One day at a time in WA

Its amazing the reasons or excuses I would tell myself that the goal of being a healthier me was just a dream. Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I'm committed to myself to leave the weight in my past where is belongs. I'm 6 days in and feel overwhelmed. I have a long history of not seeing this through, so this time I want to do it differently.

I will not give in to my self defeating thoughts and I will surround myself with positive people that share similar goals. This is my first day using MyFitnessPal so if you would like to add me feel free. I would love to be able to connect with people on here.


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm in WA too and you can do this. If you're getting overwhelmed, just focus on one habit at a time or set some smaller goals. I've found it's much easier for me to stick with things if I have both short and long term goals instead of just "I want to lose a large amount of weight in X amount of time." :smile: You can friend me if you'd like.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    Just stay at your calorie goal eating whatever you want, After a while you will train yourself to pick better foods that will keep you fuller etc. And in a little more time you can tweak your macros and you will find yourself not craving things like you did before...Good luck!
  • bjw_0505
    Thank you so much for the support! It is just one day at a time. Picking the healthy food is not the hard part. I'm an "emotional eater", so when I would become emotional I just stuff my face. I would always hear from people around me "your such a light eater."....well that's because I'm in public and I'm not having an internal emotional battle at the moment. Plus there is the aged old excuse I work a lot, so it was easier for me to hit the drive through. Knitt you are so right about smaller goals. I'm more focused into making the right food choices and getting off my butt more. I don't expect to see any visible changes for at least 3 months, even then it will be small. I did not put on this much weight over night so its not going to go away that way.
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    Hi, I am also a Washingtonian! There is a thread in the motivation group titled "just for today" every morning, we post at least one thing we want to stick to/accomplish for the day. Then we follow up and state how it worked for us. It is truly motivational, and helps with those baby steps we all need to take to get to our goals.
  • PacificLotus
    PacificLotus Posts: 83 Member
    I used to live in WA, does that count? California now, but would love more friends in the same time zone. This isn't my first time here, and the biggest mistake I've made is trying to track without incorporating the awesome support that's on this site. Grab a few friends, make a commitment to hop on the site a couple times a day, and you're off and running. Add me if you'd like someone to bug you if you try to disappear!
  • GoGoGirl1111
    GoGoGirl1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, so when you say you live in WA , you don't mean Western Australia ? Because what we call it here WA lol Happy to be friends anyway from a far... Like you I am an emotional eater, but I have to admit, being on here every day and logging diary etc has helped me a lot.... One day at a time and small goals : Good Luck !! We Can Do This : :D
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Good for you! I tried on and off for almost twenty years and had no success until this time out. One of the things that helped me lose the weight was doing what you just said. I decided to stop feeling guilty and to stop having a self defeatist attitude. It can be so overwheming, but time will pass whether you do this or not, so just keep plugging away. If you mess up occasionally, no big deal, just keep going and you wont fail. :)
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi West Coaster. I'm from Norther California. I was bulimic in HS and then became and emotional eater as an adult. It has been a long journey but I think I am finally winning the fight. The greatest analogy I ever hear was the peeling back of an onion. We are complex creatures and sometimes you can only fix one thing at a time. I'm finally getting to the place where when I am in a place where the old me would look to food the new me hits the gym. The feeling is the same...except there is no guilt after. Feel free to add me for some support