Getting Back on Track after a Slide :-)

hey y'all--so, after numerous upheavals in the past year, i really let my healthy eating and exercise plan slide. couldn't snap out of it til i got word from my doctor this week that my cholesterol had gone up 30 points in the past year. Doh! Time to stop with all the cookies and candy and binge eating in front of the tv, and get back on track! feeling very good about it, too. Made two batches of healthy soup this week, e.g., and packaged it up for the coming week's lunches, started back on some mild exercise to build back up my energy and endurance...anyone else getting back on track?


  • busdriver2011
    oh, but on the bright side, i did NOT go back to smoking--a 3.5 year quit still strong, so i got that going for me. :wink:
  • jameschic007
    jameschic007 Posts: 5 Member
    I am getting back on track myself. Great job on maintaining your abstinence from smoking!
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    I started getting back on track in January. I have lost 118 pounds since then. Feel free to add me as I want to help other get and stay on track.
  • harjay66
    Good luck, lady. Im also getting back on track. I have 45 pounds to go!!
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Also getting back on track after a year of 'Gym? I'll go tomorrow' and 'Cake...ooh yeah!'. Well done on the no smoking, that's another slide for me...blah!! Onwards and upwards :smiley:
  • vickiessecret
    vickiessecret Posts: 119 Member
    Yes I'm trying to get back on track myself. I just had my 4th child the end of July, so the end of this month he will be 4 months old. I need to get this weight off, I have about 48lbs to get of to get to my pre pregnancy weight and then another 50lbs to lose. In total I need to lose 100lbs and hope to get there by next year :)
  • busdriver2011
    Nice to know i'm not alone! just got myself outside for a walk, a little shopping, and back here for a bowl of homemade split pea soup. yum! starting to get the hang of this again. First day back, all i could think was, "is that all i get to eat???" great job, everyone, getting back on track--that's the first step.
  • fonz94
    fonz94 Posts: 2 Member
    I am all set to start again tomorrow. Feel massive after a week off work with an injured back. Need to get back into it and stop eating cake.
  • maria0elisa
    maria0elisa Posts: 199 Member
    Maybe a good idea after a slide is to go for a run? Kind of shocks you into action I found!
  • KandGRanch
    KandGRanch Posts: 131 Member
    Getting back on track after a year full of disasters, near-misses, and emergencies.