Feeling overwhelmed

I recently hit a bump on the road and it really caused my diet to go all over the place. I used to live within walking distance of school and work. My schedule was fairly regular and i had a good quality of sleep and enough time to do everything. I had to move somewhere else and now my commute is about one hour and twenty minutes. My days went from 8am to 6pm to 6:30am to 9:30 pm. I find it very difficult to plan healthy meals when I am away from home for such long hours. I started eating crap food as a result (I don't always have time to cook or do groceries), skipped the gym and put on weight again. Anyone with a very hectic schedule can give me some tips on balancing everything. I just feel overwhelmed by all of that.


  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    You will make room for whatever is most important to you.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Oh my goodness, I feel your pain and my heart goes out to you. I moved out to the boondocks and lived there for three years. I would head out at 5am and return between 8 and 830pm. I learned that I needed to pack 3 sets of clothing with me. I worked out in the am so I would wear my workout gear out the door and have work clothing and after work clothing for errands on the way home. Sometimes I would add an additional workout so I would just pack more clean workout gear along with my regular stuff.
    I also would cook big meals that could be portioned out into single servings lasting about 3 to 4 days. I also made friends with the crockpot. I would make overnight oats and portion that out for breakfasts.
    I would pack a feed bag with all meals, snacks, including dinner and waters. I ate most of my meals in my car, between clients or after my workout. I would do all errands, including grocery shop on the way home.
    When I got home I would then roast a few servings of veggies, make some salads and start the crockpot with whatever meal I had planned.
    It was doable. I was tired but I did it. I know you can do it. Just know you have to put some more thought in to it. It gets easier.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Pre-log your days and take your day's off, to prepare meals for the week. It all comes down to making time for what's important.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    find a way to replace that walking time you lost and start going to the gym again!
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