Am I Eating Too FEW Calories?

Sam307 Posts: 10
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I began to count my calories (food journal really since I wasn't sure exactly WHAT I was eating) and somehow decided that I would eat 1200 calories a day and I weight train 30 minutes every other day. I dropped 10 pounds in two weeks which I attribute to no longer eating processed foods. However, I now feel stuck and I'm HUNGRY. Because I've increased my activity level from pretty much nothing, other than housework, I think I may need to increase my calories but I'm afraid to do it. Anyone have any articles about this or advice?

Thanks in advance for your help.



  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    AHEM. :)

  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I ran into that same situation. I changed my goals from losing 1 lb/wk to losing .5 lb/wk, and it gave me almost 300 more cal/day, which made all the difference in the world. That's an entire meal of chicken breast and salad, for ex., or a huge bowl of granola. I went from being tired and hungry all the time to feeling energetic and satisfied. And I was still losing weight. Even faster than before! I think my body just ran out of steam with the few calories I was giving it.
  • lilcrittert
    lilcrittert Posts: 105
    If you add calories, add good stuff....when I'm hungry, I eat stuff like cheese, fruit, and nuts as small snacks. They are more nutritionally sound. Don't deprive yourself....deprivation leads to overeating!
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    You could try it for a week or two and see what happens.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    P.S. 1200 calories is not correct for everybody. It's just a recommended MINIMUM. Follow the calorie goal MFP set for you and don't be afraid to change your settings from 2 pounds a week to 1 1/2 or 1.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Have you been eating back some of your exercise calories you burned off? Also, you might want to switch up your workout routine and add in some cardio. Increase your water as well. 1200 cal per day is the minimum our body needs to run before going into survival mode.

    For example, say you start the with 1200 cal. You burn off 120 cal while weight training. This gives you a new total of 1320 cal for the day. You would still need to eat your 1200 cal.

    Also, check your salt, carb and protein intake. You may need to eat less salt (sodium), and carbs and increase the protein to more than alotted. The protein helps build muscle and tear down fat.

    Hope this helps.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Eat more. That simple...I was scared to death to do it...and people on here who have all been successful say do I did it. I just started it this week, actually. Changed goal from 2lb loss to 1lb loss a week, upped calories, lost 1 lb in 4 days...not a lot, no...but I was STUCK where I try it!!! Give it a couple weeks and see what happens. I think you will be pleasantly suprised. :) good luck to you!!!
  • MFP gives you extra calories for cardio exercise, have you considered adding it to your regimen?

    Also, I found this article "How Many Calories Are Burned Weight Lifting" at
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    YOU decided to eat 1200 a day or did MFP calculate that you need to eat that much to lose a certain amount of weight each week? Don't just use some random number you come up with, use the program's advice.
  • heather0709
    heather0709 Posts: 110 Member
    Some days I eat only 800 my husband tells me I'm not eating enough to burn off it's all confusing to me
  • Sam307
    Sam307 Posts: 10
    I believe it was MFP that gave me the 1200 calories but I also believe it asked about my lifestyle which was sedentary at the time. Now I can't find that calculator to re-assess my calorie needs. I do not "eat back" the calories I've burned. At first the 1200 calories was fine and I was feeling full and satisfied with no cravings or episodes of hunger. However, in the past three or four days I'm finding myself watching the clock looking forward to the next snack or meal and really feeling hungry. I do not want to fall back into binging which is what was happening when I wasn't eating regular meals. I do have my meals together along with the kinds of food I'm fueling my body with and I've stubbornly insisted on exercising regardless of what is going on with our crazy schedule (we have two teen boys one heavily involved in soccer). My BMR is 1331...however I'm not quite sure what that means. Any help would be appreciated.

  • pisceanprincess
    pisceanprincess Posts: 22 Member
    I just started and I think I just figured it out (for me). I started eating my BMR calories. That's the absolute lowest amount that I will eat. I suggest upping your calories to BMR for a week at least. If you exercise eat those back as well since you are set at sedentary. I hope this helps!
  • infxmous
    infxmous Posts: 4
    I've been eating roughly 1200 calories for the last 6 months. If I end up being hungry I drink water since we sometimes confuse needing water with hunger. If that doesn't work... veggies work. I usually will have a nice sized portion of cucumbers or a little salad and that does the trick.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I would recommend using MFP's guided goals. Read these threads that explain how MFP works and how it gets the numbers it gives you:

    To change your settings (loss per week goal, activity level, etc) go to Settings, Update Diet/Fitness Profile
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