Looking for Medifasters

I am on day 9 of Medifast with 14 pounds down. I am really liking it and finding it doable after a period of adjustment of a week. I am looking for a group, but can't find a search feature for groups anymore, and don't have time for scrolling through 1000+ pages of groups.

Also looking for friends on Medifast if you have a lot to lose, we can use all the support we can find!


  • I've been on Medifast since Jan. 4, 2014. I lost 63 lbs., then had to take an 8-week break for an unrelated medical issue. Over this time, due to my medical issue, I gained 10 lbs. So now the issue is resolved and I'm back on MF as of last Wednesday.

    I can't figure out how to search for groups either, but I did find this one somehow: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/706-medifast-losers

    Good luck on your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend. My diary is viewable to friends.
  • GryffynsMom
    GryffynsMom Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - I'm Medifasting too! Began today. Used it previously and had success - but let the lbs creep up again. (It will be a lifelong battle for me.) The 1st few days are usually the most difficult. This time I'm doing the 5/2 plan which allows me 2 lean & green meals per day plus 5 Medifast supplements. My favorites are the soups, cheese puffs, and brownies. Gets me through the sweet cravings. My husband is doing it with me, but he prefers the shakes instead of soups. Good luck!
  • Moot3
    Moot3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there! I am getting back to the Medifast diet! I just order my two week supply yesterday. I used Medifast previously and lost 52 lbs. I have let the weight creep back up since having an unsuccessful knee surgery June 2012 and the bad habits have run amuck again. :s
    - However, as a woman and a single mother and a medical professional, I know that my habits are far from good. I am convinced a lot of my trouble began in part due to depression of not being able to work out like I used to. I don't want my kids to learn these habits. One of my kiddos is already becoming chunky and refuses to eat anything but chips, candy and pizza. I have allowed it. Now it's time to get serious!!
    - Anyway...I don't have any support on my side of things - you know how it is "oh you look fine" "you're just big boned" "it's in your genetics" "when WOULD you have time to work out" "you are beautiful to me" "mom, you're not fat"...

  • Gotta_lose_it
    Gotta_lose_it Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! :-) I just placed my first Medifast order yesterday and am eagerly waiting for it to come! Would love to be able to add you all as friends on here if that's ok and have support.
  • baroquepop
    baroquepop Posts: 34 Member
    Yes, I do Medifast 5&1. It's good to see others here. I've lost about 10 average a month and have been since mid July '14. Probably doing 5&1 for a few more months and going to focus on transition and maintenance for the upcoming year to get maintenance at my goal weight down. Would love support! Thanks for reaching out!
  • Imtrish924
    Imtrish924 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on Medifast too! Would love support. Doing the 5&1 plan.
  • Xlyinia
    Xlyinia Posts: 19 Member
    I just started this week too, my goal is about 70 pounds away. This week I am feeling pretty good but low energy. the scale is moving the right direction though! I'd love a group to chat with about it share recipes with etc!
  • Xlyinia
    Xlyinia Posts: 19 Member
    Moot3 wrote: »
    Hey there! I am getting back to the Medifast diet! I just order my two week supply yesterday. I used Medifast previously and lost 52 lbs. I have let the weight creep back up since having an unsuccessful knee surgery June 2012 and the bad habits have run amuck again. :s
    - However, as a woman and a single mother and a medical professional, I know that my habits are far from good. I am convinced a lot of my trouble began in part due to depression of not being able to work out like I used to. I don't want my kids to learn these habits. One of my kiddos is already becoming chunky and refuses to eat anything but chips, candy and pizza. I have allowed it. Now it's time to get serious!!
    - Anyway...I don't have any support on my side of things - you know how it is "oh you look fine" "you're just big boned" "it's in your genetics" "when WOULD you have time to work out" "you are beautiful to me" "mom, you're not fat"...


    Oh my word! I know that compliment hole!! Friends tell me "You look somuch better than the last time you were at this weight!" Which is great and all but the problem is I am BACK at this weight!

    Glad to hear you had success, gives me hope!

    I find my excuses to work out are lessend with home workout options like DVDs and video games. Are these an option for you. I promise Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred will kick your butt in 20 mintues a day. And we can all spare 20 minutes right?!
  • jennilsf
    jennilsf Posts: 57 Member
    edited November 2014
    Busy day at work right guys?

    Cut it out.
    Exactly! The trolls are in full swing here. Think I will report this thread.

    Since I've searched a few similar threads today, I really just want to say that I'm confused and disappointed.

    I've been on MFP for a few years now, trying different plans and ratios of nutrients to lose the weight and, more importantly, maintain that loss. Recently, I married a chef, so it's extra hard now. After seeing the change a employee of his made, I decided to try what she did, and began Medifast this month. So far it's going great, and I'm still using MFP to track everything instead of their app.

    After searching boards for friends who are also on Medifast that would be willing to share diaries and offer suggestions and support, I've got to say, I'm utterly shocked at the lack of support, the snarky and judgemental responses, and the downright nasty behavior in this community, which until now has always been my rock and home base during all of my efforts to get healthy. I can't believe it. The flagging, the mean little comments, the assumption that everyone who dares to mention the "M" word is "working" and only trying to push it on others. I actually hadn't even heard of Medifast before our employee told me how she lost her weight, and am only looking for others who follow it and get ideas and information.

    But every thread I have found on it is flagged to death and full of negativity from those who oppose Medifast. I have never judged ANYONE for the choices they make in their own personal weight loss efforts, and I'm so disappointed in the way this is being handled. I just don't get it.

    I hope that others on Medi will friend me so we can share ideas, and I hope others drop the negativity. Even if we wouldn't personally choose some of the programs and methods used by others for ourselves, we need to offer support to everyone on this journey. I THOUGHT that's what MFP was all about...