I'm only 5'0 and can only have 1200 calories. Any other short girls out there with the same goals?

One of the hardest parts of keeping track of my calories is not eating like a 6'0 male and eating like the 5'0 female I am! Any other girls out there in this situation? Let's be friends!


  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Find foods that are filling, yet low on calories and nutritious. Seems to help and curb the cravings.
  • Wow I am so glad I found your post because I am also 5'0 and I need advice on losing weight.
  • ladypew
    ladypew Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'6'' and MFP said I could only have 1,200 calories a day too...... so I'd look elsewhere probably.
  • kalenapenney
    kalenapenney Posts: 1 Member
    I'm pretty much in the same boat... I'm 5'3" and it only wants me to have 1200 cals (well, normally, with my weight right now it's letting me have 1330). Same for My Food Diary for its calculations. What I do is find lots of low cal, but filling options and graze through the day. I also am hypoglycemic which is an added level of difficulty. I try to keep protein at hand through the day as well.
    My go to snacks are things like edamame, carrots, triscuits with a little cheese. I always pack the same thing for lunch every day, so I know how many calories I consume during the day and know what I have to play with at night for dinner.

    Hope this helps a little!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    That's probably not correct. I'm a 5'0" male in a wheelchair (AKA completely sedentary) and I can eat around 1750 to lose.
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Yup, I understand! I'm 4' 11 1/2" and although I have an appetite like a teen boy, I can't lose weight unless I'm under 1300 cals. Hang with it. It gets better! I'm a fan of high bulk, low calorie food, coupled with a lot of water. Keeps me going!
  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    I am 5'3" and I eat 1,200 on day that I don't go to the gym. When I exercise/go to the gym I eat at least 1,500.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Well after doing exercises, you eat back the calories you burned. Say for example you exercised and burned 300 calories, you eat your 1200 calories plus the 300 so in the end you eat a total of 1500. That's how mfp works, you eat back your exercise calories. :flowerforyou:
  • frankphi
    frankphi Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not a girl but I found this is where weight tracking comes in. Try the 1200 calories a day for a week and weigh your self before and after the week. See if you are losing weight. If you are losing too much weight, increase your caloric intake. One thing I learned - make adjustments to your plan on a computer, not on your Android app. For some reason the phone app doesn't work like it should in the goals section. I learned that after contacting support.
  • troubleq
    troubleq Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'0" and I can eat 1320. My problem is that I fall off the wagon every now and then,I keep having to start over. I could just shot myself sometimes
  • PhoebeGrey
    PhoebeGrey Posts: 58
    edited November 2014
    Truly, unless you're a very active girl whose burning a lot of the calories you take in, 1200 calories for a 5 foot frame seems reasonable. These days people tend to take in a lot more calories than they need. When you consider that you can get a days worth of calories in a single muffin what does that really say? Supersized? Loaded with fat and sugar? I eat 1250 and manage to have full meals and in betweens. Just watch your portion sizes and if you take in too many calories, better get moving and burn some or you'll be wearing them.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Yep, 5' girl here. I'm not trying to lose anymore, but I MAINTAIN on only 1400 calories--which I understand still seems like 'diet calories' to many. Ugh, being short has its downsides.
  • laace
    laace Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 4' 10" and I can only have 1200 as well. It's so hard!
  • Stargazer525
    Stargazer525 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm a 5' 0" girl, set to "lightly active" and when I was using MFP my last count was 1330.

    I'm now on TDEE and my count is 1668.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I'm 5' 3", age 55, and according to MFP, I can have 1510 cals per day, but I am also very active. I do not eat back my exercise calories because I've done that in the past and I've gained. But that's just me. Everyone is different. You have to find what works for YOU through trial and error. Good luck! :)
  • Jeanat147
    Jeanat147 Posts: 17 Member
    I love food AND am a 5'2" woman. To lose I have to stay at 1200 calories. Makes it so hard on a food a holic. Some things I do: drink 10 oz. water before I start to eat, drink water in between meals, eat lots of chicken breast and ground turkey (fills me up), eat apples with greek plain yogurt, eat shrimp. Anything that has lots of protein and fills me up, I do good with. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
  • Im 4'9 ! so yes I feel you! I am trying to lose 10 pounds more and its sooooo hard!!!!
  • LCFlo
    LCFlo Posts: 13 Member
    It's so nice to see there are so many of us! People think that 1200 calories is too little but they don't take into account our size! Look at me, I clearly don't have a problem eating. My husband and I eat the exact same thing and he's 140 lbs at 5'6. That's 20 lbs less than I am! I eat too much, how do people think I got to where I am today? 1200 is still enough for 3 balanced, healthy meals. I just have to learn how to eat properly and not go for the quick, easy, fast options that are making half of society obese.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm 5'4, 163cm. I eat at my tdee which is 1615 calories each day. I don't eat back my calories, either.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I must say though, as I have done 1200 calories in the past, seeing as there is not much food, it is probably easier to eat healthy with that small amount.