Should I adjust my caloric intake since my weight loss has slowed?

Hi, everyone! Since joining MFP, I've lost 29 pounds in 4.5 months. I'm a 5'3 female and my starting weight was 172. Right now, I'm 143 pounds trying to get to 128. I've been eating around 1600 calories a day and alternate cardio and strength training days with one rest day (I burn about 350 calories when I do cardio). Weight loss seems to have slowed significantly lately. I am still losing inches, just at a slow pace. I'm not sure if I should lower my caloric intake, as that might make my deficit too low after exercise. For example, if I eat 1300 calories and burn 350 through cardio, I would probably be doing more harm than good. I'm just confused. Should I eat less to speed up weight loss again, or should I keep my calories the same? Thanks for any advice :)


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    If you're still losing, just at a slower pace, then all is good. Remember the less you have to lose, the less aggressive that goal should be. WTG on the loss!
  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    If you're still losing, just at a slower pace, then all is good. Remember the less you have to lose, the less aggressive that goal should be. WTG on the loss!
    She's right you know!! :) GREAT job!

  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks you guys :smile:
  • ElizabethMaryam
    ElizabethMaryam Posts: 159 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    If you're still losing, just at a slower pace, then all is good. Remember the less you have to lose, the less aggressive that goal should be. WTG on the loss!

    ^^^^ this :). Congratulations on your success so far!!! You're doing great
  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    If you're still losing, just at a slower pace, then all is good. Remember the less you have to lose, the less aggressive that goal should be. WTG on the loss!
    Thanks :) I have to keep reminding myself that I'm in no rush. I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and try to stop being so anxious about the pace. Thank you guys so much for the quick replies and support. You guys are awesome!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    If i was you, i would check my calorie intake on a TDEE calculator. This means that you just use an average factor instead of assuming your calorie count for exercise is accurate. I have always found this method to be reliable. According to the calculator below, you could eat 1400 calories a day whereas 1300 is too low. I made the assumption for you of light activity/1-3 days a week of exercise.

    When you use a TDEE calculator, you are calculating your total daily energy expenditures so then then you take off calories from the total to create a deficit. Any deficit should give you a loss. Of course the lower the deficit, the slower the loss. But you don't want to lose too fast anyway. At your current weight, you should not aim for more more than 1 pound a week.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    U have done amazing
  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    Patttience wrote: »
    If i was you, i would check my calorie intake on a TDEE calculator. This means that you just use an average factor instead of assuming your calorie count for exercise is accurate. I have always found this method to be reliable. According to the calculator below, you could eat 1400 calories a day whereas 1300 is too low. I made the assumption for you of light activity/1-3 days a week of exercise.

    When you use a TDEE calculator, you are calculating your total daily energy expenditures so then then you take off calories from the total to create a deficit. Any deficit should give you a loss. Of course the lower the deficit, the slower the loss. But you don't want to lose too fast anyway. At your current weight, you should not aim for more more than 1 pound a week.
    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to check it out asap and see what it recommends. Also, you're totally right that I should change my expectations a bit. I think I've gotten spoiled by seeing the numbers disappear rapidly on the scale each week, lol. I'm going to aim for a pound a week (less is okay) and be happy
  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    U have done amazing
    Thanks :) I feel so much better now that I've lost some weight and started eating healthier.
  • Rosmerly318
    Rosmerly318 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat. Except i'm 5'4 ... I started at 176 and am now stuck at 140-143ish.. but have lost inches recently. I workout 6 days a week. Its tough when it slows down after consistent weight loss but we have to hang in there. I am aiming to get to 135.
  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    I am in the same boat. Except i'm 5'4 ... I started at 176 and am now stuck at 140-143ish.. but have lost inches recently. I workout 6 days a week. Its tough when it slows down after consistent weight loss but we have to hang in there. I am aiming to get to 135.

    It can be totally frustrating. I try to remember how much closer I am to my goal than I was before I satrted. I agree that we just have to hang in there and keep at it. When we reach our goals, we'll be happy we did