Always starving, never full



  • beldona1
    beldona1 Posts: 17 Member
    JessieLMay wrote: »
    So I am not new to weight loss, or MFP. In fact, I have lost decent amounts of weight in decent amounts of time.

    But, since having my first kid in 2011, I never ever get that full feeling. Heck, I don't even get a satisfied feeling. I am always left hungry.

    I have been on a Dr supervised diet since 2013, on and off, and this feeling only seems to get worse.

    She recommended more protein, more fiber, and more water. I did this, and still to this day, and still, nothing.

    No matter what I eat or drink, I feel it. And it's only worse when I exercise, obviously due to metabolism increase.

    This leads me to believe that is is brain function or hormones that are whacky.

    I recently moved and no longer see the same doctor. In fact, my last visit 2 weeks ago, put me on phentermine and recommended weight loss surgery - Which I am doing.

    This discussion thread is not about your opinions on the weight loss pills or surgery, or for you to tell me to eat more protein, fiber, and drink more water. I've already heard that a billion times and as stated, it's not working for me.

    This thread is for those who have struggled with this. How do you over come it? I am a stay at home mom so my mind isn't always occupied enough to keep it off of eating. My willpower is crap too, how can I improve that? I am an emotional eater, and for the most part, have that under control these days.

    Thank you.

    How does surgery fix.. " leads me to believe that is is brain function or hormones that are whacky."

    What kind of surgery are you getting? As "My willpower is crap too" Would mean a big no. For most of them.

    I think being a stay at home mom contributes to you issue. I gained so much when i was! As you just keep eating, your brain makes you think your hungry but it just that the food is there. Maybe make sure you leave the house each day to get your mind on other things. Join a mommy meet and greet. They take their kids for group outings to parks, picnics, fun free events!

    This is a rough idea of the diet that made me lose 100lbs

    Breakfast: 2 eggs, bacon, toast, protein shake.

    Snack: Banana Large

    Lunch: Smoked Salmon salad or Chicken sandwich

    Snack: Apple, V8 juice, almonds

    Dinner: Roast turkey breast or corned beef, Sweet potato, broccoli, home made wedges.

    Snack: Carrots, Celery and peanut butter.

    I ate Between 1300 - 1900 calories each day. Weighed in once a month. Measured everything on a scale. Counted everything that went in my mouth. Even herbs. Never cheated, Made it my routen.

    If you can do this and you still gain weight. Then you have a hormonal issue which can only be fixed with medication.

    If you can't stick to it the issue is probably mental.

    In both cases you need to see a good medical profession.

  • beldona1
    beldona1 Posts: 17 Member
    Did you eat the same meal everyday or did you switch it up?
  • MacCroc
    MacCroc Posts: 50 Member
    What's your calorie intake? I had the same problem for a long time, which eventually led me to having an ED, untill I realised that what I considered 'normal' intake was twice lower them my actual needs. Try this for a more accurate calorie calculator
  • LLEB1992
    I'm 22 and I've never felt full. What does help and don't hate when I say this but if I drink coke zero I don't want want as much food.
  • Grace215lbs
    Grace215lbs Posts: 129 Member
    beldona1 wrote: »
    Did you eat the same meal everyday or did you switch it up?

    I mixed it up. That just gives you a rough idea of one of my low calorie days.

    I can give you a few more examples of different things i'd eat throughout the week.

    Breakfast: Porridge, Protein shake, protein pancakes, Eggs, bacon, toast, Tuna omelet, Boiled eggs,

    Lunch: Smoked salmon salad, greek salad, sushi, butter chicken, chicken sandwich, Eggplant lasagna, Zucchini bake.

    Roast Chicken, Roast Turkey, Roast Beef, potato, sweet potato, wedges, broccoli, vege curry, Chicken tandori, butter chicken, Stews, Soups , Tuna bake.

    Snacks: Fruit! Cut up veges, nuts, dried fruits, trail mix, protein shake, muesli bar,

    I also like to drink Coke Zero when i'm craving something sweet. Though i usually take an apple or banana with me when i go out.

    So long as it fits into your macros and you make sure you eat with in them you'll lose weight and if you are finding you're genuinely hungry you'll learn pretty quickly to eat more fresh veges low in calories but more filling and less junk food.

    I also did jack all exercise. I can't do much due to knee surgery so i did nothing for the first 45lbs down, then i mainly went for little walks with my dog 30mins a day 3 days a week. Sometimes i do some weight lifting when i'm bored, just youtube videos and small weights or water bottles. You've just got to want it bad enough to change your life style one baby step at a time.

    Ask yourself this and please be honest. If it takes you 5 years of strict eating to get to goal would you still do it?
    If the answer is no, then you're never going to reach a goal and maintain. Sorry. A quick fix is just that. Quick. You'll gain the weight back and be more depressed than ever. So once you're in the mind set of changing your LIFE then you can be successful one step at a time. You need to change your life in order for this to work for life. It sounds hard, and it can be at first but if you want it and you're willing to learn life style changes you can do it. MFP is always here for you. All of you.
  • nuvimi
    nuvimi Posts: 103 Member
    It would help if you could open your diary so we can see what you're eating.
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    I always wonder why people write a lot in a post with all possible issues and problems and end with: "I will do this and that and I don't want any advise."

    So just a little something from me, not as advise, just something to think about:
    there are lots of people who lost weight with surgery but there are also a lot who didn't, just you wouldn't hear as much about. It will possibly not solve your problem. Weightloss is in 98% of cases mind over matter.
    Without the right state of mind a knife will not help you.
    And if your state of mind is right, a knife isn't necessary.
  • fraklein
    fraklein Posts: 61 Member
    I've lost about 75 pounds in the last year without an exercise program or feeling hungry. I eat lots of healthy fats, just enough protein to maintain muscle mass, and little to no sugar and carbs. No grains or starches.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I use to not ever feel full, it wasn't hormonal for me, it was mental. I was trying to fill a hole that food could not fill. I was constantly craving something else. Though something else never helped.
    I only over came it by calling it out as what it was, it was not hunger, it was an emptiness.

    Now I no longer feel hungry, haven't figured out how that works, I can go over 24 hours with out eating and not feel hungry, but I track so that I'm fueling my body most days.
  • TheRealKit
    TheRealKit Posts: 97 Member
    Something they do not express enough with weight loss surgery is that it isn't the easy fix you assume it to be. It takes dedication to follow the diet . Some have great success and some end up with major health issues /complications.

    I have a friend that had a rupture due to gorging herself after surgery. 28 years old and her kids no longer have their mom. I have other friends and coworkers who have had amazing results. Some have issues now with kidney stones and absorption issues. Everyone is different. More than likely your constant hunger could be stress and not actual hunger.

    I wish you luck in your journey, just make sure you address any emotional issues etc before attempting surgery. I am taking adipex right now and just love having the extra energy .

    Just remember surgery can have so many risks. Lots of people lose hundreds of pounds without it .
  • nuttynanners
    nuttynanners Posts: 249 Member
    kpedersen3 wrote: »
    Don't eat cereal, bread, pasta, muffins, granola bars, added sugar, nuts, hummus, peanut butter, nuts, etc. I'm not kidding. DON'T EAT THEM. It's not about eating more protein, it's about NOT eating trigger foods that activate your desire to eat and those foods that spike and drop your sugar levels. Try it. Eat eggs, protein, vegetables, fruit, Greek yogurt, etc.

    Yeaaah, I'm gonna have to disagree on hummus, nut, and nut butters, there. Even granola bars can be okay if the ingredients check out. If it contains healthy fats, it's gonna help fill you up.

    Also, OP, you might not like this advice but it really could be psychological. I find that I have struggled with physical pain before, only to talk to a doctor who says it is stress related! Not what I wanted to hear, but as soon as they told me to relax more, I became aware of what I was doing to cause the tension and it steadily reduced. Now, hunger may be different, but if your brain is telling you to eat more when you're already feeding yourself, you may need to just redirect your mental energy. It could just be a case of mind over matter.

    Then again, we don't know exactly what you are eating or how often you are able to exercise, so it could be a number of things.

    Also...maybe, before you have surgery, have your thyroid checked?
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    When I diet I do feel hungry all day even though I'm actually eating. I think the reason is that I'm eating healthier foods so they are different, I'm eating lighter foods so they are not as heavy so I feel less full and I'm thinking of food all day as I'm having to plan out each meal. On my diet now I'm actually eating breakfast which before I was skipping but now- at breakfast I'm hungry wanting even more food. My exercise has not changed but my focus on food has. Anyone that goes to more vegetables, fruit, water away from sandwiches, fast food, processed foods.. it makes total sense you feel that way!! I'm within the acceptable weight for my age and I feel that way too all the time.
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    kpedersen3 wrote: »
    Don't eat cereal, bread, pasta, muffins, granola bars, added sugar, nuts, hummus, peanut butter, nuts, etc. I'm not kidding. DON'T EAT THEM. It's not about eating more protein, it's about NOT eating trigger foods that activate your desire to eat and those foods that spike and drop your sugar levels. Try it. Eat eggs, protein, vegetables, fruit, Greek yogurt, etc.

    Yes, I have tried those. They do not work. I can eat an entire carton of eggs and feel nothing. Same with fruits and veggies. I can eat and eat and eat them and feel nothing.
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    I lose about 20 lbs in a month before I fall off the track, and gain it all back. I have over 100lbs to lose.
    With the surgery, I am going into counseling for anything and everything mental and emotional that is coming my way. It is not just get the surgery, and then they send you on your way. They say that I am mentally capable of the surgery and what comes after.
    Also, I am not looking into advice into what I am eating, because it is not what I am eating. I was under a dr supervised diet, that was made to make you full, and I felt nothing. The downfall was my dr did not address the issue other than, "keep trying", which is why I came here. I know it can be hormones and mental issues, which is what I came here for. I do not get another dr, weight loss specialized, until later this month, or possibly next, so in the mean time, I figured I would come here to get advice to cope, but instead, people get nasty about it, or as I said, tell me something I have heard and tried a million times before.
    MrM27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you lose?
    How much weight do you have to lose?
    Have they talked to you about mentally what's in store after weight loss surgery?
    If you're not looking for advice on what you're eating then it limits the help.

  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    I always wonder why people write a lot in a post with all possible issues and problems and end with: "I will do this and that and I don't want any advise."

    So just a little something from me, not as advise, just something to think about:
    there are lots of people who lost weight with surgery but there are also a lot who didn't, just you wouldn't hear as much about. It will possibly not solve your problem. Weightloss is in 98% of cases mind over matter.
    Without the right state of mind a knife will not help you.
    And if your state of mind is right, a knife isn't necessary.

    With the surgery, I am going into counseling for anything and everything mental and emotional that is coming my way. It is not just get the surgery, and then they send you on your way. They say that I am mentally capable of the surgery and what comes after.
    Also, I am not looking into advice into what I am eating, because it is not what I am eating. I was under a dr supervised diet, that was made to make you full, and I felt nothing. The downfall was my dr did not address the issue other than, "keep trying", which is why I came here. I know it can be hormones and mental issues, which is what I came here for. I do not get another dr, weight loss specialized, until later this month, or possibly next, so in the mean time, I figured I would come here to get advice to cope, but instead, people get nasty about it, or as I said, tell me something I have heard and tried a million times before.

  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    nuvimi wrote: »
    It would help if you could open your diary so we can see what you're eating.

    It's friends only.
    Also, I am not looking into advice into what I am eating, because it is not what I am eating. I was under a dr supervised diet, that was made to make you full, and I felt nothing. The downfall was my dr did not address the issue other than, "keep trying", which is why I came here. I know it can be hormones and mental issues, which is what I came here for. I do not get another dr, weight loss specialized, until later this month, or possibly next, so in the mean time, I figured I would come here to get advice to cope, but instead, people get nasty about it, or as I said, tell me something I have heard and tried a million times before.

  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    LLEB1992 wrote: »
    I'm 22 and I've never felt full. What does help and don't hate when I say this but if I drink coke zero I don't want want as much food.

    No, it's funny because a can of Dr Pepper (I dont do diet sodas) is the only thing that can help me temporary stop eating food. But since I am trying to stay away from pop, that is not an option every time. Unfortunately, high protein and high fiber foods do not help either. I can eat an entire chicken, and it's eggs and still feel like I haven't ate :(
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    Ask yourself this and please be honest. If it takes you 5 years of strict eating to get to goal would you still do it?
    If the answer is no, then you're never going to reach a goal and maintain. Sorry. A quick fix is just that. Quick. You'll gain the weight back and be more depressed than ever. So once you're in the mind set of changing your LIFE then you can be successful one step at a time. You need to change your life in order for this to work for life. It sounds hard, and it can be at first but if you want it and you're willing to learn life style changes you can do it. MFP is always here for you. All of you.[/quote]

    I have been doing it for 2 years already, so yes, I would. I am not looking for a quick fix all together. My drs want the quick fix so that I am not as heavy. I am alot heavier than my picture makes me look lol. The pills were to lose weight so that I can also exercise along with my diet. At my weight now, I can severely injure myself, even just walking, which I experienced yesterday :(
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    I often find that never full feeling even though I know my stomach is stuffed when I eat too much sugar or simple carby things. May be mental, but that's how it works for me.

    When I can't feel satiated I eat more fat. More fat always fixes it. I can eat carby things like ice cream just fine just can't do things like lowfat cookies or bread and some candies and such. Basically if I don't eat quite a bit of fat I stay ravenous. (Also coupled with a good amount of protein, but if I eat just lowfat protein I still have the same issue).

    I will experiment with that. Thank you.