Six days and switch?

Hi guys! So I've recently gotten back into the swing of things as far as eating well and exercising goes. Week 1 and 2 I went from 226 to 215- eating around 1,200 calories a day and doing strictly cardio, I have quickly noticed it getting much easier to burn 300-400 calories a session on lower level cardio for about 45 mins. Within in the past week my weight has gone from 215.6 back up to 218- I have been careful about my food and honestly eat protein bars and meal replacement bars for 2/3 meals. I was watching extreme weight loss earlier today and the trainer mentioned that your body gets used to exercises pretty quickly and recommended switching your routine up every six days. Has any one else had the same issue as me, or noticed that mixing up your cardio helped? I also have read a few posts and will be buying a food scale promptly I never thought much about the under estimating serving sizes that much!

I have always been over weight but also very active. So any gym tips or exercise recommendations would be appreciated!

oh and PS: Will be adding in three days of weight training starting yesterday so any tips on full body/Targeted section days (Upper body, lower body etc....) will really make my day!

Thanks in advance!


  • jstrun
    jstrun Posts: 70 Member
    Your body also gets used to the food you are eating, if you are constantly eating protein bars all day, maybe switch it up to some "real" food.

    New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great full body work out 3 x week for newbie lifters, I am a runner, with no upper body strength so I just started this program and although it didn't look like much I am feeling the burn the next day.

    Good luck!
  • That makes sense! I prepped a bunch of egg muffins and chicken for the week so maybe that will help. So jealous your a runner!! Despite any efforts ive ever made I cant seem to get into it! Sprinkle some of you running dust on me please!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    You should keep your body in a constant state of confusion.
  • jstrun
    jstrun Posts: 70 Member
    zoeyoh wrote: »
    That makes sense! I prepped a bunch of egg muffins and chicken for the week so maybe that will help. So jealous your a runner!! Despite any efforts ive ever made I cant seem to get into it! Sprinkle some of you running dust on me please!

    Everyone is a "runner" some just love doing it more than others! You should try C25K program if you want to start learning to run and maybe loving to run...I never thought i'd be a runner, and just over a year of starting that program I ran my first full marathon 2 weeks ago.
  • That's awesome!!! Congrats- I can maybe "jog" five miles on the treadmill before I feel like im literally going to drop dead. But I just downloaded the app well see how it goes lol!!
  • jstrun
    jstrun Posts: 70 Member
    lose the treadmill!!!! go outside...I can't last more than 20 mins on a treadmill SO BORING!
  • If your running on a treadmill, i have a tv in front of me so it keeps me occupied. I also put a towel on the panel of the treadmill so i dont see how much time is left or been running for.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    While periodization in exercise is a good idea, 6 days is not long enough for your body to acclimatize to a routine. I'm doing NROL and the minimum length of mini program so far is 8 weeks of 3 days per week with different targets each of the 3 days.

    Use the website/app properly, eat appropriately, and don't try to do too much, you'll burn out.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Fluctuations in weight are normal due to water retention etc. You aren't going to see a drop every day/week, but as long as the overall trend is in the right direction, you are good.

    I don't think you need to change it up every six days (unless mentally you need a change). If you are burning calories, you are burning calories. Most important thing is to just do what you enjoy and be consistent in doing something. If running is a goal, then definitely look into the Couch to 5K (c25k).

    Meal replacement bars are fine once in a while, but do try to eat some actual food too!
  • deana727
    deana727 Posts: 55 Member
    It isn't hard to find many 30, 60 or 90 day programs that use the principle of muscle confusion. Your body will absolutely adapt to the the routine if all you do is cardio, and if it has been in the habit of conserving energy as fat, it will find a way to start doing that again if you let it.