Brides 2015


My name is Nicole and I am getting married in October of 2015. I have been using MFP for about 2 year now and have lost about 25lbs. I'm looking to drop another 10lbs or so before the big day! I would love some new friends who are maybe getting married next year too and need some extra motivation! Or even just some new friends to hold me accountable regardless if they are getting married or not :)

Feel free to add me and let's help each other accomplish our fitness goals!



  • I know the feeling... Our wedding is May 2, 2015 and of course I wait till the last minute to try to drop some weight. Its just keeping that thought of how I look now versus how I want to look on the big day (not a big ball of white lol) Since I'm only 5'1 I'm trying to avoid looking like a blob any tips would be great since I'm just starting :-)
  • chelseairis88
    chelseairis88 Posts: 1 Member
    I completely understand my wedding is next November ... I figure if I start now I'll actually feel beautiful the day of my wedding

  • Exactly, I'm just going to push myself to actually get down and do these workouts every day and try to stay motivated . Just some days are so much harder than others. Lol

  • MrsRosenow
    MrsRosenow Posts: 109 Member
    We can do this ladies!! I sent you both a FR :smiley:
  • megbee617
    megbee617 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi there OP!

    I'm also getting married next October. I'm in the same exact boat as you, I lost 25lbs over the course of a year 2012-2013, but I haven't lost anything more over the past year 2013-2014. I really want to get down another 20lbs before the big day. It's hard considering all the wedding planning makes me want to stress eat!

    Feel free to FR me :)
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    So I'm not a bride... But my sister is getting married September 2015, and I will be the maid of honor! And I would really really like to NOT look fat/bloated for the pictures and all that (especially in the gold sequin dresses my sister would like us to wear); I am trying to kick at least 30 lbs off in the next 10 months (sooner would be better since there is still the bachelorette party too). I am frustrated since I started on here in January trying to drop pounds for a friend's wedding this past May, where I was a bridesmaid. Had some success at first, but managed to gain it all back in the month before the wedding. Now, since September, I am still at the same weight as when I first started in January, and just seem to be staying at that weight... Beyond frustrating! I know my weekends are my killer, but if only I could stay motivated enough to just keep going anyway... I do not want to be so obesely fat anymore!
  • blb85 wrote: »
    So I'm not a bride... But my sister is getting married September 2015, and I will be the maid of honor! And I would really really like to NOT look fat/bloated for the pictures and all that (especially in the gold sequin dresses my sister would like us to wear); I am trying to kick at least 30 lbs off in the next 10 months (sooner would be better since there is still the bachelorette party too). I am frustrated since I started on here in January trying to drop pounds for a friend's wedding this past May, where I was a bridesmaid. Had some success at first, but managed to gain it all back in the month before the wedding. Now, since September, I am still at the same weight as when I first started in January, and just seem to be staying at that weight... Beyond frustrating! I know my weekends are my killer, but if only I could stay motivated enough to just keep going anyway... I do not want to be so obesely fat anymore!

    I fell you on the weekend killer. My Fiance insists that I look fine and refuses to just eat at home or eat anything healthy for that matter. So I stick to my plan all week but come the weekend trees lots of extra food and no exercising except walking trails at a park near our home. I just started to say enough is enough. You are only as beautiful as you feel (or so I've been told) lol we can all get through this together. Plenty of positivity and motivation :-)
  • Operationweddings
    Operationweddings Posts: 22 Member
    Not a bride this year, I'm Getting married 2016. But I'm bridesmaid for my friends wedding in July 2015. I started losing weight before she even asked me, so I'm certain I'm not losing weight for a particular event- I'd just had enough! I started on 25th April 2014 at 236lbs... I'm now 185lb :-) I have 30-35lbs to go until my goal weight. I'm roughly 27lbs lighter than my profile pic. I am smaller but I'm in that awkward category ( not fat but not thin either ) I feel so much better and love trying on new clothes now!
  • Not a bride this year, I'm Getting married 2016. But I'm bridesmaid for my friends wedding in July 2015. I started losing weight before she even asked me, so I'm certain I'm not losing weight for a particular event- I'd just had enough! I started on 25th April 2014 at 236lbs... I'm now 185lb :-) I have 30-35lbs to go until my goal weight. I'm roughly 27lbs lighter than my profile pic. I am smaller but I'm in that awkward category ( not fat but not thin either ) I feel so much better and love trying on new clothes now!

    That's great to hear! Keep up the great work and you'll get there in no time :-)
  • Hello;
    My name is (Nat)alie, and I am 38.
    Wedding Date: April 11 2015
    Need support desperately.
    I was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and am very over-whelmed by the daunting life-style changes around me. I have a lot of family, friends, and people I know with Type 1 or 2 diabetes, however unfortunately none of them are good examples of how to look after yourself.
    They all don't take the diagnoses seriously and still eat what they want, and don't look after themselves, and for me this is a wake up call. Almost like I was waiting for something this extreme to kick me ***** to get healthy, be a better me, and really take this seriously....but WOW no idea where to start, how to feel and still feeling worried that I wont figure it out or navigate through how to start...
    Anyways looking for friends that can be supportive, motivating, share info (diaries to look at), and just share in this journey together. Thank you so much for reading!
    cheers~ Nat :)
  • LTee83
    LTee83 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey all...I'm getting married oct. of 2015 and need to lose 20 lbs. Would love to have friends on here going through the same. Feel free to add me.
  • I am not engaged. I just came here to say congratulations to you all! Have a happy and healthy marriage!
  • MrsRosenow
    MrsRosenow Posts: 109 Member
    I am not engaged. I just came here to say congratulations to you all! Have a happy and healthy marriage!

    Thank you so much!! :)

  • MrsRosenow
    MrsRosenow Posts: 109 Member
    I have friend requested all of you ladies! I hope we can encourage each other! I know how losing weight and staying on track can be difficult but with wonderful support anything is possible!

    Have a wonderful day!! I'll be here in MN loving this fresh snow fall!! :)
  • plowdy5
    plowdy5 Posts: 17 Member
    MEEEE! Getting married July 18, 2015 and found my dream dress this past weekend. <3 I set up alterations for April and hoping by then I'll have shed a few (20+) pounds. :) My goal would be to lose 35 total but by April may be a bit far fetched and I'm ok with that. Good luck to all of you and let's keep each other motivated!
  • Operationweddings
    Operationweddings Posts: 22 Member
    09NewMe12 wrote: »
    My name is (Nat)alie, and I am 38.
    Wedding Date: April 11 2015
    Need support desperately.
    I was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and am very over-whelmed by the daunting life-style changes around me. I have a lot of family, friends, and people I know with Type 1 or 2 diabetes, however unfortunately none of them are good examples of how to look after yourself.
    They all don't take the diagnoses seriously and still eat what they want, and don't look after themselves, and for me this is a wake up call. Almost like I was waiting for something this extreme to kick me ***** to get healthy, be a better me, and really take this seriously....but WOW no idea where to start, how to feel and still feeling worried that I wont figure it out or navigate through how to start...
    Anyways looking for friends that can be supportive, motivating, share info (diaries to look at), and just share in this journey together. Thank you so much for reading!
    cheers~ Nat :)

    Hi Natalie. Sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. But I am glad to hear you're taking this seriously, unfortunately my grandmother passed away at just 54 because of untreated type 2 diabetes... Because she didn't FEEL poorly, she made the mistake of carrying in her lifestyle, until kidney failure took over! I do know lots of elderly people with diabetes too, and they DO look after themselves :) I've gone low carb, it's working for me. I've tried all sorts in 10 years and never stick at anything more than 3 weeks.... I'm 6.5 months into my new way of life.m
  • lexidear
    lexidear Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Brides! I'm getting married in April 2015. I really need to start taking this weight loss seriously as I keep putting on weight, not losing it! I'll have to lost a bit to fit into my dress, and more to look good! feel free to add me - please! I need all the inspiration I can get! lexi
  • Hey ladies! I'm getting married June 13th, 2015. I've struggled the last 2-3 years and put back on 50lbs of my previous 65lb weight loss :( I was so excited that my fiance proposed and I'm beyond extatic to spend the rest of my life with him. He as been with me through my weight loss and my more recent gain so I know he can see beyond it but I remember how I felt when I was 50lbs lights and I desperately want to feel that good about myself again. I purchased a treadmill this week, set it up last night and have run (slow jog for most) 2 miles already. I'm motivated to do this! Feel free to add me and if you notice me drop off your news feed, give me hell!! I will do my best to encourage and motivate you all as well. Congrats to everyone here, whether you're getting married or you've been chosen to be in someone's bridal party!
  • Tim_Simons
    Tim_Simons Posts: 64 Member
    Wishing you soon to be brides all the best on your wedding day. Stay motivated to achieve the body you want before your wedding day. With the best gowns that will fit and show off the bodice. Balance your food intake and exercise to keep things moderated.
  • xtinalee17
    xtinalee17 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All! I am getting married in April 2015. I have been really dedicated to my goals over the past 75 days and lost 20 lbs. Looking to loose a total of 65 or more ultimately but for now focusing on loosing 30 more by the wedding to put me in under 200 lbs. At 6 lbs a month I am hoping to do so! Height: 5'4'', CW: 230 Feel free to add me. Always looking for supportive people during this journey.
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