Anyone doing the Quick Weight Loss Centers (Florida) plan? I need QWLC buddies!

Please join me if you're doing this plan. Would love to share ideas with other members!


  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    viola3500 wrote: »
    Please join me if you're doing this plan. Would love to share ideas with other members!

    sounds like a fad diet doomed to fail. Counting calories, eating at a deficit, exercising and drinking water will do the same thing. Plus, you don't have to cut out the foods you like...AND IT'S FREE!!!

  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I did the QWLC diet a couple of years ago in Atlanta. It's restrictive, but healthy (a good balance of protein, fat and carbs). It's just an expensive, nurse-monitored calorie counter diet. You are given a list of foods, tailored to your gender/weight with amounts that you pick from to make meals (which ensure you are under the calories allotted). It can help to structure your eating habits and force some accountability on you, which is helpful. I transitioned from them to MFP, which has worked well for me. I lost 40 lbs with them and another 40 lbs with MFP, which I have kept off for the last two years. As far as diet centers go, it's one of the better ones. That being said, you can certainly get the same results on here for free. Once you develop good habits from the program, I would transition to here rather than reupping. As to the other posters, it might behoove you to research something before condemning it. The QWLC is not a fad, it's just a way of getting more personal support and accountability, which a lot of people need at the beginning of a weight loss plan.
  • viola3500
    viola3500 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks grimendale! You read my mind. The structure and accountability are going to really work for me. I'll use QWLC and MFP for about six weeks, then only MFP after I've developed solid eating habits. QWLC is expensive, but, the investment keeps me disciplined. Their diet is a great teaching tool, and gives good direction on getting the weight off. I've already switched to the GNC gold standard whey protein shakes instead of the QWLC shake. Still looking for a buddy or two to join with me. Maybe we can start a QWLC forum?
  • cjen323
    cjen323 Posts: 20 Member
    hi, I gave up on qwlc because of the expense per pound... I lost some, but not enough.. I've spent lots of money so far..but has been unrealistic to follow the plan while working and having to deviate from salad at every meal. Any tips, encouragement is welcome.