Why do I feel full on high burn days?

Someone explain this to me: On days I don't exercise, I eat near but under my goal and feel hungry. Today, I exercised and ate what I felt like I needed. I wasn't paying attention and thought I'd eaten my no exercise goal and then some. When I checked, I hadn't reached the non exercise goal.


  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Cant help u... I'm always hungrier on non work out days too *shrug*
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    I have almost the same. But there's a difference. If I do lower intensity like walking fast for an hour I get really hungry. But if I do all out high performance on the bike, I always feel light as a feather, happy and not hungry walking home. I suspect it's the cocktail of hormones that the body releases during hard workouts. I sometimes get high from beta endorphines during training.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Yeah, you're probably right. We tend to think we get hungry when our stomach is empty, but until it sends a signal to the brain, we don't feel anything.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Happens to me on my long run days. The next day though, I'm ravenous. Knowing this about myself, I always plan to have a nice big steak and some wine the day after.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    aerobic exercise is known to be an appetite suppressant. After a 1/2 century or whatever, you'd think I would want to eat a horse...but really, not hungry at all. I know that I need nutrition for recovery so I make sure I get some in me, but really...not hungry...not until the next day anyway.

    Conversely, a good 60 minutes in the weight room and I can eat all the foodz
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    I experience the same thing: the harder my work out, the lower my appetite. But I make sure the food that I eat is especially nutritious when that happens. No filling up on empty calories. I've found that keeps it from making me want to eat everything in the house the next day.
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    I find I'm absolutely ravenous the day after I lift. On higher cardio days, not so much.