I had a bad week, and I'm better for it.

So, it's really been closer to two weeks. Been lazy in my logging, and not paying as much attention to what I've been eating. I started strong in July and was dropping lbs pretty quickly. Admittedly, I set my calorie goal a little too low to start. Upped them to a more sustainable level about a month later, and was still losing consistently. Up to this point, I've lost almost 40 lbs.

Now, I've tried losing weight in the past, and always achieved some level of success - but ultimately gave up each time. Call it laziness, self-sabotage, impatience... whatever you want, but it happened. A few bad days was enough for me to say - this is too hard, I'm never going to reach my goal... so I might as well go back to my old habits. Sounds crazy and irrational, right? But I'm sure many of you have been there.

Well, to be nice and straightforward - screw that. I may have started on a bit of a down slide the last week and a half or so, but this morning when I woke up, logged in and started getting upset with myself... I realized something important. Every day is not going to be perfect. It's life. The real achievement is recognizing this simple truth, and moving on. Today is a new day. Even 10 days of not meeting my goal (when I'm pretty sure I barely broke maintenance levels on most of them), is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

So today, I'll look at these two pics side by side... (one on the left is a little over a year ago, at close to my heaviest weight, and the one on the right is this Halloween... the first year in a long time I've been confident enough to rock a cute halloween costume) and be proud of my progress so far, and carry it into today... and tomorrow... and keep moving along.



  • Zephalia
    Zephalia Posts: 79 Member
    Good for you! So proud of you!
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    Good job! We've all had those points where we do good, and then give up. You just need to remind yourself that nobody's perfect. We all have points where we make mistakes, and tomorrow is a new day. Every day is an opportunity to make a change...whether or not you take that opportunity is up to you. So, you took a few days off. The real win is that you didn't just give up completely, you got back to it.

  • jphuffm
    good job. Focus on the small milestones and keep moving forward.