Never enough protein

Hi All,

I've been doing the fitness pal for awhile now and it seems like I can never get enough protein. I eat pretty much everything but I just don't seem to want a lot of protein. How can I fit more into my diet and make it appealing to me? I love carbs, sugars and fats. Vegetables are a problem as well.



  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Most efficient and low calorie way is a low calorie protein powder or drink.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    Take a look at my diary if you like. I often go over my goal by accident.

    Chicken, fish, cottage cheese, greek yogurt... Meat & Dairy are basically staples of my diet.

    I prefer to advise moderation rather than eliminating things from your diet (for long term's sake) but maybe challenge yourself to go a week without rice, pasta, or sugar? It'll force you to look up recipes that are outside your comfort zone.

    Best of luck!
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    Oh, I forgot - if veggies are an issue, do what you can to make it as easy as possible for yourself.

    Bags of frozen veggies are actually quite nutritious and super easy. I toss them straight into a stirfry after the meat has been mostly cooked.

    Alternatively, sometimes I'll roast several chicken breasts in the oven, then container each one up for lunch at work. The morning of, I'll add a cup or so of frozen veggies, and some cayenne or chili flakes for some heat. It thaws by the time lunch time is around, and a quick nuke in the microwave takes care of the rest.

    Last, there are pre-made bags of salads that work great. I'm a big fan of the Eat Smart super foods salads - they come with everything you need, and are only about $4.

    Overall, find ways to make it easy on yourself. Then grow from there. Not every meal has to be 1-2 hours of prep.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Add some peanuts or walnuts or sunflower seeds to your day and reduce something else to make them fit your goal.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Add some peanuts or walnuts or sunflower seeds to your day and reduce something else to make them fit your goal.

    To be fair, that's more of a "high fat" option than a "high protein" option. OP has no issues getting fats in her diet, according to her post.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    My diary is open if you want to peek. My go-to protein staples are chicken, fish, greek yogurt, beans, an egg every day.. Really, it just adds up over the day with things like nut butter, bread (OK, I make my own and add milk powder to get the protein higher) etc. A surprising amount of fruit and vegetables also have protein in them (frozen peas, beans etc).

    I learned to switch out/reduce starchy foods like rice and potatoes, and swap in something else which had higher protein. It was a learning process and took a bit of practice.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Smoothies! Get some good protein powder: My morning smoothy goes like this:
    one scoop protein powder
    1/2 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1/3 cup frozen blueberries
    3 frozen strawberries
    dash of cinnamon
    sometimes I also add flax or chia seed:
    = around 300 calories: 40g protein, 27g carbs, 7g fat, 9g fiber.

    You can also add spinach or other greens in there and totally hide the taste. Go to your local juice bar or find one online and study their menu choices for more ideas.
  • Wow, thanks everyone! I'll post later to see how I've progressed.
  • I have the same problem, and some days I do better than others. Rand486 has some great ideas. I try to make sure my snacks have protein and every meal. Maybe quinoa instead of rice? It has more protein. Edamame makes for a good snack that's packed with protein. Eggs, greek yogurt, Quest bars, cottage cheese, protein shake (I make mine with soy milk because it has as much protein as regular milk), peanut butter (PB2) in my oatmeal with breakfast, and my latest discovery: a protein mug cake. Take a box of angel food cake mix, and any other flavor of cake mix you like and mix them together. Then take 3 TBSP of the mix, half a scoop of protein powder, 2 TBSP of water, and mix it up in a mug. Microwave it for 1 minute, and enjoy!
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    Most efficient and low calorie way is a low calorie protein powder or drink.

    Eggwhites are also a very low calorie way to get protien.

  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    rand486 wrote: »
    Oh, I forgot - if veggies are an issue, do what you can to make it as easy as possible for yourself.

    Bags of frozen veggies are actually quite nutritious and super easy. I toss them straight into a stirfry after the meat has been mostly cooked.

    Alternatively, sometimes I'll roast several chicken breasts in the oven, then container each one up for lunch at work. The morning of, I'll add a cup or so of frozen veggies, and some cayenne or chili flakes for some heat. It thaws by the time lunch time is around, and a quick nuke in the microwave takes care of the rest.

    Last, there are pre-made bags of salads that work great. I'm a big fan of the Eat Smart super foods salads - they come with everything you need, and are only about $4.

    Overall, find ways to make it easy on yourself. Then grow from there. Not every meal has to be 1-2 hours of prep.

    You are a great help! :)

  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Most efficient and low calorie way is a low calorie protein powder or drink.

    Unneccessary, plenty of food that can get you enough protien.

    Eggs, fish, poultry, beef, legumes, beans, etc.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    Most efficient and low calorie way is a low calorie protein powder or drink.

    Unneccessary, plenty of food that can get you enough protien.

    Eggs, fish, poultry, beef, legumes, beans, etc.

    Sure. That is correct. Trick is getting enough protein and still staying within you macro limits
  • Thanks! I'm going to start by upping my greek yogurt intake as it's my favorite. I throw out most of the fruit/sugar on the bottom.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    jeanniedep wrote: »
    Thanks! I'm going to start by upping my greek yogurt intake as it's my favorite. I throw out most of the fruit/sugar on the bottom.

    why dont' you just get a yogurt that doesn't have it if you're throwing it out anyway??

    I personally get the big tub of plain greek yogurt portion it out for the week- add in vanilla protein powered and then add frozen but warmed blackberries/raspberries or peaches or whatever fruit of choice you like on top.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well I don't typically crave protein or veggies either, but unfortunately you have to compromise when you want to lose weight. I often just make myself a bag of frozen veggies and eat that with my meal (you can add some seasoning so it's less plain). I don't love it, but it's filling and low calories, and not being hungry is more important to me than taste sometimes. Or you can always roast veggies, it's delicious, if you don't mind the extra 20-40 calories from the oil (but olive oil is good for you anyway).

    I grill a bunch of chicken breasts also, and eat them with barbecue sauce, or in tacos, salads etc. I make egg white wraps (I just mix 2-3 egg whites, some cheese, add some spinach on the top and microwave for 2 minutes). It's actually quite tasty and low calorie.

    Canned fish is cheap and full of protein as well. Lunch meat too (although I know, probably not the healthiest, still great protein ratio for the calories). Beef... fish, chicken sausage. Heck I buy 93-94% ground meat and just grill some patties and eat those with veggies. I don't even try anymore and still end up eating 120g of protein or more every day.

    For the yogurt, buy plain yogurt and some jam or apple/pumpkin butter (or nut butter) and just put a bit in it. It will be cheaper than buying small tubs if you're going to throw out some of it anyway.

  • JenniForTheWin
    JenniForTheWin Posts: 6 Member
    Try tamari Freekeh! It's a delicious healthy alternative to rice that has a nutty taste to it :) 130 calories per serving and 6grams of protien!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm feeling lazy so I'm going to copy my reply to another thread:

    As a lifelong vegetarian I had the same issue. Trying to force myself to eat super high protein meals/Greek yogurt/faux meat, etc. at every meal and consistently missing my goal.

    The thing that worked for me was to drink 2 scoops of protein first thing in the morning. That got my initial 55 grams protein first thing in the morning so I could eat what I'd like for the rest of the day without worrying. I usually eat 30-40g protein in my meals without trying so I'd get 80-90.

    Hope this helps!
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    Try writing out your food diary the night before or morning-of. I'm more willing to stick to an already-logged food diary than pick something else and have to change it. The night before (after dinner) I'm more clear-headed about what I should be eating, so I just do the meal planning to make it work. Taste is better of freshly cooked vegetables but a lot of times breakfast/lunch I'm so hungry I don't know I'd behave while they were cooking.. so I like to make extra vegetables at dinner and have something to reheat. I have no problems with reaching/exceeding protein though. My diary is open. I like chicken breast sandwich.. 1 breast will last several meals. I usually cook it on a skillet, little bit of no-calorie cooking spray. Seasoned with garlic powder, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Turns out so good. Believe it or not, Old Bay seasoning is amazing on chicken cooking that way too... I've run out though :( Eggs too.. I usually start the day with something that has eggs in it. English muffin with eggs, cheese, and a ham slice (259 calories, 22g protein). Or an omelet and you can pack that with vegetables. This morning I had an omelet with imitation crab meat, cream cheese, spinach, and cheddar cheese for 321 calories, & 28g of protein.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    If there is a Smoothie King near you - their Gladiator 20oz (or more) has 45g protein per shake (its 2 scoops protein powder). Add whatever 2 fruits you want (or have them throw some veggies in there too - wont even taste it). I try making shakes at home and fail, but theirs are perfect so I indulge a few times a week there :)