Extreme, I find it is a great, simple, well-rounded program. I got some great results from it. Just remember to take measurements and not watch the scale too closely because you will build muscle with it.

    Turbo Fire is also a great program but it is almost entirely cardio and if you are not careful you could lose muscle with it. I have heard that the same thing can be said for Insanity, but I don't know from experience.

    Also, when choosing a program, keep in mind how big of a time commitment they will be. If working out up to an hour and a half 6 days a week will bother you, don't get p90x. For me, time is the biggest deal breaker with a workout series and can mean the difference between success or failure.

    Good luck choosing a program
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I do a hybrid of Body Beast and Combat.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm just going to post here so I can find this thread again for future reference. Looking for ideas on what to do next.

    Currently on day 55 of X-TrainFit @ Home 90 Day Program
    Then I'm going to do Rockin Body (1 or 2 rounds....it's only got a 4 week calendar)
    Followed by Rushfit 90 Day Program (maybe...not sure)
  • jewlzie
    jewlzie Posts: 5 Member
    laineybz wrote: »
    karenkasbi wrote: »
    I started Focus T25 three weeks ago and can't tell you how much I love it. It's 25 minutes, intense, a lot of jumping and lunges but I sweat so much in those 30 minutes, it's great. I'm waiting to measure my body fat percentage in 1 week to know if Im making progress but this intense exercise gives me such a high it's excellent. totally recommended.

    I've had T25 for ages but never tried or even looked at it. After reading your post, i skimmed through the cardio one. Think i've found my next dvd lol.

    Same here, I almost forgot I had T25.. life gets so busy. Now I am excited to start... =)
  • michellewesley
    michellewesley Posts: 23 Member
    Leslie Sansone walk at home is fantastic, I get some for free on youtube and she also incorporates some strength training with really light weights in some of her 3 miles. I have noticed a huge difference in 5 weeks in myself - I have a bad bad so can only do low impact exercise and this is fabulous for all people at different activity levels
  • Poofersgrl
    Poofersgrl Posts: 161 Member
    I alternate between Leslie Sansone Videos and the new beginner 30 day shred. 1 day leslie, next day Jillian. with 1 or 2 days off. Haven't seen results yet, been doing both for less than a week, but was doing Leslie for almost a month but not consistently. Trying to lose 10lbs.
  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    I tried P90X, twice. I made it through 30 days the first time and 60 days the second time. It's not too difficult so in terms of intensity, probably a good starting point. I do not like it though, because it's too time consuming (especially now that I have two preschool children). Also, for me, I get rrreaally bored with it. The pace is too slow, I don't get enough cardio and the little cardio I get is not challenging enough for me. And yoga! I hate it!

    I tried Insanity as well. Made it through the first half. Then for the 2nd half, I stopped. The workouts got more intense and longer. It seems I could sustain the 45 minutes commitment of the first month, but not the 1h commitment of the second. I loved the program. It was fun, challenging and I felt good after each workout. Never got boring. It was hard on the knees though. Along with the longer time of the workouts, my knees were the main reason I stopped. I do have a history of bad knees to start with.

    I tried Rushfit. I loved it. It's a good mix between cardio and resistance training. Good pace, never boring. The perfect balance between P90x and Insanity, in my opinion. I like that it included cardio days where you decide what you want to do, so you don't have to use a video every day. Always 45 minutes through the whole program.

    I also used Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I love those for the fact that they are 30 minutes or less, and since the whole program is 30 days, it's easier to look at it like a challenge and you see the end coming so fast that there is a good reason to never skip the workout. I like that it includes cardio. I like that unlike all the others, you do a level for a certain period of time, then switch to another level and never see the previous workout again. It feels more like a progression and like you accomplished something, compared to a simple rotation of workouts over 8 weeks like the other programs. To me, they are the perfect starting point.

    I liked Jillian Michaels so much I just bought another dvd from her and plan to start next week.

    I think all programs are good and have a lot to offer and like to rotate from one to another. Of all I reviewed here, the only one I would not do again is P90x because I just get too bored. I might use a video here and there (I liked the legs and back workout the best), but would never do the whole thing.
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    Looks like I'm going to start with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and go from there. If all goes well then perhaps the Chalean next.

    Thank you for all of your input.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm just going to post here so I can find this thread again for future reference. Looking for ideas on what to do next.

    Currently on day 55 of X-TrainFit @ Home 90 Day Program
    Then I'm going to do Rockin Body (1 or 2 rounds....it's only got a 4 week calendar)
    Followed by Rushfit 90 Day Program (maybe...not sure)

    Wow. LOL. I was really tired when I typed this up. The last program should say Ruthless. No clue why I typed Rushfit. Oh well. For the record Rushfit is an 8 week program. Ruthless is a 90 day program. Somewhere in my tired mind I decided to combine the two apparently.

  • chantalebelle
    Audi68 wrote: »
    Currently I am not doing any type of exercise but I think I finally got my diet under control. Now I would like to start some type of exercise DVD set like Turbo Fire or P90X because it really seems like a lot of people get good results from them.

    I am 46 year old female that would really wouldn't mind a little muscle definition to be able to show once I get all this extra weight off (about 40 pounds).

    All opinions are greatly appreciated.

    P90X is great because you can choose what videos you want to do (if you aren't following the program directly). The P90X3 that just came out is great because all of the videos are only 30 min long but has the same benefits. Tony horton is a great leader and i love his motivation and energy. i suggest p90x!
  • ggirard27
    ggirard27 Posts: 11 Member
    I really enjoy Fat Burning Kickboxing Work for Dummies. It is not too long, it is very fun, and always challenging.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Save your money - youtube has all kinds of free video workouts. find one you like and follow along