weight loss tips?

hello, I'm Christine and I'm sick and tired of being over weight. i've been fat my whole life. i'm 25 and i weigh 283 lbs. i was alot bigger nearly 400lbs and somehow i lost 100+ lbs.i don't know how it did it but i just did. i just want to go down to a size 16 (i'm a size 22 now)nothing too crazy. does anyone have any tips they could share with me?

the one area of my body that i really have a problem with is my arms.does anyone have any pointers for getting nice tone arms?


  • ucfsn118
    ucfsn118 Posts: 14
    The one thing I was told from a trainer when I was healthy and working out a few years ago before injuries was targeting different parts of your body usually doesn't work. Your body is a body as a whole that work together, best thing to do is put your mind to work and mentally help push yourself to be the best you can be. That is my struggle right now too, motivation to continue going at it every day!

    2 Things that have helped me getting better motivated and the plan I will start using again very shortly are Silva Meditations to have a healthy mind going into everything I plan to do and all the weight I plan to use. A healthy mind is the best thing for weight loss in my opinion. But also, I plan to use the Body for Life workout system, I used it 2 years ago and while I read it and continued my healthy ways my results were amazing. The book has workout plans including cardio and strength exercises, nutrition plans, and ways to stay motivated. Best 25 dollars I've spent in a really long time, best part about it is that I can read it over and over again because of the motivational aspect of the book!

    Hope this helps!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Your body is a whole, so you can't target weight loss. Do a full body strengthening routine and your arms will naturally follow. Unfortunately for my thighs - spot reducing doesn't work.

    Don't get caught up with over exercising (common mistake) - yes exercise is very important to over all health - but 30-60 minutes a day is plenty!!! Weight loss (until you get down to those last pounds) is 90% what you eat and 10% exercise. To me, the go hand-in-hand, but if you have to concentrate on one first concentrate on food first and foremost. Stay in your calorie range set by MFP - eat "clean" foods lean protein, veggies, fruit, nuts. It makes a difference. But, don't deny yourself treats if you can control yourself. An oz of dark chocolate a day (as long as you log it) is good for you and won't hurt your weight loss. I still have a glass of red wine almost everyday - I just have to fit that into my calorie allotment - but I know that is something that I enjoy so I make room for it.

    For me, cheat days just don't work. Heck, cheat meals sometimes don't work. I just have to plan for a cheat course (for example, a cupcake I'll allow myself at a celebration). I can eat way too much food and can easily undo a whole week's worth of work in one day if I don't watch it. So, I log EVERYDAY. Even the bad ones to keep myself in check.

    Find a friend. Anyone. Someone that will motivate you and keep you on your toes. That is encouraging, but also doesn't have any issues calling you out or suggesting you do something different.

    I think those are my best tips!! Log, log, log is my biggest one. You'll be tempted (often) not to log something. Don't fall victim to this - LOG!