Gained 3 lbs in 8 hours?!

curlgirl_03 Posts: 49
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Good morning all...

I have a situation.. Last night I ate probably well over my Net limit but felt okay because I was very active throughout the day. I ate great throughout the day until I went to a friends house and she cooked dinner: Grilled fish with an Italian bread crust, brown rice with mixed veggies. Sounds healthy, right? She used a LOT more butter than I would have preferred, however, and that is the basis of my situation...

I weighed 150 the morning and the day before that evening and when I woke up this morning, I weighed 153!!! WTHeck?? Is it just water weight retention from all the sodium I took in last night or what? I drank my 8 glasses like I was supposed to and still ballooned.. Another thing is that I don't FEEL bloated. I feel quite thin actually :happy: but my scale says different and I prefer the scale's reading over my own lol

Is this only temporary? If I continue my normal activities and eating habits (all pretty healthy) will this bloat or whatever it is go away just as fast as it came?


  • You are probably just retaining a lot of water. The same thing happened to my wife last weekend. We went out for a movie and she thought she had been doing really good so she bought a single scoop of ice cream. Oh was she pissed the next morning; 2 lbs overnight. She lost them within 2 days. You should be back at your weight either by tonight or tomorrow afternoon. It is scary when you see LBS go up so quickly yet it takes days for shred 1 lbs.

    Good luck!
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    Water retention. Just keep drinking water and it should flush out by tomorrow. I empathize with you though. I hate when that happens.
  • That is very reassuring, thank you :smile:

    Side note: I did notice that my nose, fingers, and toes were all swollen when I woke up :grumble:
  • Weight goes up and down regularly - water retention, food digestion, etc. This is why weighing yourself once a week is suggested. You obviously didn't gain 3 lbs overnight.
  • Yes, it is temporary. That happened to me on Easter. I ate WHATEVER I wanted to. The next morning I was up a few lbs. It will balance out in a couple of days if you stay on track. At least that's been my experience. It is frustrating though!
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Me too. I drank lots of water last weekend, and on Monday I weighed myself. I gained 2 pounds. But, as soon as I started peeing and sweating, I lost it, and more. Good luck. Stay strong.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    Yes, it is probably just water weight. If you are watching what you are eating then in a few days that number should go back down.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Me too! and I ate great! I think it was 2.2 lbs I gained. However, I ate late. Is that what happened?
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Don't eat less than 3 hours before bed...

    I normally have my last meal between 5-6pm each night.

    Don't stress over's not 3 lbs of FAT - you probably need to have a huge bowel movement...

    Weigh yourself on Monday - you should be back to 150.

    Clean eatin' this weekend & Excerise! - watch your sodium intake & drink your water...! :wink:
  • Our bodies are really weird like that. We can fluctuate in weight by 3 pounds or so and still look and feel the same. Your weight will undoubtedly go back to normal in a day or so... There a number of factors that cause the weight shift in our bodies. Just keep eating right and doing what you've been doing and you should go back to normal. :-) I'm rooting for you!
  • They're all right. I doubt it's a super power. If it was, that would suck hard. I'd rather have the Jedi push or something. :laugh:
  • Charlea1981
    Charlea1981 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey yes Sodium drink more water, also is it your TOM or near TOM? I put on 4lbs when TOM or around that date!!!
  • Me too! and I ate great! I think it was 2.2 lbs I gained. However, I ate late. Is that what happened?

    That Is exactly what happened. I am not a night owl lol and she made "dinner" at around 9.. Pretty close to my bedtime and I went to bed at around 12 that night. I think I probably should have let it digest first??? IDK
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Our bodies can flucuate up to 8 lbs in any given 24 hours. Don't stress over it. Drink your water. Eat healthy. It's likely the difference in foods & sodium. Besides, don't forget the actualy weight of the food you ate. Don't stress (yes, I know I said it twice - it really is that important). Carry on with what you are doing & you will be fine.
  • kthume03
    kthume03 Posts: 15 Member
    Honestly there are a lot of different research out there about how often you should weigh your self if its daily or weekly. The thought is that if you weigh daily you get to caught up in the numbers and freak out. Our weight goes up and down about 2 pounds on a daily basis due to water retention and other factors. The flip side is if you are gaining a pound a day and are not weighing daily you won't catch it until you have gained seven pounds at the end of the week. So unfortunatly its a personal choice I go through period where I do both If I get really frustrated with the scale on a daily basis I just stay away from it for awhile especially when I know I have been doing everything right.
  • Honestly there are a lot of different research out there about how often you should weigh your self if its daily or weekly. The thought is that if you weigh daily you get to caught up in the numbers and freak out.

    I normall weigh in about every Sunday, but I KNEW after last night something was gonna happen.. call it my "gut" feeling lol pun intended!
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