Is it going to get easier?

So, I've had a couple of failed attempts at changing my eating lifestyle. I get TDEE and that if I want to lose ~1 pound a week as someone who is 5'4, I should eat 1200 calories a day or less. So I did that today. It was difficult. The time between lunch and dinner was the worst, and I found myself glancing at a classmates bottle of coke like it was some sort of ambrosia that I had never tasted. I doodled my shopping list on my notebook in the last hour of class. So, I got home at 8pm and had dinner. It was only 6 hours since I had eaten lunch, but I was so damn hungry. Well, I only had ~300 calories left in the day so my dinner was a bit more meager than I was hoping. I'm hungry now, and its 2 and a half hours after dinner. I'm hoping this is an adjustment thing, and not a permanent one. I realize I'm not eating super healthy- I don't have a food scale yet, and I'm swamped with coursework. I find it easy to count out portions if the food I have is pre-packaged. I plan to eventually transition to more fruits/veges, but I don't want to jump the gun and sabotage myself before I get a food scale.

So, tell me MFP, does it get easier? Will 1200 calories a day always feel like I've eaten next to nothing?


  • vkatien
    vkatien Posts: 1 Member
    I honestly can't do 1200 calories a day. I switched to 0.5lb a week because I'm in school and it's just not feasible. I make sure I take walks or work out to "earn" extra calories. Also, I look at a week as an aggregate - if I go over some days, it's ok. As long as it averages out for the week. But, really, measuring everything makes it so much easier. Just get the scale. It helps so much. My weight loss is more steady using it. Also, filling up on veggies, fruits and lower-calorie foods makes eating fewer calories more satisfying. I've been doing this since April and it's hard some days. But, I don't like being hungry. So, balancing stuff that I really like to eat with fruit and vegetables is a win/win. When I first started I felt hungry ALL. THE. TIME. It does get easier. Just be patient with yourself.
  • 5'4 and 1200 a day or less?

    I'm 5'2 and eating 1400 a day and losing 1lb a week. That's not even TDEE. My TDEE suggests I eat 1300-1600 depending on activity to lose 1lb a week. And I'm smaller than you. I doubt 1200 is enough for you.
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    1200 calories can feel like a curse, or it can be completely satisfying- it all depends on the foods that you eat. My weight loss journey has been up and down, it's been slow with setbacks, but I have found the way I eat is completely different. If you are wasting calories on chips or soda or a lot of grainy carbs, then you are not going to be satiated. You can eat a LOT more if you eat the right thing. Eating a ton of veggies, some fruit, making sure you get enough protein, and high fiber is the secret to feeling full. Another secret to success over hunger is exercise. Did you know when you exercise and build muscle, you actually secrete a hormone that acts similar to insulin? our body also secretes that happy hormone dopamine. These aid you in not craving sugar as much and work to improve your mood in general. I find on days I don't exercise I feel a lot more hungry than days I do. I hope this helped a little!!
  • lolly715
    lolly715 Posts: 106
    j2699299 wrote: »
    I get TDEE and that if I want to lose ~1 pound a week as someone who is 5'4, I should eat 1200 calories a day or less.

    I don't know your current weight, but that doesn't sound like a TDEE rate to me. I can have more calories than that (1400) for a 2lb/week loss and I'm shorter than you. Even if you're completely sedentary, your TDEE should be at least 1700 assuming a weight around 150lbs since your ticker says you want to lose 20lbs. So even deducting 500 calories (which is not exactly TDEE method, since it uses percentages not absolute values) that's a minimum 1200, not maximum. More if you exercise.

    But yes, it does get easier. You might need to look at how you balance calories for the day. If you only have 300 left by the end of lunch, you're eating too much in the morning. Try and find lower calorie items that are filling. As an example, a large salad (no or very low cal dressing) with a good amount of protein keeps me much more satisfied than a sandwich and is much lower in calories.
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    So you set yourself at 1200!! Are you doing any sort of fitness with your weight loss?

    Because if you are your calorie consumption will have to be greater, to offset the burn you do during exercise. Thats how I know, if I want to eat well, I have to exercise. I have also found vegtable stirfry's are great at filling you up but low in calories.
  • nuvimi
    nuvimi Posts: 103 Member
    If you're going to eat that low, you have to make the most of every calorie. If I were you, the first thing I would do is stop drinking calories. Yesterday alone, you drank 180 of them - roughly the equivalent of 4 oz. of cooked chicken breast. The 240 calories you used on pastry crisps and yogurt with M&Ms could have gone even further. The 350 calories you used on a frozen sausage biscuit-type thing could have...well, you get where I'm going here. You're going to have to be much more careful with how you allocate your calories than someone who is on a 2000 calorie diet, and much of the talk around here of "eat everything you want, just in moderation" isn't going to apply to you at this point because it's going to take every single calorie allocated to real food just to keep you full.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You have it set to aggressively. Set it for half a pound a week and add in exercise to earn extra calories.
  • garnerish
    garnerish Posts: 67 Member
    Check here for some tips
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    im 5ft 5 and eat 1670 a day I lose 0.5lbs a week I would increase it and see if you still lose
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    I do 1200. But I eat it in 5 smaller meals. Only go about 3 hours apart and never feel hungry. Make every one of those 1200 a good choice. To do this since I work full time, I cook up a bunch of chicken, rice, and boiled eggs on Sunday to get me though the week. I pack a small cooler and take it with me.

    Keep trying!
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I have been losing an average of 1.26 lbs a week on an average of 1673 calories a day. I swim 30-40 minutes most days, and am a middle-aged yo-yo dieter.

    I know you can't plot a curve from on point, but you might want to check on the accuracy of your calorie count.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    It will not get easier if you are only eating 1200 calories.
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    I'm 5'4" using the TDEE method and I'm eating 1711cals a day. I have about 9lbs to go and I'm generally losing 0.5-1lb a week depending on how bad my cheat meal ends up being. There is no reason to starve yourself. You'll just be miserable even as the results start showing. Also TDEE shouldn't have given you 1200 calories unless you're already under 130lbs in which case you shouldn't be trying to lose 20lbs anyway. (I just used scooby workshop and at your age, assuming 130lbs and 20% calorie reduction you still get 1355cals per day) Up your calories, add in some exercise, have a realistic weight goal and weight loss goal and you'll be much happier at the end of it.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Yes, it gets easier! The first week is totally the hardest.

    You should add more fresh fruits and veggies. You can stuff yourself on 1200 calories of healthy food. Plenty of people who switch to all healthy food cannot even eat up to 1200 because they're so stuffed.

    I could stuff myself on 300 calories. I am always surprised when people say they have "only" 300 calories for dinner and wonder what they could possibly eat on 300 calories. A meal! You can fill up quite nicely on 300 calories.

    I average 1200 calories a day and I do not go hungry. I don't eat candy and ice cream and stuff like that, but I don't sit around being hungry, weak or dizzy, either.

    So, add more healthy stuff. You won't go hungry on 1200 if even 2/3 of it is healthy food.

    If you can eat more, that great. It'll be easier for you. But if 1200 is where you need to be to lose, you can fill up, be healthy and satisfied and lose weight. It can be done. :)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    How much do you weigh? 1200 doesn't sound like a number you'd get from tdee method. But if you're not exercising regularly, you might stick with mfp numbers/method.

    When I first started out, I was doing 1200 calories for about 5 weeks and each week it got harder for me. I was literally pacing around the house and at work. I couldn't concentrate and it was bad! I know some people can make it work, but bumping up to 1400 can make such a difference mentally.
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I would bump your calories up a bit, but YES, it does get easier!! You can do this. :smile:
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I could be mistaken, but many people will say you can discount calorie counting (to some degree, not if you're going to gorge), as long as you're eating certain types of foods. I don't know which, but I've heard people suggest mostly raw (veggies, fruits, grains) or whole foods (nothing pre-packaged). I know there are plenty of people on MFP who would shout this advice down, but it makes a bit of sense to me. Eating all you want of pre-packaged food, fast food, meat, cheese, candy? You're probably going to gain. Eat all you want of raw veggies and fruits, lean meats and dairy, beans, seeds, nuts? You'll probably get full before you can overeat and I would be willing to bet it's more work for your body to digest, hence more calories burned in the process. Again, I could be wrong...
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Please don't "beat yourself up" or self-defeat. Yes, weight loss is hard, but if you take babysteps to make the lifestyle changes, you can do it! I agree that you should adjust your weight loss goals to be 1/2 pound per week in the beginning, and start substituting healthier foods as time permits. Set yourself up to succeed. Adding a handful of grapes for a between meal snack can be both easy and inexpensive. Find what works for you. Sometimes I take cucumber slices, sometimes sweet pea pods, sometimes a whole grapefruit, because it takes so long to peel and eat. Keep trying, and if you fail one day, try again the next day. This life-style change is a journey, not a sprint. Let me know how it goes. :)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Who told you that you should eat 1200 just because you're 5'4"?

    I'm that height, and I'm losing on 2100.
  • Six hours is a really long time to go between meals for SOME of us. I have an easier time in the evening, but I really can't make it more than 4 hours between breakfast and lunch. An apple in between that can really fill you up, and after about a week your body will come to expect it, even crave it. I'd experiment to see what fills you up enough to make it to dinner and what doesn't (anything with chocolate just makes me mad I can't have more, celery sticks are not filling enough, cheese sticks are good if I have something crunchy with them, etc.).