I am starting a new diet/lifestyle plan. My goal is to have lost 10 pounds by the end of the month.


as i am a college student i have low funds for food so i generally eat the same foods to keep me under budget so i wonder will this plan work for me?

This is my typical daily diet:
- pint of lemon water
-10 minute abs workout (every morning)
-8:30 -9:00 breakfast: half a grape fruit, 20g porridge oats, handful of almonds and waltnuts, desert spoon of honey and the occasional spoon of low fat yogurt,

-lunch 12:30/13:00
soup (sometimes and a roll/slice of bread)
or a hardboiled egg sandwich

-snack 15:00
2x carrot / or a yogurt and banana

-Dinner 17:00/18:00
Pasta, pesto, fried egg/chicken may have a side salad also

-snack : a carrot/ waltnuts& almonds an yogurt

mondays i do self defense classes
tuesday: total body workout class
wednesdayself defense
thursday total body workout
friday jog/walk
sat-sunday days off where i work.

any and all suggestions would be appreciated


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited November 2014
    If that is a current picture of you, you should be aiming for 1/2 to 1 lb a week max.. but I wouldn't even know where you would have 28lbs to lose from. Second, your diet looks pretty bad. Protein seems really low and I suspect calories are even lower. Why not post your height and weight, and we can work a good plan for you. And you don't need to eat the same thing every day. You can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. Just aim to get most of your nutrient from nutrient dense foods and then add in whatever you want for the rest. Below are some general guidelines to follow for how much weight you should be aiming to lose.

    If you want, feel free to look at my diet. Also, what are your goals besides weight?

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    What's your height and current weight? Also, if you use the Diary feature and log in the foods you eat, we may be able to help you better if we're allowed to view it. Else, I do agree with the above, as what you've listed seems to be pretty low in calories and nutrients, considering your activity level of most days.
  • poohlover515
    poohlover515 Posts: 8 Member
    Hopefully, you take some advise from PPs and reevaluate your eating and workout habits. I mean, I'm that last to critique someones plan, but this doesn't seem healthy at all!

    And to be honest, this seems a little trollish! No posts, all the same type of pics. WAY too skinny in one of the pics, and then you post this really bad diet/workout plan at 4 am??? Maybe I'm wrong, but just my opinion.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Your diet is pretty bad.

    If that's your picture you should not be losing any weight at all. I'm sorry but if you're trying to lose 10 pounds you need to reevaluate you mind frame and maybe speak to a professional. This whole thing screams of ED. You actually look like you should be gaining weight.

    Looking at some of her pictures, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a history of an ED. If that still exist, I will mimic was Lis is saying by adding this: http://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/1575987-eating-disorder-resources
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Your diet is pretty bad.

    If that's your picture you should not be losing any weight at all. I'm sorry but if you're trying to lose 10 pounds you need to reevaluate you mind frame and maybe speak to a professional. This whole thing screams of ED. You actually look like you should be gaining weight.

    Looking at some of her pictures, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a history of an ED. If that still exist, I will mimic was Lis is saying by adding this: http://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/1575987-eating-disorder-resources

  • CaitrionaM94
    CaitrionaM94 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, am where to start,
    thank you for all your reply's. Firstly from the girl who said something about trolling, i dont know what that means but i from Ireland and i was around 11am when i put this up. AM thank you all for your concerns but i do not have an ED i love my food too much whch is that main problem in my life, Im a comfort eater. those pictures are inspiration not reality sadly.
    I'm trying to loose and tone for November is my goal so i was thinking of starting this today. like i did go through a stage (of about 4 weeks ) of eating very ;little but still didnt loose weight so i learnt pretty quickly thats not the answer to my problems, and lately ive been eating in big bunches for e.g today i had the same breakfast as described but also a bowl of granola, then or lunch i had pasta carbinara and carrots and a pack of caramel digestives. like when i start eating i cant stop but when i eventually stop i can put my self of for ages which is bad also so I'm very confused what to do. because i always tend to over eat and feel really sickly.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Hello, am where to start,
    thank you for all your reply's. Firstly from the girl who said something about trolling, i dont know what that means but i from Ireland and i was around 11am when i put this up. AM thank you all for your concerns but i do not have an ED i love my food too much whch is that main problem in my life, Im a comfort eater. those pictures are inspiration not reality sadly.
    I'm trying to loose and tone for November is my goal so i was thinking of starting this today. like i did go through a stage (of about 4 weeks ) of eating very ;little but still didnt loose weight so i learnt pretty quickly thats not the answer to my problems, and lately ive been eating in big bunches for e.g today i had the same breakfast as described but also a bowl of granola, then or lunch i had pasta carbinara and carrots and a pack of caramel digestives. like when i start eating i cant stop but when i eventually stop i can put my self of for ages which is bad also so I'm very confused what to do. because i always tend to over eat and feel really sickly.

    Honestly, the fact that you binge and then go on a very low low calorie diet are signs of eating disorder. The fact that one of your pictures shows a lot of hip bones is another indication. Not trying to be rude, but rather put out there.

    In terms of your eating, start tracking calories, pick up a food scale and log daily. Also concentrate on some heavy lifting.

    But for a starting point, why not post your height and weight. And we can help figure out the rest.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited November 2014

    Welcome to the forums. Since you have four similar pictures in your profile, I'm going to take a wild guess that the pictures are of you. You look very slender, maybe even underweight.

    I hope I'm misreading, but does your ticker indicate you want to lose 28 pounds? Gosh, I hope I'm misreading it. :smile:

    I also suggest you talk with your school counsel regarding your need to lose further weight.

    I know you are a college student on a limited budget, but have you thought of a different approach? Perhaps go to the school gym and do some weight lifting? Change up your diet to include more protein and fats, and eat at a calorie surplus so that you actually put on a few pounds.

    ETA: I see in your reply that the picture are not of you, but of who you want to look like. Sweetie, please do not choose such a thin body type model. She does not look healthy at all.

    Even though the pictures are not of you, I echo the continued concern about talking with your college counselor.

    Finally, I visited Ireland in in September of this year. I was there for 14 days, and man is the food good! :smiley: What a wonderful trip that was.