OMG! Is it ever hard to get pain meds these days



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I actually appreciate a doctor who doesn't just prescribe narcotic pain killers right out of the gate.

    Back in March I sprained both of my rotator cuffs in a bicycle crash...I was in a lot of pain and couldn't even lift my arms over my doctor prescribed me some 800 Mg Ibuprofen and sent me to was the right thing to do. I just wrapped up my rehab at the end of about 6 months of rehab work. I'm far better for it in the end.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Most of my back issues are from poor core strength -- losing weight and working out helped - try the exercises!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Had to go through the same thing recently but knowing how Rx abuse is rampant, while frustrating, it was understandable. It's unfortunate that the rest of us have to be more assertive about advocating for reasonable pain management because of these idiots...but that's just the reality of the situation.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Most of these people on here are right. Pain pill addiction has become an epidemic. I have witnessed this first hand with my son's father! He had a major surgery when he was 25 on his back to correct his "hunch back" also known as Kyphosis. After the surgery he was on pain pills "Percocet" for 6 months while he recovered. Once the 6 month healing process was over the doctor stopped giving my ex his prescription and he started going through withdraws. Needless to say, unfortunately once this was all said and done he ended up going from pills to harder drugs and is now an addict. So you have to understand why some doctors these days are very cautious about who they give medication to and what they prescribe them for. My advice to you is to go see a chiropractor, they do work wonders.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    edited November 2014
    The laws have also recently changed about prescribing pain medication. You can't get refills on hydrocodone at all anymore. The DEA has cracked down on doctors to try to stop the abuse of pain medication. It's probably not him being a jerk, he's probably just following the laws. Honestly those pain meds are bad news. It doesn't take long to get hooked. You take say a hydrocodone for 3 - 5 days in a row and your body starts to become accustom to the narcotic in them so you don't feel the high anymore with just one, so you have to up it to two, keep taking one a day and by two months you could be taking 7 a day just to feel the same effect as one.

    Someone I love very much had a problem with them and ended up getting addicted. It was possibly the hardest thing in my life to watch as they got deeper and deeper into abusing them and watching them go from one of the sweetest people I know, to a full blow @$$hole. Their personality completely changed. Finally we haul their @$$ to treatment and after some really difficult withdraws and a very hard year, they are clean and off of pain meds. Its best to avoid them as much as you can. Seriously do exercises and whatever you need to do before you turn to medication.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i hope you're just cranky because of the nagging pain in your back and you're not usually like this
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Every time a doctor presribes a narcotic it goes on file. Because of this, doctor's aren't so quick to write a script any more. So it can really suck for someone who's in serious pain.

    I think it'll be just a matter of time before they become completely illegal. Just think: Heroine and Cocaine were both legal drugs at one time.

    I herniated 2 disks a few years ago and was in agony. I started seeing a chiropractor and it got better pretty fast. I also find that 2 Aleve and a Tylenol works pretty well as a pain reliever. Just take them with a bit of food.
  • jenyerhot
    jenyerhot Posts: 4 Member
    The laws have changed but that's not the point here...Pain is tough. I hurt my back last year and just so happens I'm in recovery due to the fact that I had an issue with opioid pain meds 2 years ago. It is a slippery slope. The exercises help for real. I know it doesn't seem like it because you are in pain but...they do. It just takes time. The quick fix isn't always the answer as we are all learning as we lose weight. The quick fix can lead to a long road of agony. Trust me. I feel you but, its the truth.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    They don't want to give up the pain meds but quick as hell to medicate your kids and tell you that they need it. This is why I grow my own meds. FTW.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I have scoliosis and arthritis between my L4 and L5 and it is really painful at times, the 2 work against eachother and in turn leave me in excruciating pain. My doctor prescribed me muscle relaxers as well as pain pills and I only took them twice. Pain pills are super addictive and I would rather be in pain than chance becoming addicted to pills. PT and at home exercises have helped me tremendously and don't require be becoming dependent on any substance. Have you thought about going to see a chiropractor?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    They don't want to give up the pain meds but quick as hell to medicate your kids and tell you that they need it. This is why I grow my own meds. FTW.

    That's awfully paleo of you

  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    Well all the above is informative but if you are yelling give me pills..then it sounds like an addict to me ( not saying you are just what it sounds like to someone who doesn't know you). Calm down and listen to your doctor. Back issues are highly faked just for drugs.if you have always gone to the same doctor trust them to treat you. Ibuprofen will help.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    They don't want to give up the pain meds but quick as hell to medicate your kids and tell you that they need it. This is why I grow my own meds. FTW.

    That's awfully paleo of you

    I just thought up a new diet, but it's very counterproductive.

  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    edited November 2014
    jade2112 wrote: »
    Hurt my back last week, don't know how.
    Tylenol and ibuprofen didn't help and after four days I said uncle and went to my doctor.

    I asked for pain meds and he basically blew me off giving me a sheet of exercises to do. I can hardly move.

    I go through this EVERY day. Do what you can with the exercises. If you cannot do the "complete" exercise, do the modified versions until you can do the full.
    Yesterday I could take no more and called him reading the nurse the riot act. She called back saying he'd give me something, but I had to go to physical therapy and I'd need to watch for their call to set up an appointment.

    This will not help your case. This makes you loook like an addict. Go to PT.
    She was snippy about the whole matter.

    Can you blame her? You read her the "riot act". She's a nurse, not a doormat.
    I'm still angry. I've never in my life asked for pain meds before. Only ever taken them when I had major surgery.

    And? This does not entitle you to narcotics when you request them.
    I told her to look at my chart and see how many times I'd done so. That it was outrageous for him to send me home to suffer more when I'd been there asking for help, which by the way is his job.

    This still makes you look like and addict. The nurse doesn't write the scripts, the doctor does.
    I felt like I was being treated like a prescription seeking junkie, which I'm not.

    Your actions made you look this way. They responded accordingly.

    Try OTC NSAIDs, alternate heat and ice, and invest in a TENS machine. You can find one on Overstock for about $20. It's the best $20 you'll ever invest.

    If you go to PT, the doc may give you one and your insurance will pay for it.

    Sources: MYSELF
    - 3 back rebuilds and too many other ailments to list
    - FORMER 9 year HEAVY morphine and oxy addict (not for recreational use).
    - 10 years intermittently bedridden
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Being in pain sucks. The doctor is probably doing you a favour even though it doesn't feel that way. Dealing with the pain by seeing a PT is more work, but it's better than potentially getting hooked on pain meds and having to detox from that later. Switching doctors is only going to send up the red flag that you're doctor shopping for meds. Not going to help your situation.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    The doctor isn't giving you pain meds for the same reason people on workman's comp can't get them... the amount of abuse is ridiculous.
    After my c-section, I had a hard time getting pain meds. You have to jump through hoops to get them and sign your life away for getting controlled substances. Was I angry? No! And I just had MAJOR surgery.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    mojohowitz wrote: »

    MATING CALL!!!!!

    Gawd I loved that documentary!

    These two individuals star in a documentary? I would watch it for the thrill as a horror movie. Lookit those dead slitty eyes! And the other one has the Jan Michael Vincent style working.

    Does anyone know the name of the documentary?

    Wild and Wonderful Whites. It's about the White family in the Appalachians, and it touches on the culture of that region. It's funny to watch, but if you read about the historical exploitation of those folks, it can be pretty sad stuff.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Wow. Way to abuse a nurse, who doesn't have prescriptive privileges, instead of discussing your issues with the actual prescriber. I can't imagine why she would be snippy, or why anyone in the office wouldn't want to help you.

    Showing up at a provider's office demanding narcotics is never going to go over well.
    lol pretty much this in a nutshell
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    The reality is that so many people go in claiming to have back pain or this and that just to get pain pills to either abuse on their own or to sell to make a quick buck. Does it suck? Sure, but what can you do? It's almost as ridiculous as having to go to a pharmacy to get any cold medicine with pseudoephedrine in it. Need some cold medicine in the middle of the night? Good luck if you want psuedoephedrine.
    also I think trust in your doc and their trust and knowledge of your history goes a long ways in if they feel comfy giving you meds, particularly certain meds.

    If I went in ranting and raving about not getting pain pills they would have a very different view of me. My doc gives me what I need and knows I don't want pills often only when absolutely needed for a short time.

    Also as above poster shared.. since Hydrocodone has now become a walk in only prescription that says a lot.