Juice Plus is it really healthier than fresh vegs/fruits?



  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    In general, recent research is showing more and more that eating complete fruits and vegetables is the way to go. Our bodies are much better able to absorb the nutrients from the actual foods than from any pills and the idea that cooking, ipso facto, destroys the nutrition in foods has been pretty much debunked.

    Also, there is absolutely NO real scientific evidence linking vaccines and autism. It was all a bogus scare. Scarier are the parents who do not vaccinate their children and risk our "herd immunities."
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    In general, recent research is showing more and more that eating complete fruits and vegetables is the way to go. Our bodies are much better able to absorb the nutrients from the actual foods than from any pills and the idea that cooking, ipso facto, destroys the nutrition in foods has been pretty much debunked.

    Also, there is absolutely NO real scientific evidence linking vaccines and autism. It was all a bogus scare. Scarier are the parents who do not vaccinate their children and risk our "herd immunities."

    You mean I can't just take a pill??? I have to actually chew the food? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I have a thought. Knowing nothing about Juice Plus:

    People have survived and been healthy for many, many generations without supplements, etc. Even if your son is picky, it does sound like he eats! So... why waste your money? I have a feeling like he may not agree to swallow pills (though I'm totally guessing) anyway, so you'd be left with... supplements that you'd have to take yourself?

    Example: I have an uncle who swears by supplements like echinacea among others. He takes them every day, eats very healthily and exercises.

    I also have a father (my uncle's brother) who eats healthily, exercises and seems to be in the same or better shape than my uncle. If the supplements really helped that much, would this be the case? My uncle even complains that some pretty standard foods bother him now that didn't before. And yet there's no link.

    Half the time your body can't absorb or process anything in a pill anyway and you may be risking other medical complications. I'd say, if it wasn't given to your son by prescription then it's not good enough for him!

    EDIT: I'm not discounting that these pills and other multivitamins and supplements may have their place and benefits. They do. But you said your son eats his food, as picky as he may be. Plus he has a small body so I would be verrrry careful what "medications" you give him without first talking to a doctor - the dosage may be dangerous.
  • Briaboo4
    Briaboo4 Posts: 1,080 Member
    My son is autistic too and I also struggle to get him to eat certain foods. I can get him to eat a small variety of veg now but never, ever fruit (unless it's cleverly hidden). I say skip the juice plus, talk to your son's doctor about whether or not you should be giving him a multivitamin to make up for the nutrients he's not getting from fruit and veg and go from there. Good luck!
  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    You mean I can't just take a pill??? I have to actually chew the food? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sadly yes, at least until science perfects the Soylent Green capsule. However, you do currently have the option of pulverizing everything in a blender and drinking your steak through a straw.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Did you even read the studies? They are sponsored by various Universities. Please do a little research before you speak.

    These studies were indeed paid for by the manufacturers, the sources of funding are listed within the body of the manuscript. Please read the actual primary reports before you speak.

    Example #1 - Adjunctive daily supplementation with encapsulated fruit, vegetable and berry juice powder concentrates and clinical periodontal outcomes: a double-blind RCT - Funding provided by NSA LLC ( = Juice+)

    Example #2 - A Mixed Fruit and Vegetable Concentrate Increases Plasma Antioxidant Vitamins and Folate and Lowers Plasma Homocysteine in Men - Funding provided by Natural Alternatives International (= Juice+)

    Example #3 - Juice Powder Concentrate and Systemic Blood Pressure, Progression of Coronary Artery Calcium and Antioxidant Status in Hypertensive Subjects: A Pilot Study - Funding provided by NSA LLC ( = Juice+)

    Need I continue?

    While the actual experimental work would have been conducted by a research group from a university, the funding to carry out the studies was provided by the company itself. This is a common occurrence within science (source: over the course of my research career I have worked on numerous vaccine trials which were paid for by the pharmaceutical companies, they developed the product, we evaluated its efficacy).

    It's obvious you don't understand the funding piece of a study. Do some research and get back to us.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Anyone who believes that vaccines cause autism is not worth listening to, in regards to health matters. You do not need Juice Plus at all.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Did you even read the studies? They are sponsored by various Universities. Please do a little research before you speak.

    These studies were indeed paid for by the manufacturers, the sources of funding are listed within the body of the manuscript. Please read the actual primary reports before you speak.

    Example #1 - Adjunctive daily supplementation with encapsulated fruit, vegetable and berry juice powder concentrates and clinical periodontal outcomes: a double-blind RCT - Funding provided by NSA LLC ( = Juice+)

    Example #2 - A Mixed Fruit and Vegetable Concentrate Increases Plasma Antioxidant Vitamins and Folate and Lowers Plasma Homocysteine in Men - Funding provided by Natural Alternatives International (= Juice+)

    Example #3 - Juice Powder Concentrate and Systemic Blood Pressure, Progression of Coronary Artery Calcium and Antioxidant Status in Hypertensive Subjects: A Pilot Study - Funding provided by NSA LLC ( = Juice+)

    Need I continue?

    While the actual experimental work would have been conducted by a research group from a university, the funding to carry out the studies was provided by the company itself. This is a common occurrence within science (source: over the course of my research career I have worked on numerous vaccine trials which were paid for by the pharmaceutical companies, they developed the product, we evaluated its efficacy).

    It's obvious you don't understand the funding piece of a study. Do some research and get back to us.

    Um. Oh. Never mind. Target markets are target markets for a reason.
  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    It's obvious you don't understand the funding piece of a study. Do some research and get back to us.

    Actually I am in a perfect position to understanding the funding of scientific studies. I am a PhD candidate in neurobiology, have worked in biomedical research for more than a decade, and have in fact published my own research in peer reviewed journals sporting significant impact factors. Every single journal I have published in, or read papers from has a distinct requirement for acknowledging who ponied up the dough for the experimental process. Do corporations have a vested interest in positive results obtained from studies evaluating their products? You bet your *kitten* they do!

    ETA: I'm also willing to bet dollars to donuts the reason you don't "feel right" when you don't take this junk is for the same reason people tend to feel off when they forget to wear their wedding rings or their watch, it is simply a disturbance of a normal routine and nothing more.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member

    . Please don't get anything over-the-counter. The pills in the grocery store are not even digested

    This is wrong, wrong, wrong.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'd rather eat a banana than a banana substitute tablet. for real.
  • ^^ Christina Estrada ^^

    Glad you are a personal trainer, but you can walk into 24hour, LA, Chuze, Fuse, Frogs, Planet Fitness, lazy fitness, health clubs, and all the other so called "gyms" where all you see is merrygorounds. You see people lose weight and gain it back, you see people wanting a superpill or a magic pill. And all these trainers are selling them "the next best thing" in supplements. There are many "master trainers" as you call them with multiple certs, degrees, and creditation. But if you really look around...the "master trainer" is NEVER the fittest healthiest person in the room. Often times it looks just the opposite. I'm sure others can attest, but i have seen multiple times a trainer drinking a freaking REDBULL while training their client. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! And their client is in much better shape then them. So, its great you can claim all your'e accomplishments, but size up to someone who actually applies it, there ya go.

    ^^ amaysngrace ^^

    There is NO magic pill, super pill or any other pill to help you lose weight, get ripped, shredded abs, or gain weight overnight. No, it took you years to get the way you are its going to take you years to change it. As far as your'e son. I have a very close friend whos brother is Autistic, the sweetest kid you'll ever meet. The parents have a hard time feeding him fruits and veggies too but they juice alot. Personally, I am not a HUGE fan of juicing because you take out alot of the actual nutrients from the skin as well as fiber. Is it better then nothing? YES. It also gets into your'e system faster than just eating it. I know my buddies brother LOVES having his juice in the morning and its an easy tasty way to get his nutrients. He also takes a few other supps like a multi, fish oil, and joint supplement. But as far as juice plus, I can't talk alot about it because I know little of it. But if something is freeze dried and powdered, I can only imagine its definitely not as good as juicing fresh fruits and veggies. Could it possibly help? maybe. But again, like others said, you are teaching your son what healthy food is, and that taking a "pill" doesnt make things "magically" change. Good on ya mate and keep doing what youre doing. Don't be swayed by titles and slogans like "the next best thing" etc. You can never go wrong with Raw. Cheers
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    ^^ Christina Estrada ^^

    Glad you are a personal trainer, but you can walk into 24hour, LA, Chuze, Fuse, Frogs, Planet Fitness, lazy fitness, health clubs, and all the other so called "gyms" where all you see is merrygorounds. You see people lose weight and gain it back, you see people wanting a superpill or a magic pill. And all these trainers are selling them "the next best thing" in supplements. There are many "master trainers" as you call them with multiple certs, degrees, and creditation. But if you really look around...the "master trainer" is NEVER the fittest healthiest person in the room. Often times it looks just the opposite. I'm sure others can attest, but i have seen multiple times a trainer drinking a freaking REDBULL while training their client. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! And their client is in much better shape then them. So, its great you can claim all your'e accomplishments, but size up to someone who actually applies it, there ya go.

    ^^ amaysngrace ^^

    There is NO magic pill, super pill or any other pill to help you lose weight, get ripped, shredded abs, or gain weight overnight. No, it took you years to get the way you are its going to take you years to change it. As far as your'e son. I have a very close friend whos brother is Autistic, the sweetest kid you'll ever meet. The parents have a hard time feeding him fruits and veggies too but they juice alot. Personally, I am not a HUGE fan of juicing because you take out alot of the actual nutrients from the skin as well as fiber. Is it better then nothing? YES. It also gets into your'e system faster than just eating it. I know my buddies brother LOVES having his juice in the morning and its an easy tasty way to get his nutrients. He also takes a few other supps like a multi, fish oil, and joint supplement. But as far as juice plus, I can't talk alot about it because I know little of it. But if something is freeze dried and powdered, I can only imagine its definitely not as good as juicing fresh fruits and veggies. Could it possibly help? maybe. But again, like others said, you are teaching your son what healthy food is, and that taking a "pill" doesnt make things "magically" change. Good on ya mate and keep doing what youre doing. Don't be swayed by titles and slogans like "the next best thing" etc. You can never go wrong with Raw. Cheers

    You revived a 4 month old dead thread. Why?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    ^^ Christina Estrada ^^

    Glad you are a personal trainer, but you can walk into 24hour, LA, Chuze, Fuse, Frogs, Planet Fitness, lazy fitness, health clubs, and all the other so called "gyms" where all you see is merrygorounds. You see people lose weight and gain it back, you see people wanting a superpill or a magic pill. And all these trainers are selling them "the next best thing" in supplements. There are many "master trainers" as you call them with multiple certs, degrees, and creditation. But if you really look around...the "master trainer" is NEVER the fittest healthiest person in the room. Often times it looks just the opposite. I'm sure others can attest, but i have seen multiple times a trainer drinking a freaking REDBULL while training their client. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! And their client is in much better shape then them. So, its great you can claim all your'e accomplishments, but size up to someone who actually applies it, there ya go.

    ^^ amaysngrace ^^

    There is NO magic pill, super pill or any other pill to help you lose weight, get ripped, shredded abs, or gain weight overnight. No, it took you years to get the way you are its going to take you years to change it. As far as your'e son. I have a very close friend whos brother is Autistic, the sweetest kid you'll ever meet. The parents have a hard time feeding him fruits and veggies too but they juice alot. Personally, I am not a HUGE fan of juicing because you take out alot of the actual nutrients from the skin as well as fiber. Is it better then nothing? YES. It also gets into your'e system faster than just eating it. I know my buddies brother LOVES having his juice in the morning and its an easy tasty way to get his nutrients. He also takes a few other supps like a multi, fish oil, and joint supplement. But as far as juice plus, I can't talk alot about it because I know little of it. But if something is freeze dried and powdered, I can only imagine its definitely not as good as juicing fresh fruits and veggies. Could it possibly help? maybe. But again, like others said, you are teaching your son what healthy food is, and that taking a "pill" doesnt make things "magically" change. Good on ya mate and keep doing what youre doing. Don't be swayed by titles and slogans like "the next best thing" etc. You can never go wrong with Raw. Cheers

    You revived a 4 month old dead thread. Why?
    To get people to read about the silly product, of course.

    Toss in a bunch of new things to discuss, like Redbull, and people will talk about that and keep bumping the thread.
  • nuvimi
    nuvimi Posts: 103 Member
    Your neighbor is a moron, and I'm sorry you have to live next to her.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Hey there girl!

    On a side note, as far as vitamin/mineral supplements go. Please don't get anything over-the-counter. The pills in the grocery store are not even digested, which means a.) you're wasting your money, b.) your son is getting no benefit.

    The bolded is blatantly not true. Has anyone ever seen whole pills in their feces? My husband designs wastewater treatment plants, and while he's seen all sorts of things come into treatment plants, undigested pills are not one of them.

    The people who try to make you believe this do it by placing a regular vitamin in a glass of water and letting it sit for 30 minutes. When it doesn't dissolve, they say it's proof that you don't digest store vitamins. New flash! Your stomach uses hydrocloric acid, not tap water, to digest food and pills.

    Why do I get the feeling that this new poster also sells Juice Plus? Two posts, and one of them is touting how much the product does for her family?

  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    edited November 2014
    Your neighbor can have her Juice Plus. My mom used to sell it, she believed all of the hype.

    I told her that I would continue with eating my fruit and vegetables and she never tried to push it on me.

    Edit: I fell for the revive the old thread trick again...