Anyone take Remeron/Miratazapine?

Anyone else here take remeron? I started about 3 months ago and gave myself time to get used to the new medication but now I cannot get the weight off! I'm not gaining but the way im eating I should be loosing. I lost 7 pounds before the meds and since starting I loose 2 at the most and then it slowly comes back. I've been stuck at 160/161 for weeks! I'm so frustrated b/c im working so hard. Just wondering how other people think this particular med affects weightloss. I really don't want to change meds b/c I've finally found something that works! I'm a 24 year old female 5'8, if it helps. Thanks in advance!


  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    I've had that happen before with other medicine. I forgot what it was...I was trying to find the right meds and switched around alot lol. It took twice as much to make the weight come off. I am taking a break from med's to see if I can do it the natural way lol...if tahts possible
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    Have you researched it online? Just a quick glance will show you that this medication does induce weight gain for many different reasons. I don't know what to say - except that you might have to decide which is more important to you. If it makes you feel better, sometimes that's worth more than anything. Good luck to you on your decision. It's got to be hard, I'm sure. I was on Zoloft and gained quite a bit of weight myself. I've been off of it for almost a year and now I'm losing. I would hate to see you struggle with your weight loss - you'll have to learn for yourself if it's even possible to lose on this medication. But like I say, sometimes the "relief" that comes with these meds is worth it. Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • BandMom2
    BandMom2 Posts: 64
    I do not take it but I am a nurse and know that sometimes we give Remeron to elderly pt to help them gain wt. That said you made the point that you are not eating more AND found a drug that is working. I personally think that your mental health is far more important than your wt. You may have to work a bit harder, maybe bump up you exercise or something. If the Remeron is working don't give up on it. I will also say that the wt gaining affects for our pts. are what we think of as short term about 2-3 months then we have to change them.
  • Remeron is known to cause weight gain. It's a great antidepressant, but yeah, good for those who need/want to gain weight. Not for those who need/want to lose.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Many antidepressants cause weigt gain as side effects. Even with a healthy lifestyle.
    If weight is one of the things that contributes to the cycle of depression for you, you may want to take to the prescribing physician about other options. Be sure to let him or her know about your goals and how the medication can fit into that.

    From Pub Med, (because I can't get access to the online CPS right now)

    Mirtazapine may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:





    •increased weight and appetite

    •dry mouth



  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    Bleh. Thanks guys. Bittersweet news. My dr asks me every apt how the weight loss is coming/ am I happy with my weight but I basically always say im hopeful things will go in right direction bc im working so hard. I assumed hard work would pay off but I don't want to be naive and set myself up for failure =/ I've tried so many meds. Something to think about for sure.
  • I'm on Remeron, too, and I feel your pain. I'm currently on 1230 calorie diet, and I'm trying to exercise more and more during the week (about half an hour of swing dance and jive fitness routines and about an hour of Pilates). It's excruciating. I've maybe lost 2 pounds this past week (down from around 181 to 179.4; I'm 5'6" and 25 years old). I thank God for Remeron because it got me out of a dark time and helped to normalize me so I could work through my issues. I was off of it successfully for 6 months in 2009, but when I was getting stressed out at my new school, I went back on it at my physician's suggestion. My mental health is important to me, but I think it's unreasonable and unacceptable to have to either weigh almost 200 lbs or starve myself and literally exercise my behind off to have it treated. Will be contacting my doctor soon to find a different solution.
  • Mucky_Duck
    Mucky_Duck Posts: 73
    I'm just going on to it :/. Really not looking forward to the predicted weight gain but i've already tried 5 different anti-depressants over the past 4 years and in the grand scheme of things the ability to function during the day has to take priority over my weight. I truly sympathize. I think we just have to be even more careful about our diet and make sure the exercise is kept up with the ultimate goal of finding some kind of method that helps combat the depression and allows one to come off medication completely.
  • heather752
    heather752 Posts: 17
    Well, I have been on remeron for 6 months now! It is a fantastic drug but I did put on weight quick! That was also before I started watching what I eat! During the time I started remeron I was most likely eating well over twice the calories I should have been.

    From what I have been told is that this drug won't really make you gain weight on it's own.....and before you all jump down my throat for saying that, let me finish. Remeron triggers receptors that can increase your appetite (which is why people gain weight).

    So if you are careful about what you eat and when it shouldn't be a huge problem! Now that I am on this site and I am watching my diet, things are getting better and the weight is coming back off.
  • I have been on the Remeron for the past 3 wks. Psychologically, I feel really good, but it has come with a 16 lb weight gain. Not exciting!! I am 33yrs old, 5'4 and went from 170 to 186 lbs. This time last year, I was 145lbs. Due to stress, depression and a sedentary lifestyle I gained the other 25lbs. The Remeron seems to work well and I love the intense vivid dreams.....especially when they are about fun stuff :0)
    With that said, I will give myself another 4 to 6 wks on the med. I have changed my diet to high protein and low carbs, and I have started working out. I will see how this works. Good luck to everyone with the mental health and weight loss goals. I will be happy to see my scale say 160lbs :)
  • astrealaw
    astrealaw Posts: 1 Member
    I gained 25 pounds over 2 years but it is the only drug that gives me good sleep and helps my nighttime worrying anxiety
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    I used to take it and oh my goodness i was ravenous and exhausted on it. I had to stop it, it was too much for me.