Time to take control!

Hi all, starting today on this roller coaster weight loss journey! I lost 40 pounds back in 2009 and now am starting over again. My goal is to lose about 50 pounds. I have many exciting things that will be happening in the next year and I would rather be in some of the pictures then behind the camera hiding! Looking forward to exploring the site and finding some encouraging friends!


  • jenyerhot
    jenyerhot Posts: 4 Member
    I have a goal of 50 too! I lost 60 pounds after I had my son and then two years later we had my daughter so...here I am!! It feels so good to make the changes! How are things going?
  • morgiee_lynne
    morgiee_lynne Posts: 141 Member
    I have a weightloss goal around the same thing! You can totally do it!

    I am also starting a challenge on Saturday that will take you up to the new year. It's based on keep accountable. I want you to commit to 3 goals, 3 hours at the gym/week, and sticking with your food diary. It's a great way to create good habits before the new year!

  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
    Hi BellBell,
    I too am back on for a loss of about 40 lbs. (37 lost previously and about 10 put back on).
    I am committed to working this through as it looks very do-able. What are some of your exciting things this year?

  • bellbell922
    Hi Everyone,
    I am on day two and feel like this is going to be what I needed. My goal is to want to be in the pictures when my son graduates and also when he gets his Eagle Scout! I would love to be standing next to him in a cute summery dress :smile: We are also going to Disney in the summer so lots of motivation there!