43 lbs lost in 3 weeks



  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    Wow,thats awesome man. I lost a pile, still am Soni know it's not easy. You can totally do it if you can stay motivated. Good luck
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 343 Member
    Congrats on doing so much on your own.... this is a wonderful supportive place if you decide to 'not go the surgery' way.... but I agree with so many ...keep us posted (add me as a friend if you want?) .... and good luck!! My ex went thru the surgery also - so I understand some of what you might be thinking... in any case 'the best to you!"
  • FaithIsHealthy
    FaithIsHealthy Posts: 5 Member
    Wow that is so amazing!! Keep up the good work :)
  • IIGuardian
    IIGuardian Posts: 24 Member
    43 pounds in 3 weeks? That is more than I've ever heard of before. I know you started off at a high weight and followed a drastically restricted diet, but still... Did you exercise as well? Mind blowing man, keep up the great work!
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    congrats, you're doing great :) I agree with what another poster said- lose the weight yourself (I have no doubt you can do it), and save the $$ for skin surgery :) I've lost close to half my body size (115 lbs) through diet and exercise. I promise the longer you do it the easier it gets - it turns into a routine. Good luck!
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Great job! Thanks for sharing
  • katiehunter921
    katiehunter921 Posts: 25 Member
    Great job! Keep that attitude strong. You CAN do this without surgery. Have you seen the show with Chris and Heidi Powell? They help people lose crazy weight without surgery (except excess skin removal) all the time. You have everything you need without getting your organs permanently rearranged :)
  • urpalmaryann00
    urpalmaryann00 Posts: 17 Member
    wow! your story is so inspiring, this is the first time I've ever read the posts on here and yours is the one I chose to read first. I am determined to be healthy one day, and just reading positive stories of success is so energizing! thank you for sharing, and please keep it up! congratulations!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Well done, sir. I agree with one poster who commented that 1500 is pretty low for a grown man, but I also get why it's important for you to drop some initial weight very quickly. Just note that at some point, like whenever you feel ready to add in exercise, you should revisit your daily calories and probably boost them up a bit.

    You are really setting yourself up for success by taking ownership of your health, and also by coming here and sharing your story. All the best to you and I look forward to reading many updates in the weeks, months and years ahead :)
  • michellewesley
    michellewesley Posts: 23 Member
    WELL DONE!!!! you are so inspiring and you will do very well, take it slowly and dont ever get discouraged - we are all here for you and will be every step of the way with you. Please check in and keep us posted so we can all share in your achievements and be with people that have such a positive approach. Here's to good health and happiness....
  • Renee2GetFit
    Renee2GetFit Posts: 162 Member
    Awesome job!!! And I'm loving your attitude! Stick with it and I wish you the absolute best!!!
  • WhooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    If you figured out how to eat 1500 a day, you don't need surgery. You are already operating on yourself. Good luck on your journey
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    Yeah okay, your post is really inspiring. Thanks for taking the time to write it out. Good luck!
  • want2feelbetter
    want2feelbetter Posts: 35 Member
    [Wow what an amazing accomplishment... You can do this!!! You have already proved your ready to change your life . And it looks like you are well on your way ; -) God Bless you throughout your journey....
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    well done, that is fantastic! Keep up the good work B)
  • LisaT5262014
    LisaT5262014 Posts: 1 Member
    Way to go Roger!!! Tracking makes it seem more real when it comes to watching what you are eating. I know you can and will hit your goal. :D
  • msmi1970
    msmi1970 Posts: 60 Member
    *expletive*!! that's great mate!! well done! fantastic achievement in such a short space of time. best of luck with your surgery. i hope it all goes well for you.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Well done. I worry though that 1500 is too low. I'm assuming it takes a lifetime of out of control eating to get to 547lbs no? To drastically cut your food to such an extent, are you concerned you can stick to it? I punched your numbers into a weight loss calculator assuming you're 450lbs now and your goal is 200lbs (close enough) and you do NO exercise, you can eat nearly twice what you're eating now and lose weight. Maybe increase it a bit so you don't get to the point where you feel you're can't deal with the restriction any more.

    Did you put your details into MFP? What did you get as a recommendation? You can adjust your macros (if you didn't know) so your protein targets are higher, and your carbs are lower. Also, as an aside (from someone who eats low carb and has lost 60lbs) don't be afraid of good fat. Low carb and low fat = starvation. Low carb, moderate protein and fat = win.
  • Dezzie1180
    Dezzie1180 Posts: 46 Member
    Amazing job!
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