Is couch to 5k possible



  • sgtchester
    sgtchester Posts: 20 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm 290 at current, and running 5k 3 times a week. I'm not the fastest (about 35 minutes for 5 k ), but that can come after the weight comes off. I haven't had any problems so far with joints, and maybe I'm lucky. I started with C25K about 4 years ago, did it for a while, lost some weight, then got too busy with excuses on why I had to stop. Getting back into it this time was easier for sure. I'm at about 3 weeks, and am down 10 lbs. I got some yaktrax for the snow, and I'm not quitting this time around. If you're injured, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Don't overdo it. Don't worry about speed. You're faster than the guy who's at home on the couch. Try to keep a pace where you can still keep a conversation. That'll keep your heart rate in the correct zone.
  • _kingbooble
    _kingbooble Posts: 25 Member
    Again many thanks all for all the encouragement and advice.. I tried 3 short burst on my walk to see if I could and find out how it feels, can report still alive and enjoyed it so first I need to get some proper footwear before I start this and lookup stretching.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Anything is possible.

    Can you do it? You won't know until you try.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Again many thanks all for all the encouragement and advice.. I tried 3 short burst on my walk to see if I could and find out how it feels, can report still alive and enjoyed it so first I need to get some proper footwear before I start this and lookup stretching.
    This is exactly what I did. I could walk 5K easy. Then to see if I could try jogging, I did ten seconds and then two bursts of thirty seconds during my walk. I decided if I could do that, I could start trying.

    I'm in Week Two. Week One, Day One was horrible. Week Two, Day Two, also rough. The other days have been kind of difficult, but kind of fun.

    I like it and think you should go for it. :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    This group is great for support and information:

    C25k Group
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Is this program only available for cell phones? Looked over the site briefly and seems so as it works with or as an app. I don't own a cell, so curious...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    Is this program only available for cell phones? Looked over the site briefly and seems so as it works with or as an app. I don't own a cell, so curious...
    You could use a stopwatch to time your runs, if you want. The phone just has the app telling you when to walk and when to jog, so you don't have to watch a clock. You can listen to music that way, too.

    But it's not a requirement!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    Is this program only available for cell phones? Looked over the site briefly and seems so as it works with or as an app. I don't own a cell, so curious...

    There are a lot of couch 2 5k apps on both android and ios. Most will tell you when to walk, when to run, etc.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I started C25K at a higher weight than that. It's not a big deal. The program is fantastic. I've got a surgically reconstructed lower leg/ankle that involves a plate, pins, and a screw, and I managed it fine (well, mostly fine).
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I was about 235 when I started running........start slow, keep the runs short and take your time progressing (don't forget rest days & cross training too) and you should be fine.

    Contrary to the myths that never seem to die running does not damage your joints unless you have a pre-existing problem, many reported instances of knee pain are a result of weak hips & glutes hence the need for cross training.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I was 212.5 pounds when I started C25K. I now regularly run 10km
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    When i was 240 lbs, I had been doing DDP Yoga for 3-4 months, my cardio and core strength were improved greatly from my previous sedentary lifestyle, I hadn't done any running, and I decided to try one day, and I ran 4 miles (12 minutes per mile), I paced myself, didn't get fatigued really and only stopped because I didn't know how far I'd gone at that point and didn't want to be gone for more than an hour running. I'm down to 8 minute miles and have consistently placed in the top 25% in all the 5k's I've run.

    My wife used the couch 2 5k app and had great success.
  • MaggieKillNMaul
    MaggieKillNMaul Posts: 24 Member
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    Is this program only available for cell phones? Looked over the site briefly and seems so as it works with or as an app. I don't own a cell, so curious...

    You can go to the website:, and they have the program listed there. Having a phone just makes it easier because someone tells you when to change intervals instead of keeping track yourself.
  • MaggieKillNMaul
    MaggieKillNMaul Posts: 24 Member
    You can do it! The beginning intervals are only a minute can do anything for a minute!
  • zchastain
    zchastain Posts: 55 Member
    edited November 2014
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    Is this program only available for cell phones? Looked over the site briefly and seems so as it works with or as an app. I don't own a cell, so curious...

    When i did C25K I didn't have a smartphone. I downloaded free podcasts that had music and direction on when to run, when to walk, etc. I got them at and listened to them on my old-school iPod.
  • legowrangler
    legowrangler Posts: 229 Member
    316 lbs here and i'm doing it
  • fatty1973
    fatty1973 Posts: 2 Member
    Most of what I have to say has been said by others, but here is my experience. Pick the right app for you if you are using one. I tried the NHS app and it just seemed monotonous, I listened to a couple of others and they didn't motivate me at all so try a few until you find one you like. I finally settled on Zombies, Run! C25K app and there are days when it bugs me but I know that it is better (for me) than others I have tried. If you find yourself telling your phone what it can do with the spoken instructions rather than giving it a go it's probably not the right app for you. There are DOZENS of them out there.

    If you can then run with a friend as you can motivate each other. My running partner runs more than me in the freeform runs and I believe she could probably do the 5k sooner than I can, but if we didn't make each other run then we probably wouldn't run at all on rainy days. If you don't have a friend or family member who will run with you then try a local running club, or borrow someones dog! :smile:

    Of course if you prefer to run alone then do that.

    I have had good runs (oh, I felt so pleased with myself after them!), and I have had bad runs. On one occasion I had unexpected cramp in my buttocks which I have never experienced before and I stopped running immediately and stretched until it passed. I could possibly have finished the programme for the day but decided not to and to rest. Some days my knees hurt a little, on other days my shins or calves burn so I slow down. Listen to your body, push yourself but don't injure yourself.

    As for sticking to the programme, be flexible. I had to miss a week of running and trying to carry on where I left off was tough so I went back and repeated the previous week. I felt no shame in it. Repeating a week and carrying on is better that giving in, and if for any reason I feel the latest set of drills are too tough I'll happily set myself back a week to build myself up.

    The biggest thing for me is being aware of where I started from. I'm 41 years old, overweight, and hadn't run more than a couple of steps in about 20 years. At the start of week one I struggled to run for 30 seconds, now I can run for about 5 or 6 minutes (yes, I still have a long way to go) before I have to slow to a walk but I remind myself each time I slow down that only 5 weeks ago I couldn't have even come close to where I am now. It's okay to feel a little bit smug with your progress.

    You might even find after a run that you can go a little further (This came as a real shock to me!). I run in a park about 400 hundred meters from home and tonight on the walk back, about 100 meters from home, I decided to run the last stretch. I got home without getting out of breath, a month ago I would have needed an ambulance! :smiley:

    Give it a go, pace yourself and be proud of each and every run you do, but most importantly, HAVE FUN!!
  • ShawnTX
    ShawnTX Posts: 50 Member
    It absolutely is possible. I was 220 and couldn't run 400m without stopping; feeling like I was dying. Ran my first 5k 6 months later. Listen to your body. If it hurts, rest and recover, then get back on the horse.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Absolutely love the C25K program!
  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    Those running apps you can get for your smart phone will start you with something like, walk 5 mins, jog/run 1 mins, walk 3 mins, jog/run 1 mins, walk 3 mins... and so on for about 30 mins... they're usually 3 sessions a week and each week the intensity will go up, give it a go!
    If you have no health restrictions and listen to your body you will be fine, just slow down when you need it and repeat the first sessions until you're OK with it :smile: