A New Jump Start!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Chayrisse call me Chay pronounced Shay. I am not new the the weight loss and healthy eating journey. I was 307lbs 27 months ago. I am now weighing in at 172. I moved started a new realtionship and I am a fulltime student 3 nights a week. I got overwhelmed with it all. Yet I was bored with my gym, the music on my ipod, food choices, keeping track of it all just became to much. I realized I hit a plateau again and need to change it up boost my excercise and the type of excercise. I need to keep heatly snacks around me so I have a better choice. I need to drink more water and my shakes to keep me from snacking. I am sure it has alot to do with my exercising. I WAS NOT!! or should I say HAVE not been. Well I am back on the wagon and will be going to work out this evening. My honey wil eat what I make so he is healthy or fatty he has no preference. LOL! He also has a job where he walks almost 50 miles a week he play basket bal once aweek and we do 5k's and 10k's together. So it's consistency and holding myself accountable to the lifestyle change it feels good to be my size coming from where I have been in weight. So I am here to encourage you and me as it is really easy for me to log my food on my fitness pal. I set an alarm on my phone for my food log and to make sure I've gotten a certain amount of water down by a certain time. So I say here we go, here we maintain, here we keep it healthy, here we encourage.
Continue to be AMAZING!


  • TeddyCharlton
    TeddyCharlton Posts: 46 Member
    Hi after a long hiatus, I have returned to my fitness pal. I do need the support. I'm back on the wagon as well and looking for the happy trail to weight loss, through a support group. Thanks for posting, you have made an amazing journey already.
  • Thank you. I did go to the gym last night and it felt good to get the happy endorphins flowing back again. So I ate well and worked out now to get the most amount of water back in and i'll be on the correct rode. How are you doing today?